stacks-archive / daily-scrum

What community members are working on today
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Tue, Jun 27, 2017 #77

Open guylepage3 opened 7 years ago

guylepage3 commented 7 years ago

yesterday, summit logo, finalized browser onboarding screen design with ryan, browser edit profile screens designs, summit environmental branding, spent time documenting full registration process (25 steps). #557: full on-boarding/ register a name use case

today, build out the browser onboarding screens and browser edit profile screens designs

Link to today's open source design contributor standup:

muneeb-ali commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: shared the token doc with the team and now looking for feedback, decentralized identity foundation meeting (will share notes), worked on closing two candidates, weekly team & PR meeting, and worked on upgrading our infrastructure to 0.14.2.

Today: Hiring plan, 0.14.3 release notes & requirements, Github updates to Core and Gaia, continue the upgrade of infrastructure to 0.14.2, and legal tasks.

larrysalibra commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Got storage working on my machine. Meetings.

Today: Reviewed token doc, wrote core-to-browser wallet name transfer guide, looked into some issues reported yesterday, reviewed storage api changes. Starting implementation of the api on the todo list app.

pstan26 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Improved draft of app fund, Spoke to Samsung NEXT ventures, Blue Yard Capital, Assigned jay to work with Casa and on a decentralized blog and start committing to daily scrum (same with vsund), Sent out newsletter about Reason and Reddit to our email followers

Today: get Consensus tickets in the hands of under-represented minorities and women, releasing the last tickets for the Summit at noon, pay video producer deposit, plow through emails this afternoon, put together speaker schedule.

jcnelson commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: released 0.14.2, got blockstack-storage.js up-to-speed with our UX target, 1-on-1 with Ryan, wrote preliminary API docs for blockstack-storage.js, made sure 0.14.2 reached consensus with 0.14.1

Today: get hello-world-for-the-nth-time up-to-speed with blockstack-storage.js, port the to-do list to use blockstack-storage.js, upgrade to the latest stable release, begin work on the key delegation file format (in preparation for having implementation notes to discuss on Thursday)

shea256 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday was filled with meetings. We had our weekly team meeting, Muneeb and I shared the token document, I had some calls with engineering candidates, we had our weekly PR team meeting, and we had a meeting for the video production. In the evening I worked on a blockchain industry presentation that I'm going to give to a few investors over lunch.

Today I'm focusing on preparing layouts for the token launch site and the on-boarding screens of the browser. I'll also be giving the blockchain industry presentation.

jay-ithiel commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Weekly team meeting, worked on initial decentralized airbnb project. Spoke with Patrick about working with the Casa team, building a decentralized blog + documentation, and committing to daily-scrum. Got started on PRD for the decentralized blog app.

Today: Complete & submit PRD for decentralized blog app for review. Speak with Scott from Casa to go over logistics of working with Casa.

kantai commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Switched from subdomains to working on distribution on Linux. Got the skeleton of a dpkg build of blockstack-core working.

Today: working on a dpkg build for browser, and finishing up the core dpkg.