stacks-archive / daily-scrum

What community members are working on today
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Tue, July 11, 2017 #88

Open vsund opened 7 years ago

vsund commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Was still trying to set up tests correctly, had to resolve multiple issues with the fancy React/Typescript/Webpack/Karma setup

Today: Just resolved the issues with tests (works now), goal for today is a working backend (except storage methods)

larrysalibra commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: 3 step registration in browser, started list of public interfaces, weekly meetings, frontend meeting with @shea256 @guylepage3 where we discussed the design

Today so far: re-enabled name lookup checking on blockstack.js (and updated documentation), merged storage app into accounts app, added tests for the set owner key method on the browser.

Today upcoming: take a look at the explorer profile resolving issue, test the blockstack.js changes in regtest one the owner key issue is resolved in core, make a build

muneeb-ali commented 7 years ago

Today, I'm working on decentralized identity working group notes/architecture, moving remaining production servers to new VMs & Core version (for DevOps), working with Jude on token MVP, working with lawyers on some housekeeping, and start a planning doc for enhancing the security of our infrastructure.

guylepage3 commented 7 years ago

yesterday: worked on 2 layouts of project Apollo website design, meetings then errands, with more work on 2 layouts of project Apollo website design in the evening and update to browser home screen layout and pulling in storage into settings.

today: finalize design to do list app icon, finalize 2 layouts of project Apollo website design.


Link to today's open source design contributor standup:

jay-ithiel commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Resolved a persisting login issue that stemmed from a change in the Redux state. Can finally login and use Blockstack storage now. Built the Components and actions for Comments and began styling.

Today: Test storage and make sure users can create and save blogs/home. Add more styling to Blog Show page and finish resolving comments Scott left on the pull request. Meeting with Patrick

kantai commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: weekly meetings, separating token file changes from the mainline rc-0.14.3 branch, fixing issue in regtest with UTXOs, testing storage tutorial on mainnet and regtest, set up integration test server (integration tests are running now).

Today: sorting out issues with 3 OP registration (and continuing the integration tests). once that's sorted, getting the storage-js library's behavior with throw-away accounts into better shape