stacks-network / stacks-core

The Stacks blockchain implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.01k stars 667 forks source link

Fix typos in the codebase #5292

Open hstove opened 3 days ago

hstove commented 3 days ago

Care should be taken to not fix typos in DB column names or similar.

desierialized -> deserialized • contruct -> construct • DkgPublicshares -> DkgPublicShares • signaure -> signature • atomicbool -> atomic bool • RPCERror -> RPCError • respues -> request • Nakamato -> Nakamoto • communciation -> communication • StacksAdress -> StacksAddress • addands -> addends • reamining -> remaining • structions -> structs • suprising -> surprising • Consennsus -> Consensus • serializationn -> serialization • contibuted -> contributed • hext -> text • unrecovarable -> unrecoverable • oudated -> outdated • Retreieve -> Retrieve • decryoted -> decrypted • cyrptographic -> cryptographic • hexademical -> hexadecimal • unspecificed -> unspecified • sortitin -> sortition • signtaure -> signature • dispatcheer -> dispatcher • addresess -> addresses • constituant -> constituent • minimial -> minimal • recognizeable -> recognizable • BittcoinTxInputStructured -> BitcoinTxInputStructured • accomodate -> accommodate • heigth -> height • discontiguous -> discontinuous • committedto -> committed to • Unparseable -> Unparsable • parseable -> parsable • occured -> occurred • unsoliciated -> unsolicited • CoordiantorError -> CoordinatorError • get_prepare_phase_end_sortition_id_for_reward_ccyle -> • get_prepare_phase_end_sortition_id_for_reward_cycle • reawrd -> reward • sorition -> sortition • conver -> convert • superceded -> superseded • interpreteted -> interpreted burchain -> burnchain • check_intneded_sortition -> check_intended_sortition • DescendencyStubbedSortitionHandle -> DescendenceStubbedSortitionHandle • infallable -> infallible • sentinal -> sentinel • attched -> attached • sortiiton -> sortition • cosnistent -> consistent • reorog -> reorg • procesed -> processed • sortitoin -> sortition • Nakamaoto -> Nakamoto • sortiton -> sortition • parnet -> parent • begain -> began • epcoh2 -> epoch2 • becuase -> because • Nakamto -> Nakamoto • slots_occuppied -> slots_occupied • recieve -> receive • InvalidChildOfNakomotoBlock -> InvalidChildOfNakamotoBlock • proessed -> processed • miroblock -> microblock • non-sensical -> nonsensical • unconfiremd -> unconfirmed • confiremd -> confirmed • issueing -> issuing • backpr -> backptr • descendents -> descendants • refered -> referred • anestor -> ancestor • naonseconds -> nanoseconds • smae -> same • exepcted -> expected • uncommmitted -> uncommitted • expanaded -> expanded • unkonwn -> unknown • incomaptible -> incompatible • tranasction -> transaction • accouting -> accounting • offerred -> offered • incrementially -> incrementally • aprse -> parse • appned -> append • sorition_id -> sortition_id • begining -> beginning • issuring -> issuing • retun -> return snippit -> snippet • tesnet -> testnet • Cacluated -> Calculated • contibute -> contribute • contrac -> contract • succesful -> successful • Blook -> Block • bytess -> bytes • agains -> against • sucess -> success • sorittion -> sortition • wnated_tenures -> wanted_tenures • clobberring -> clobbering • instantiang -> instancing • NakamotoDwonloadStateMachine -> NakamotoDownloadStateMachine • mantained -> maintained • akamotoDownloaderStateMachine -> NakamotoDownloaderStateMachine • reqeust -> request • NakamotTenureDownloader -> NakamotoTenureDownloader • tenurein -> tenure • advanceement -> advancement • perserve -> preserve • blcok -> block • HttpReqeust -> HttpRequest • Inavlid -> Invalid • bufferring -> buffering • consturctor -> constructor • Connction -> Connection • mroe -> more • enoding -> ending • loewst -> lowest • target_reward_cyle -> target_reward_cycle • scaning -> scanning • epcoh2x -> epoch2x • epcoh -> epoch • enusre -> ensure • garabage -> garbage • ommitted -> omitted • minimim -> minimum • netwrk -> network • allwed -> allowed • neighors -> neighbors • desigend -> designed • exisitng -> existing • exceeeds -> exceeds • incuring -> incurring • neigbors -> neighbors • reesolution -> resolution • converation -> conversation • messsage -> message • maximially -> maximally • existant -> existent • malforemd -> malformed • thestart -> the start • inventroy -> inventory • witih -> with • rerog -> reorg • recieved -> received • local_adddr -> local_addr • intution -> intuition • messaege -> message • deliberatly -> deliberately • conencted -> connected • converation -> conversation • failrue -> failure • Aleady -> Already • forwraded -> forwarded • previosuly -> previously • beyind -> beyond • succesfully -> successfully • Burnchian -> Burnchain • transacctions -> transactions • stakcs -> stacks • sortititon -> sortition • election_sortiton -> election_sortition • recipent -> recipient • preceeds -> precedes • becase -> because • inplement -> implement • StackerDBChnnel -> StackerDBChannel • Cointer -> Counter • Implmentation -> Implementation • Sychronously -> Synchronously • threeads -> threads • earliersiblings -> earlier siblings • restoroe -> restore • canoincal -> canonical • immutible -> immutable • coordiantor -> coordinator • synchronise -> synchronize • sor/tition -> sortition • actualy -> actually • proces -> process

Khemmie-Ray commented 3 days ago

Hi, can I work on this?

RashmitTopG commented 1 day ago

I would like to work on this.