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What community members are working on today
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Wed, July 12, 2017 #89

Open larrysalibra opened 7 years ago

larrysalibra commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: re-enabled name lookup checking on blockstack.js (and updated documentation), merged storage app into accounts app, added tests for the set owner key method on the browser Fixed the explorer profile resolving issue, merged pull request to fix compressed key issue and wrote unit test, tested the set owner key and unsafe registration modes, closed out remaining 0.11 issues.

Today: test address conversion with blockstack.js name / address verification. fix an issue with balance updating in new status bar, ship v0.11 build. review on-boarding screens and get started on 0.12 issues.

vsund commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Resolved issues with test setup, wrote test suite and example data (not yet on GitHub), improved data modelling

Today: Finish test suite (write some last tests), start with React modelling, try to resolve storage possibilities for Beacon's data

kantai commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: re-patched core to convert regtest addresses to mainnet addresses in lookups, fixed some issues with compressed/uncompressed addresses in setting the owner key, enabled 'owner key tracking' in core, which let's core continue a registration after restarts, or if the owner key has changed. Updated my hacks on blockstack-storage-js to be significantly less hacky.

Today: will be trying to get to the bottom of issue blockstack-core issue #490, testing and sending out a PR for blockstack-storage-js that will allow use of storage with a throw-away.

pstan26 commented 7 years ago

Yesterday, I interviewed 3 candidate for operational assistant, worked with Mike Freedman on getting a blog post out, team dinner booked, Summit decision making, anthem video

Today, meeting with George Gilder, hiring for engineers & operational assistant roles, healthcare, set up slack signup form

guylepage3 commented 7 years ago

yesterday: finalized 5 designs of project Apollo website design, resolved issues with larry on moving storage app into settings on the browser, finalized on-boarding designs and started building UI in browser branch ui-0.12, passed off guild decentralized blog brand, naming and UI designs over to @jay-hwang.

today: finalize design to do list app icon, finalize design of on-boarding screens, start ui build of project Apollo website, work on getting design system planning started for @arisgk, review pull request process for @estermer.


Link to today's open source design contributor standup:

jay-ithiel commented 7 years ago

Yesterday: Had meeting with Patrick, redesigned styling of blogging app to match Guild UI, resolved more comments Scott left.

Today: Buy username and test Gaia, finish resolving comments Scott left, continue styling blog app to match Guild UI