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Content Creation for Polish Audience : Ecosystem Growth #11

Closed Andrzej0xa0 closed 1 year ago

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago


Problem: Developers (Java/C++/Go) are either not interested in blockchain tech or are tied to Ethereum ecosystem these days.

There are many experience developers in Poland, both blockchain and non-blockchain devs, who could contribute to BlockStack ecosystem growth. At the same time awareness about the BlockStack platform in Poland (and CEE overall) I think is pretty limited, both in enterprise and startup world. BlockStack has its unique value proposition (Bitcoin-tight consensus protocol, Clarity language, privacy focused approach). Regarding the market in Poland, most of crypto devs these days work with Solidity / Ethereum and are suffering due to limitation of the Ethereum platform, while many of these issues are already addressed by BlockStack and will be further addressed with Clarity. Non-blockchain developers are typically having good jobs (e.g. as Java devs) and are reluctant to move to Blockchain space (high barrier of entry, not seeing benefit of the tech)

My intention would be to increase awareness about BlockStack in Poland among developers and broader community (entrepreneurs, students, passionates, startups, stakers), encouraging more people to engage, get them on-board, and help building the decentralised and private version of the internet apps with Blockstack and Clarity. (PS. I am also an ambassador for Algorand, so am particularly fascinated with the synergies for BlockStack and Algorand thanks to the Clarity language mutual work by both companies)

Project Overview

I have corporate background (15 years), while for the past 3 years I am focusing purely on expanding awareness about blockchain in Poland as my private undertaking - being passionate of crypto world.

Past 3 years I am a content creator (Video Content, Articles, and other) and would like to use my skills to expand awareness about Stack 2.0, Clarity, BlockStack ecosystem and uses cases).

My goal is to start with video content (as per the example above) and articles (references below). These would be targeted to both technical audience and non-technical audience. Once the critical mass is built and awareness about BlockStack in stronger, I would love to organise meet-ups and webinars to go into more direct interaction with Devs and other community members.

My overall goal is to grow Blockstack ecosystem, both by :

inspiring Devs to build (d)Apps attract startups (and possibly Enterprises) interested to built on top of BlockStack reach out to STX and BTC holders who want to help securing the network. Scope

--1--Video Content creation (YouTube) Prepare and publish overall 6 videos over the period of 2 months (= 3 videos per month). Average length of one video = 45min 3 videos would focus on technical aspects (dev focus) 3 videos would cover ecosystem, adoption, use-cases, roadmaps Videos would be prepared in professional manner : and publish on YouTube channel with 9k subscribers This channel already has a technical audience and non-tech audience focused on crypto (I do talk projects there like Algorand, Polkadot, RootStock, The Open App Network, Cardano and others)

--2-- Articles (publish0x, HackerNoon) Prepare and publish 2 Articles about blockstack (1 technical + 1 ecosystem focused). Articles would be published on Publish0x or HackerNoon or my private blog. Average length of the article = 1500 words Articles will be actionable, with clear "call to action", relevant for particular story.

Once the critical mass of audience is built, I plan to organize meet-ups or webinar, as the next phase of the grant program.

Budget and Milestones

I ask for 2.5k USD (1st Grant). There will be another ask (2.5k) to cover next 2 months (6 vids + 2 articles), as per the suggestion by Fridger.

DELIVERABLES (+ Estimates)

VIDEOS : 6 videos Prepare content = 4h Record video = 2h Edit video = 4h Publish and Marketing = 3h Follow up with audience (comments / emails / question) = 1h EFFORT per 1 video = 14h

TOTAL = 6 videos * 14h = 84h to prepare all videos

SCHEDULE: Month_1 = 3 videos published Month_2 = 3 videos published

ARTICLES: 2 articles Draft version = 4h Refine and quality check = 2h Publish and Marketing in social media = 1h EFFORT per 1 article = 7h

TOTAL = 2 articles * 7h = 14h to prepare all articles

SCHEDULE: Month_1 = 1 article published Month_2 = 1 article published


This is work by 2 people (me + assistant). I have worked for 14 years for big it tech company (hp) on various positions, and I do believe I have a background to talk to the technical and non-technical audience. I am doing similar stuff (youtube, content creation) for the past 3 years, and feel comfortable already with it (references in supporting materials blow)


This is pretty straight forward and I do not see strong external dependencies. Most of the risk I can manage on my own. Just to name some:

--1-- My Availability Mitigation: Sep-Oct-Nov-Dec seem to be pretty easy month on my side. I can re-priotize other stuff if something unexpected pops-up

--2-- Covid Lockdown or other related stuff could possibly impact future phases (f2f meet-ups impossible), but as a mitigation, certainly webinars are good option. Anyway this 1st phase of the grant is rather “off-line” (while I am thinking of live events in future phases of this program)

Community and Supporting Materials

I will be sharing progress with community on the ongoing basis. Below are references to my past work (both videos and articles). My videos are generally receiving decent feedback from viewers and have good interactions. (read some random comments). Average traction 1k views. I think I can reach out to pretty well defined audience of crypto and blockchain enthusiasts.

I would be happy to leverage any support from Blockstack team to share this content with BlockStack community and expand the reach even further.

Examples of my work: YouTube: PUBLISH_0X: HACKERNOON: TOKENY_PL:

My Twitter:

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

By mistake I closed this request so I am resubmitting once more, along with corrections suggested by @friedger

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

Review Committee Feedback from 9/8/2020: We'd like more information on your proposal.

Hi @Andrzej0xa0 thank you for your submission. My name is Raffi, I work with the Grant Foundation on the grant program. We synced up yesterday during our weekly discussion. What we'd like to do to start is to narrow down the scope of a grant for you to create a 1 video. For this, we'll award $350 for the scripting, recording, editing, and production (M1) and an additional $250 if you hit over 1500 views organically via a distribution marketing strategy (M2). For completion of M2, we would like to see google analytics, and links to Telegram, media platform articles, etc. along with this. Where do you plan to post this? Are there any crypto polish platforms you can share this with? Can you lay out your plan for distribution? Telegram, twitter, 2-5 media platforms.

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire : sure thing, this makes perfect sense to me. I actually recorded the first video today morning. I am pretty fascinated with BlockStack, so the video ended up being long, almost 80min long :) I am just finishing the editing and will upload it to YouTube later today. Will share the link here as soon as it is ready. Regarding distribution I typically share it via Tg, Twitter and via other YouTube channels of my friends (we have kind of crypto youtubers community in Poland), and via my email distribution list ( blog). I will provide links to M2 as soon as this is done. I don't think I will hit 1.5k (video is long), but - doesn't matter.. :) I will also write an article to (polish crypto blog with pretty strong visibility) and will give links to the video there as well. Stay tuned! :))

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hello @RaffiSapire this is the M1 Let me know if any feedback and suggestions :) Andrzej

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

I'd suggest editing the video down to less than 45 minutes, I took a look at your site and it seems like the most popular videos are those at around that time frame. I don't speak Polish so I don't know what the actual content is, but generally I think anything you can say in 60 minutes you can say precisely in 30 ;) Please do share the platforms where you've shared the video.

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire thank You for suggestions. Here are my comments and answers.

feedback regarding video length I take your feedback regarding the length of the video. I do agree this is too long and exceeds patience of most people :) But because this video is already published I would rather avoid editing same content to 30min and publishing it again :) Could be confusing for my audience. I will however shorten my next videos to be closer to 30min ( gonna work on next material no matter if I qualify to the grant program or not, so there will be more Blockstack content from my side in this or other format anyways :)).

Content of the video What is covered in this video is a bit of BlockStack history, overview and context, like

While I agree that these topics could well serve as a material for 3 or 4 separate videos, always when I start a new big project (like in this case Blockstack) I try to go in longer narrative, so that my audience gets the broader context, and understand all the flavours on the platform and its capabilities.

Ideas for next content so for sure in next videos, I can make them shorter :) I will be covering more

So taking into account your feedback, my next videos shall be shorter, however I do agree that even this video should have been shorter :/ I generally have a tendency to go into lengthy narrative, telling a story with a broader context. Some people will listen e2e, most will not :)

Sites where I shared the video regarding where this have been shared:

1a) Bitcoin Feniks YT channel mentioned my last BlockStack video and recommended it to his audience (23min25sec) 1b) Maciej Tomczyk YT channel mentioned my BlockStack video (start at 22min15sec) and recommended this to his audience:

2) Tg channels: 3) just tweeted it a while ago

4) also I am working with marketing agency to expand the reach, which is posting my videos in various sites. I think because of this reason some views is a traffic from random sites. Because of this reason, I don't think I can claim all the views of the video are "quality" views. (note: typically, from my experience if I do an "average" video it usually hits 500views, good videos tend to hit 1k views, so I don't think it is fair on my side to count all views for the stats you are asking for ). Anyway, I got a lot of interaction / comments / questions from the audience after my last BlockStack video, so I think people liked this material (despite it is very long :) and also the other 2 YouTubers commented this work with some good feedback, as a comprehensive coverage of BlockStack.

Right now (10h after publishing) I still see and average traction of 30-40views per hour, which is pretty inline with what I'd expect as good traction for my channel.

Let me know if any questions or further suggestions from Your side @RaffiSapire :) Have a great day. Andrzej

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

Hi there, it important to clarify that grants are scoped and agreed upon transparently and forward-looking. Content created in the past isn't within the scope of the program. Our feedback to you if you would like to make a video in polish about the project is to keep it short, less than 45 minutes, as this seems to be where you receive the most views and engagement. I think it would also be a good idea to submit a storyline and high-level script in english about the content we can help provide feedback before creation as the first step of M1. We also want to start with one video, and see how that gains traction over the next few weeks before discussing additional content. At this point, we're still working on M1 of the reduced scope described above.

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

sure @RaffiSapire :) in that case, I treat my last video as a mean to calibrate and align the exceptions for us, if that is fine.

Basing on your feedback I will work on the next video, and try to keep it shorter (30-40min), and concise. Video will be in polish and I will cover PoX Proof of Transfer consensus mechanism, how it works, why is it beneficial for BlockStack and why is it beneficial for Bitcoin ecosystem. This is pretty narrow but important topic, so I think 30-40min is just right to cover this as M1. Thoughts?

If you agree on this as a general idea, I will prepare a story line over a weekend for this M1, and upon your approved early next week I will record and edit the video respectively.

Does it make sense ? :) Let me know if the idea of PoX for M1 works :)

BTW, I have discussed my video during the evangelist call yesterday with Louise and the team. You may want to talk to this group as well (Br_ttany knows someone in Poland who have seen my last video).

have a great day! Andrzej

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

Review Committee Feedback from 9/15/2020: Scoped and approved.

Hi @Andrzej0xa0,

We're interested in experimenting by creating a video to engage with the polish crypto-native ecosystem, thanks for your feedback above and joining the call earlier this week! Based on that and our weekly grant committee meeting earlier, I've just summarized and narrowed in the scope below:

For M1, please can you provide a detailed outline of the content, and if there are slides or visuals, please provide them in line. Here is an example of a content outline framework. $100

For M2, filming, editing, production. $200

For M3, sharing across 10 platforms, forums, channels. $50. Here we will provide up to an additional $250 if you hit 1500 views organically or more, would like to see google analytics alongside this!

The next step will be to send you over a contract so we can disburse payment at the given milestones, please email with your contact information.

Thank you @Andrzej0xa0

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

Hi @RaffiSapire - happy to be part of the beta Grant program! :)

I will work on the M1 as per the framework above Should it first be approved by someone from BlockStack (if so - who) before I go to M2 (filming) ?

PS I have just emailed with my contact info.

excited to be part of the program! :) (BTW & FYI : I also got contacted by Stack Foundation to join the TownHall on Sep28)

Cheers Andrzej

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

Yes please share M1 here when its completed, and we will unlock M2. Thank you!

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire and @friedger This is the M1 for my first video. Please provide your comments or approval to move forward with M2. Thanks


Point1 : What is Blockstack Point2 : How their innovative consensus protocol works (PoX) and why should you care. Point3 : What are the key benefits Blockstack brings to Bitcoin, and why is this mutually beneficial marriage. Point4 : How can you get involved and contribute

STANDARD INFO Here comes a few words of my warning that the content of the video is not intended to be a financial advise, this is a technology-focused review, and my intention is to inspire people to learn these fascinating technologies, and consider how to apply them at their work, whether they are a developer, entrepreneur, student, lawyer or working in business domains like supply chain, HR, Finance etc.. :: there is always a way to contribute and apply the crypto/blockchain learnings. Everyone here can add a few cents to spreading the adoption, and this video shall hopefully inspire to discover your way forward with Bitcoin, Blockstack and crypto world. There will be information at the end how to engage. In this part I will also add a few words that this video was done thanks to Blockstack grant program

Point 1: What is Blockstack

***For Point 1 illustrations I will use screenshot from the websites :

Point 2 : How Blockstack's innovative consensus protocol works and why should you care.

What happens to the Bitcoin that the miners have sent to the protocol??? ==> That’s where Stacking comes into play.

***For Point 2 illustrations I will use the websites and my painting :


Point 3 : PoX = marriage for Bitcoin and Blockstack (and why is this mutually beneficial)

Bitcoin is recognised for it’s security and being a digital gold (but on the other hand needs more utility) Blockstack is innovatory platform, expanding on bitcoin core features, enabling user privacy, access to decentralized storage, and other features (but as a new network needs robust security).

Lets digest a bit further

***For Point 3 illustrations I will use this picture


Point 4 : How can you get involved and contribute

Yea, I know, it all probably still sounds pretty complex, so let me give you some hints regarding next step. There are ways to engage, no matter if you are a technical person or not technical person or common user.

***For Point 4 illustrations I will use screenshot from the websites :


blocks8 commented 3 years ago

Grant Funded! Stacks Foundation Grant. Content outline framework. $100 For M2, filming, editing, production. $200 For M3, sharing across 10 platforms, forums, channels. $50.

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

Hey, @Andrzej0xa0 this looks great. Sorry I missed it early. We reopened this issue, and we'll keep it open til the grant is completed. Where are you on the milestones? the outline looks awesome, well done!

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

thank You @RaffiSapire ! :) I will be recording this video either Tue/Wed, editing before weekend, so it can hit YouTube on weekend (expected higher attention ) Stayed Tuned for update :) PS. I have recorded Blockstack english video last week (part of Freehold initiative for Patrick) - if you are interested please check out this material in the meantime :) My polish video will cover a bit broader topic but narrative will be similar to the one in English above :) PS. do not hesitate to share it - if you have some internal communication channels for such materials.

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire M2 delivered. Here is the video : working on M3 over the weekend (promotion) Let me know if any feedback to the video :) Cheers. Andrzej

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire M3 delivered: 1) Twitter 2) Telegram Blockstack 3) Telegram Kwarantanna z Bitcoinem 4) Telegram KryptoEkipa 5) Telegram The Open App Network PL 6) Telegram Algorand PL 7) YouTuber "Bitcoin Feniks" mentions my Blockstack video in daily summary 8) Short Post on DxTreem Blog 9) Mail to my distribution list. here is the snapshot of the email 10) Short post on AlgorandPOL Blog

regarding M4, right now (48h after publishing) we are at about 1200 organic views, 180 likes, and 100 comments and replies. So it seems to be getting nice engagement and video is enthusiastically welcomed by the audience. Some people started playing with - so I hope we can hit 1500 views a few days from now. I will keep on promoting via more means anyways. :)

Let me know if any feedback or suggestions to M2-M3-M4 Cheers. Andrzej

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire : all milestones delivered. Please see the video stats related to M4 and let me know if any questions. Overall the video is doing pretty well so for. 1.9k views. 70% of all views are from my current subscribers, 30% are from new audience. Video attracted 33 new subscribers so far.

56% of the views are from age group 35-44 years old. Relative attention is a bit above average for my channel. Video is still popular (5 days after publishing) gets average 150views per day. Audience is mostly from Poland, UK and Germany. I am attaching screenshots. No women apparently liked it. Need to think about it:) Let me know if any further questions.

Video - overview 1_general data

Distribution of viewers 2_viewers_distribution

Engagement 3_engagemetn

Sources 4_sources

Attention 5_attention

Subscribers vs non-Subscribers 6_sub_non-sub

Region 7_region

Traction today (13.X, which is 5 days after publishing, still getting around 300 views over 24h, so I think should exceed 2k soon) 8_Traction_Today_5days after publishing

This refers to this video : Also, pretty good engagement in term of comments (130 comments+replies) from viewers and likes =260.

have a great day. Andrzej

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

hi @RaffiSapire @blocks8 did you have a chance to look at the video_1 stats (deliverable M4). Let me know if any questions :)

Also a Question, can I start working on my next material (video_2), or should I wait for an approval of M4 from video_1?

appreciate your inputs! :) Andrzej

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

Grant Funded! Stacks Foundation Grant. Content outline framework. $100 For M2, filming, editing, production. $200 For M3, sharing across 10 platforms, forums, channels. $50.

@blocks8 - any update regarding M4 ? 🔢 :)

RaffiSapire commented 3 years ago

Hello @Andrzej0xa0 ! Thank you for all your hard work this year. We would love to send you a holiday note and some custom stacks stickers. Please email me at with your name/address if you'd like to receive one. We really appreciate all your help and contributions. Stacks is what it is because of you!

Andrzej0xa0 commented 3 years ago

TO: @RaffiSapire AND @blocks8


Agenda (M1) for my 2nd video. Please APPROVE 👍 Production (M2) and Sharing (M3) Coming soon


Points to cover:

Point1 : Stacks 2.0 origins, history from Stacks 1.0 to today, capital raising, SEC filling Point2 : Stacks 2.0 : Whats new, PoX Consensus, Clarity Point3 : Crypto Trends 2021 - year of Bitcoin, Wrapping BTC, xBTC Point4 : Engage: Grants, Builders, Freehold - decentralisation matters.

STANDARD INFO Here comes a few words of my warning that the content of the video is not intended to be a financial advise, this is a technology-focused review, and my intention is to inspire people to learn these fascinating technologies, and consider how to apply them at their work, whether they are a developer, entrepreneur, student, lawyer or working in business domains like supply chain, HR, Finance etc.. :: there is always a way to contribute and apply the crypto/blockchain learnings. Everyone here can add a few cents to spreading the adoption, and this video shall hopefully inspire to discover your way forward with Bitcoin, Stacks and crypto world.

Point 1: Stacks 2.0 origins, history from Stacks 1.0 to today, capital raising, SEC filling

***For Point 1 illustrations I will use screenshot from the website and Stacks launch video:


Point 2 : Stacks 2.0 : Whats new, PoX Consensus, Clarity

***For Point 2 illustrations I will use screenshot from the website and Stacks launch video:


Point3 : Crypto Trends 2021 - year of Bitcoin, Wrapping BTC, xBTC

***For Point 3 illustrations I will use screenshot from the website and Stacks launch video:

Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 16 03 42

Point4 : Engage: Grants, Builders, Freehold - decentralisation matters.

***For Point 4 illustrations I will use screenshot from the website and Stacks launch video:


Stasks started in 2013 really, but 2017/18 we have seen major deliverables, and 2019/20 big evolution towards new direction. 2021 gonna be the year of bitcoin year of bitconization in so many domains, including insituational on boarding, defi on bitcoin, new use cases built of top of bitcoin thanks to Stacks and Clarity So if you are watching this video and following my channel this is probably the best way to engage - you will find links in the video description for the next step and definitely follow the channel to stay tuned for more updates.