stacksgov / grants-program

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Adaptation of the pollen onboarding bot for use with SourceCred #227

Closed blueridger closed 2 years ago

blueridger commented 2 years ago

Adaptation of the pollen onboarding bot for Stacks

Background What problems do you aim to solve? How does it serve the mission of a user owned internet?

The Stacks Advocates program uses SourceCred, which enables low-friction STX distribution to a broader set of Advocates community members and contributors based on their engagement. This distributes stakeholdership to create a more user-owned internet. Stacks Advocates DAO is the first use case for SourceCred that we know of in the Stacks Ecosystem but there will surely be more adaptations and Advocates itself will surely grow. Currently 2 people are responsible for technical onboarding of SourceCred and its distributions, but the Advocates DAO is still small. Technical onboarding of new members is labor intensive for SourceCred maintainers in the Advocates program, which places scalability constraints on the Advocates program and also makes it difficult to onboard communities of 1,000 and 10,000+, even though the software can handle such scales (see MakerDAO, 1hive, MetaGame, Balancer). The reward pseudo-token “Cred” gets some time to get used to. With the addition of a Cred command users can track the ebb and flow of their Cred scores at will better tracking their Cred scores in realtime on Discord alongside their user activity on the Stacks server.

Project Overview What solution are you providing? Who will it serve?

A productionized, first-party fork of a current 3rd-party solution from 1Hive will allow members of the Advocates program to manage their own identity in the SourceCred instance, and to explore Cred, Grain, and weights within the Discord server. Adaptation of the pollen onboarding bot will serve to automate technical onboarding for use of the SourceCred product and replace manual opt-ins in all DAOs emerging from the Stacks Ecosystem that choose to adapt it to pay reward and incentivize contributors Once the bot is generalized we can use it in Stacks Advocates DAO to serve in the scaling of the Advocates community. The Cred and Grain commands will make the scores and distributions less opaque so that users will have the power in their own hands to view their changing scores and balances outside of the leaderboard. This will serve anybody intending to use the SourceCred product, which these days is organizations that are looking to decentralize their governance structures and/or pay contributors outside of a normal payment program and DAOs looking to experiment with rewards systems. Scope What are the components or technical specs of the project? What will the final deliverable look like? How will you measure success? The initial sketch is the pollen bot created by 1hive developers. A forked example is provided here: The deliverable components are: from the forked bot creating a template that is easily adaptable by any individual community’s SourceCred instance Additionally, a command will be added to deliver Cred scores and Grain balances. Success will look like a forkable bot that acts as a template for any community to input their personal community data (logo, name, details, etc) for seamless, automated onboarding support of the SourceCred Instance. This bot will decrease labor hours for Stacks instance maintainers to merge identities, identify .btc addresses, and activate accounts. Ultimately it will increase user autonomy and decrease technical gatekeeping, making the user experience easier for non-developers. The additional commands will fill an otherwise unmet need of tracking personal Cred scores and Grain balances on Discord instead of with a secondary interface.

Budget and Milestones What grant amount are you seeking? How long will the project take in hours? If more than 20, please break down the project into milestones, with a clear output (e.g., low-fi mockup, MVP with two features) and include the estimated work hours for each milestone.

Total Grant Request: 11,500 STX 115 Dev/UX hours

M1: Modernization of the existing bot to use Discord /slash commands Components: Command builders and refactoring handlers. 20 dev hours 2,000 STX

M2: Add branding configuration Components: Add configurations for slash commands for dynamically updating command branding 20 dev hours 2,000 STX

M3: Add ‘My Grain’ slash command Components: New builder, new handler 5 dev hours 500 STX M4: Add command for checking the Cred of a Discord message Components: New builder, new handler, novel external use of core SourceCred algorithm, user-friendly formatting in Discord embeds Dependencies: New CredEquate Algorithm completion and implementation on Discord 20 dev hours 2,000 STX

M5: Add command for checking the weight configuration of the Discord server Components: New builder, new handler, user-friendly formatting in Discord embeds Dependencies: New CredEquate Algorithm completion and implementation on Discord 20 dev hours 2,000 STX

M6: Productionize the cron-job service using the latest SourceCred library Components: Address builder, fill gaps in the library, safe identity creation, payable addresses 20 dev hours 2,000 STX

M7: Creating documentation for the purpose of the bot and how to deploy it 10 dev hours 1,000 STX

Team The SourceCred Product Team, with Thena (blueridger) as lead. We are the subject matter experts on SourceCred-related product development and are responsible for virtually all 1st-party development right now.

Risks What dependencies or obstacles do you anticipate? What contingency plans do you have in place? CredEquate Algorithm completion and implementation on Discord for M4 and M5. If for some reason CredEquate is not finished, equivalent deliverables could be designed for the existing algorithm.

Community and Supporting Materials Do you have previous projects, code commits, or experiences that are relevant to this application? What community feedback or input have you received? How do you plan to share your plan to the community over time and as the final deliverable?

This project is informed first and foremost by the 1hive community and additionally by the feedback from instance maintainers within our own organization, in service of other organizations, and our partnership with Stacks Advocates. These improvements are warranted in that they solve the technical onboarding problem facing instance maintainers in larger communities in the Stacks Ecosystem interested in using SourceCred, make the product more easily scalable in the Advocates DAO, and serve users to have more accessible understanding of their identity using the SourceCred product.

stx-grant-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for submitting a grant proposal. Our team will review your submission and get back to you.

jennymith commented 2 years ago

Hey @blueridger, just a note here that review of this grant (and the one before it) is currently on hold since I'm in talks with Ryeder to bundle all SourceCred-related efforts into one large grant (i.e. through the Stacks Gov Lab <> SourceCred partnership). We plan to finalize the terms of this grant by the end of this week. Thanks for your patience!