stacks-archive / stacks-transactions-js

The JavaScript library for generating Stacks 2.0 transactions
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Add support for passing traits as argument in contract call #92

Closed friedger closed 3 years ago

friedger commented 4 years ago

Should there be a method like traitCV?

friedger commented 3 years ago

For my marketplace clarity contract (, I am looking for information how to serialize a trait reference type. What needs to be done for traitCV?

psq commented 3 years ago

Maybe I don't understand the question, but if you are wondering how you can call (bid (tradables <tradables-trait>) (tradable-id uint) (price uint)), you would use something like this

const query = client.createQuery({ method: { name: "bid", args: [ "'SP2NC4YKZWM2YMCJV851VF278H9J50ZSNM33P3JM1.tradable", 123, 456] } });

you just pass in a contract principal when a function expects a trait.

friedger commented 3 years ago

@psq There is no client here, the issue is about how to create a transaction for a contract call with a trait as an argument that can then be broadcasted to the network.

If we agree that we should just use the contract principal (constructed with contractPrincipalCV) then traitCV is not needed and the contract principal should be "cast" to a trait when the transaction is received. This does not happen, instead the transaction is rejected with something like:

{ error: 'transaction rejected',
  reason: 'BadFunctionArgument',
   { message:
      'TypeError(TraitReferenceType(TraitIdentifier { name: ClarityName("tradables-trait"), contract_identifier: QualifiedContractIdentifier { issuer: StandardPrincipalData(26, [210, 137, 135, 159, 210, 247, 227, 61, 194, 243, 163, 67, 70, 194, 6, 243, 93, 231, 54, 150]), name: ContractName("tradables") } }), PrincipalType)' },
   'b9bc686ba9289667b85d9ed728250d52989fc5a4e9e7a44048cb298e64bc8817' }
psq commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure why passing in a principal works with clarity-cli, but not when being serialized/deserialized when submitted as a transaction, as internally, it needs to have a TraitReferenceType, not a PrincipalType. Which would mean the simplest would be to implement a traitCV in both stacks-transaction-js and stacks-blockchain, and would probably impact stacks-blockchain-api and maybe connect as well. Something that would need to be discussed with many...

On the other hand, making passing a principal work would make usage simpler, but I'd need to spend some time figuring out how this works in the case of clarity-cli

psq commented 3 years ago

actually, I did not realize that what I had started on would be enough to make it work, but I was also running into the same issue as described in Once that other issue is fixed, it should be fairly straightforward to provide a fix.

Running the test with partial fix:

(base) psq-mbp-2:clarity-marketplace psq$ ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node scripts/market.ts 
deploy contract
deploy contract
deploy contract
deploy contract
bid for tradable
create monster
(node:62367) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
feed monster
bid for tradable

So, no need for traitCV...

psq commented 3 years ago

the fix has been merged into next, which will get merged into master for Krypton

diwakergupta commented 3 years ago

the fix has been merged into next, which will get merged into master for Krypton

@psq thanks! Can we close this then or is there any additional work needed in stacks-transactions-js? (if not, we may want to just move this issue out of this repo)

cc/ @agraebe @yknl

psq commented 3 years ago

@diwakergupta yes, this could be closed (I can't), unless you'd rather wait for the fix to be available in a release. The full fix requires both and (both merged into next now, 1817 already in master)

diwakergupta commented 3 years ago

Thanks, closing!