stacks-network / gaia

A decentralized high-performance storage system
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GAIA Configuration Dashboard Design #433

Closed bjorger closed 1 year ago

bjorger commented 1 year ago


In this discussion, we would like to introduce you to our newest feature, the GAIA Dashboard. The dashboard will be used, to create a visually guided experience for new users to host their own gaia hub. The first version of the GAIA Dashboard be available by the end of August and will be used to create the configuration for the different modules.

For us, the highest priority is, to make the GAIA Storage System available to everybody, thus making the set up process as simple as it can get. Therefore, the finished version of the dashboard will be a WebApp / Desktop (tbd), that let's the user run their own hub, and guide them through the entire set up process.



From a design standpoint, we take the approach of keeping it as simple as possible to not confuse any new users. The image above is from our first draft of the visual guided configuration generator. For now, it is planned, that the configuration generator will be hosted in GH pages. It is still unclear to us, what the best approach is, in hosting the final version of the dashboard.

Supported Fields

acmeConfig (Sectionname): "Options for Automatic Certificate Management Environment client. \nRequires enableHttps to be set to acme. \nSee \nSee \nSee",

argsTransport (Sectionname):

authTimestampCacheSize (Input) <- This belongs to no Section

[required] driver (Dropdown) [Values: "aws", "azure", "disk", "google-cloud"]

awsCredentials (Sectionname, only appears if driver is "aws")

azCredentials (Sectionname, only appears if driver is "azure")

gcCredentials (Sectionname, only appears if driver is "google-cloud")

diskSettings (Sectionname, only appears if driver is "disk")

bucket (Input, no section) cacheControl (Input, no section) enableHttps (Dropdown, no section) [Values: "acme", "cert_files"]: "Disabled by default. \nIf set to cert_files then tlsCertConfig must be set. \nIf set to acme then acmeConfig must be set.", httpsPort (Input, no section, requires enableHttps to be set) maxFileUploadSize (Input, no section): "The maximum allowed POST body size in megabytes. \nThe content-size header is checked, and the POST body stream \nis monitoring while streaming from the client. \n[Recommended] Minimum 100KB (or approximately 0.1MB)", pageSize (Input, no section) [required] port (Input, no section)

proofsConfig (Sectionname):

readUrl (Input, no section) requireCorrectHubUrl (Checkbox, no section) serverName (Input, no section): "Domain name used for auth/signing challenges. \nIf requireCorrectHubUrl is true then this must match the hub url in an auth payload."

tlsCertConfig (Sectionname): "Options for configuring the Node.js https server. \nRequires enableHttps to be set to tlsCertConfig. \nSee \nSee"

- [required] certFile (Input): "Either the path to the PEM formatted certification chain file, or the string content of the file. \nThe file usually has the extension `.cert`, `.cer`, `.crt`, or `.pem`. \nIf the content string is specified, it should include the escaped EOL characters, e.g. \n`\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\n{lines of base64 data}\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\"`."
- [required] keyFile (Input): "Either the path to the PEM formatted private key file, or the string content of the file. \nThe file usually has the extension `.key` or `.pem`. \nIf the content string is specified, it should include the escaped EOL characters, e.g. \n`\"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\\n{lines of base64 data}\\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\"`."
- keyPassphrase (Input): "The string passphrase for the key file. If provided, the passphrase is used to decrypt the file. \nIf not provided, the key is assumed to be unencrypted."

- [required] pfxFile (Input): "Either the path to the PFX or PKCS12 encoded private key and certificate chain file, \nor the base64 encoded content of the file. \nThe file usually has the extension `.pfx` or `.p12`."
- pfxPassphrase (Input): "The string passphrase for the key file. If provided, the passphrase is used to decrypt the file. \nIf not provided, the key is assumed to be unencrypted."

validHubUrls (Sectionname): "If requireCorrectHubUrl is true then the hub specified in an auth payload can also be\ncontained within in array."

whitelist (Sectionname): "List of ID addresses allowed to use this hub. Specifying this makes the hub private \nand only accessible to the specified addresses. Leaving this unspecified makes the hub \npublicly usable by any ID."