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What community members are working on today
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Mon, July 10, 2017 #87

Open jay-ithiel opened 7 years ago

jay-ithiel commented 7 years ago

Over the weekend: Didn't have as much time to work as I would have liked. Refactored components, reducers and middlewares. Fixed some bugs going from version 0.7 to 0.8.1. Connected Blockstack storage to save blogs, so I think users can create blogs on Blogstack but I can't login to any Blockstack apps - have to log in via Quick Signin, so I can't test storage.

Today: Work on Comments for Blogstack. Scott reviewed and left comments on PR for Casa app - will resolve them.

shea256 commented 7 years ago

Over the weekend I worked on UX screens for the product and site. I also did a bunch of hiring outreach.

Today I'm focusing on task prioritization and product management. We had a few meetings for tasks for the week and for frontend development work. I'm also doing some UX work and hiring outreach and emails.

muneeb-ali commented 7 years ago

Weekly meeting, laying out the plan for various tasks for the token, team feedback on the token, identity foundation working group meeting, meeting for upcoming Core releases, meeting for basic token implementation, and dealing with Azure datacenter connectivity issues.

jcnelson commented 7 years ago

All this past week: work on token file support in Core and multiplayer storage support in blockstack-storage.js, and help Aaron and Larry with single-player storage issues.

All this week: work on PoC of project Apollo, help Aaron and Larry with single-player storage as needed

guylepage3 commented 7 years ago

friday, saturday: worked on design of to do list app icon, worked on 2 layouts of project Apollo website design. I also worked with Shannon on the Blockstack Summit presentation, brand and logo

sunday: took the day off as i was getting burnt out.

today: finalize design to do list app icon, finalize 2 layouts of project Apollo website design.


Link to today's open source design contributor standup: