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What community members are working on today
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Wed, Mar 15, 2017 #5

Open shea256 opened 7 years ago

shea256 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday I focused on operational tasks, mainly related to accounting, hiring, scheduling and payments.

Today I'll do more of the same, plus prospecting on potential hires.

larrysalibra commented 7 years ago

Last couple days: I've spent working on Blockstack authentication for our forum: I've created a Blockstack ruby library, Omniauth Blockstack strategy and a fork of ruby-jwt to support that goal.

Today: I'll be creating a Blockstack plugin for discourse and writing additional tests for our new libraries.

muneeb-ali commented 7 years ago

Yesterday, I published a post on decoupling logic and state in decentralized naming. Worked on the api/ merge/update and updated blockstack documentation.

Today, I prepared a lecture at Princeton and introduced the students to Blockstack along with talking about lessons learned and the "new cloud" (slides in dropbox). I'm hacking on the api merge/update and expect to focus on it in between meetings and later tonight.

Tomorrow is fully blocked out for hacking on the remaining sprint tasks.

pstan26 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday, I coordinated a panel for 3/16 at JPM, followed up with a handful of BD leads, evaluated new conferences we were invited to, created a back-of-the-napkin concept for dev-focused onboarding/accelerator application page.

Today, ran a messaging/comms meeting to work towards crystalizing our message to first developers on the platform (github notes here), working on moving Summit forward, working on moving blog posts forward, Polish Q2 Mktg Strategy pending @shea256's contribution to the roadmap

jcnelson commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: work on blogpost with Muneeb, work on storage system

Today: work on paying down technical debt in the storage system (from getting the demo to work on Monday)