stacks-network / subdomain-registrar

Subdomain registrar for the Stacks network
MIT License
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Tooling improvements ( Flow => TS, prettier, eslint ) #77

Open Akirtovskis opened 2 years ago

Akirtovskis commented 2 years ago

Hey, it's me and @pradel .

We got a grant to improve the subdomain registrar performance, which is critical for Sigle and perhaps could be reused later on for other apps.

Here is a link to said grant :

M1 in the grant application contains several suggestions for tooling improvements such as:

We are keen to hear what's your feedback regarding introducing the aforementioned tools to improve developer experience.

@asimm241 @CharlieC3

CharlieC3 commented 2 years ago

@Akirtovskis Nice, glad to hear it! While Hiro does host a registrar, this is technically a Stacks Foundation project. So I'm going to loop in @wileyj and @jcnelson for how they'd like to proceed, but will provide some feedback of my own.

Do you want to keep using Babel or move to Typescript compiler similarly to how it's implemented with Stacks.js and stacks blockchain api?

Depends on your budget and effort required, but casting those aside I think aligning with the Stacks.js and API projects would be ideal and encourage developers contributing to those projects to consider this one as well.

Do you want us to add git Hooks with Husky?

Yes please, and commitlint as well if possible. I've installed this in some Hiro Systems projects via the following:

npm i --save-dev husky @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli}

npx husky install

# Add hook
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no-install commitlint --edit'

Do you want to keep using Tape or switch to Jest?

I'm not as familiar with Tape as I am Jest, and would say this should probably be up to the developer's preference. The only mark against Tape I've read as that it does not allow test concurrency nor does it have a mock framework.