stacks / stacks-website

The website for the Stacks project
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Display last modification date for a tag #30

Closed pbelmans closed 11 years ago

pbelmans commented 11 years ago

Using git blame it's possible to determine when a line was last edited. This can be applied to the lines that constitute a tag and the last editing time determines when the tag as an entity has last been modified. This information could be displayed (in a not very visible way as it is not really important).

stacks commented 11 years ago

This is a fun thing we can do. However, git blame isn't terribly fast. For example git blame -L36,43 algebra.tex takes about 13 seconds to run on the server... Thus doing this dynamically isn't such a great idea. As we discussed having a link pointing to a page where the user can look up statistics related to the tag as well as graphs, etc, is a good idea and we can add this to that page...

pbelmans commented 11 years ago

This is done (to a certain extent) in the new version of the website. I'm closing this issue for now, eventually we could improve this by incorporating more information.