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Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.
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Learn2Earn: Onramp mainstream users at scale using gamification #317

Closed rogerb-btc closed 2 years ago

rogerb-btc commented 2 years ago

Background What problems do you aim to solve? How does it serve the mission of a user-owned internet?

Learning about Web3 and blockchain is a key barrier to entry for onboarding new users into Stacks. In order to stay competitive, we need the best-in-class educational resources and onboarding for new Web3 users.Web3 represents the biggest transformation in business and technology for at least 100 years; the work we do today will determine how people learn, play, earn, and transact for the next century. We can unlock value and materially improve the world by getting it right.

Among other changes, this impending deluge of innovation coincides with a profound rethink of the Future of Work and a global shift towards remote teams and automation, accelerated by COVID. Here is where the 1Huddle platform is best-placed to help secure a people-first, user-owned Internet.

The 1Huddle training platform ( hosts major global brands such as the US Airforce, Audible (an Amazon Brand), Loews Hotels, Madison Square Garden, UEFA, and more. By setting Stacks and CityCoins content next to the training programs for these established corporations, we communicate the reliability and the inevitability of Web3 on Bitcoin. We believe we can onramp & deliver 10,000-20,000 new users to the Stacks ecosystem in the first year, 250,000-500,000 new users by year five.

Our gamified education application will function as a market-making engine, creating a sense of familiarity, safety, and fun for the Stacks brand. 1Huddle can make Stacks and the Bitcoin economy as mainstream and ordinary as coffee from Starbucks or burgers from Mcdonald's.

Let’s dive deeper -

What is the greatest hurdle to converting people to new technologies and new ways of doing business?

Education. Fundamentally, markets for new products and paradigms are made in the imaginations of users across the globe, dependent on an effectively-educated workforce, and reliant on high fidelity knowledge and culture transmission. The automobile, the telephone, the internet - all of these faced a challenge gaining mass adoption after the initial first mover / first adopter phase.

1Huddle creates state-of-the-art mass communications technology. We know exactly how to entertain and educate the users, the organizations, and the workforce that will realize and populate Web3.

What is our thesis and our tech?

The future of education will be Learn2Earn: where organizations of all kinds (private and public sector corporations, Government/Department of Defense, Non-Profits, DAOs, etc) develop and drive a contagious and constant reskilling and upskilling environment.

We know this because we are currently the market leader in upskilling every worker in the enterprise on Web2. We have 300k+ users across 100+ global brands that have their workforces competing every day to upskill and earn rewards tied to Web2 (gift cards, swag, recognition, PTO, bonuses, etc).

We do this using gamification, neuroscience, and AI – and this global enterprise model is one step away today from Learn2Earn on Web3.

Through our gradual phasing in of Web3 models into the consumer market and eventually the enterprise, we will be the market leader in Learn2Earn delivering on the needs of the organization through games with crypto as incentives and rewards.

How does this apply to Stacks and the Bitcoin economy?

One of the largest challenges the crypto ecosystem faces is battling misinformation. Without proper education & knowledge around its use – how it impacts and changes the status quo, and how the everyday person can and should use and interact with it – it could take years for the average person to make the leap into Stacks.

We are also in a time of great economic turmoil, with historic levels of income insecurity, shortages, stagnant wages, mass resignations among workers in all industries, declining college admissions, record debt, and consumer price inflation.

People are not being provided the resources to reskill fast enough. People need a bridge, an accelerant, a direction. They also need financial support. With the Great Resignation creating massive destabilization in the workforce today, and a huge shortage of skills needed for the Future of Work even outside Web3, the time is ripe for us to provide an on-ramp to the Bitcoin economy, enabled by Stacks.

8 in 10 global workers are in a job that is at risk of complete automation within the next 5-10 years. Most existing forms of education and training are broken and delivered by antiquated methods (classroom training, webinars, online modules) and outdated technology (1% of global training and education is delivered mobile-first).

We believe that we can democratize access to learning and development opportunities for everyone - especially future builders and users of Stacks.

Project Overview What solution are you providing? Who will it serve?

Build Knowledge. Develop Skills. Earn Stacks.

We will build a Stacks gamified education platform that will provide a flood of new users into the Stacks ecosystem. Through our quick-burst AI-backed mobile trivia, we will create a standardized and competitive vehicle to learn and earn on everything from Web3 101 to DeFi & NFTs to Clarity Bootcamp education. Even better – as you compete against others using 1Huddle, you’ll be incentivized to earn Stacks and an NFT at the end of your journey.

This solution will provide a new way for everyday people to make the leap into Web3, without the boring/traditional and cumbersome ways of the past (webinars, modules, whitepapers, academic courses, etc). This will also create a viral environment where users will be able to share with friends and challenge each other to beat their scores – and the more that join 1Huddle the more that will join the Stacks ecosystem.

In partnership with potential projects like Hiro/Xverse, Stacks Degens, and STXNFT, we’ll have the ability to educate and make the existing community more engaged and knowledgeable, and possible even cross-educate some existing community members to learn about new projects/corners of the Stacks ecosystem they weren’t already aware of.

Drive more people to Stacks. Drive more engagement across the community. Drive more knowledge and education for all.

Build Knowledge. Develop Skills. Earn Stacks.

Scope What are the components or technical specs of the project? What will the final deliverable look like? How will you measure success?

The goal of this project is to break down the barrier of uncertainty & lack of knowledge for the everyday person re: crypto. Onboard mass users (.01% of people globally currently hold crypto). This project and platform will deliver a standardized, competitive, and incentivized tool to educate, engage, and onramp new Stacks users into the ecosystem.

People will have the opportunity to play games & learn about the fundamentals of Web3, how the Stacks project is innovating the Web3 world on Bitcoin, and how to obtain, use, and HODL Stacks (and other tokens) in the ecosystem.

Just as we train 1,500 global users for Audible (Yahoo Finance: Audible signs $1 Million Deal with 1Huddle) & 100,000+ users for the City of Newark, or how we educate and train 500-1,500+ Airmen for the US Air Force (1Huddle wins $750,000 Contract with the USAF) we are positioned to deliver hundreds of thousands of new users from the key 18-40 demographic to Stacks over the next 3-5 years.

Budget and Milestones What grant amount are you seeking? How long will the project take in hours? If more than 20, please break down the project into milestones, with a clear output (e.g., low-fi mockup, MVP with two features) and include the estimated work hours for each milestone.

Total Grant Request: $500,000

$445,000 of cost tied to project $55,000 of Stacks for Learn2Earn Reward

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Team Who is building this? What relevant experience do you bring to this project? Are there skills sets you are missing that you are seeking from the community? Please share links to previous work.

1Huddle Team

[Roger Bernardino](), SVP, Enterprise at 1Huddle: Strategy and Operations Lead

Roger has 10+ years of experience as an executive managing large projects in technology, sports performance, and the startup world, including a former exit at a tech startup. He has been with the team since launch as employee #2. Roger also attended 500Startups as part of batch 15 in Mountain View, CA, and has vast prior experience working in high-growth tech organizations leading strategy and sales across agile environments.

[Jared Center]()

Director of Customer Success at 1Huddle, Project Manager / Lead

[Sam Caucci](), CEO & Founder at 1Huddle

Sam has 18 years of experience enhancing individual performance and is the Founder and CEO of 1Huddle. He’s led fundraising efforts through our current Series A2 Round including being invited & . He has managed and coached sales and leadership teams for publicly held, private sector, and franchised companies across the globe. He is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller, Not Our Job: How College has Destroyed a Generation of Workers and How to Fix It, and has been featured on Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNBC, The Huffington Post, ESPN, Yahoo Finance, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Bloomberg. Mr. Caucci is heavily involved in the NJ community where he is an Adjunct Professor at Rutgers University and a Member of the Board of Directors on the Newark Workforce Development Board for the city of Newark. He is also currently serving on President Joe Biden’s Workforce Innovation Policy Committee.

[Rakesh Raju](), CTO at 1Huddle: Web2 Technical Lead

Rakesh has over 20 years of experience in starting up new technology companies and taking their technology to market including former exits totaling north of $100M+. As the CTO of 1Huddle, he oversees an engineering team of 25+ engineers and is crucial in developing and overseeing the technology strategy for 1Huddle and that the technologies he brings in are used efficiently, profitably, and securely.


[Bryan Guadagno]()

Bryan Guadagno is a data-driven Senior Executive and Consultant with more than 10 years of success across the financial services, hedge fund, management consulting, and wealth management industries.

Throughout his executive career, Bryan has held leadership positions with organizations including It’s Skinny, Young America Capital, Gallant Brands, Inc., which does business as Original Soupman, Jordan River Associates, and qplum along with key roles at RMK Maritime Capital, and Valeo Financial Advisors LLC. He is currently the CEO of It’s Skinny. Prior to that, he served as a consultant at Gallant Brands, Inc., a company that was an acquisition out of bankruptcy. He served as an advisor to select Soupman, Inc. (of Seinfeld fame) stakeholders through the bankruptcy process, ultimately helping to negotiate and acquire the assets of the company in a transaction worth $6.7M. The business once had a market cap in excess of $100M. While with Soupman, Bryan successfully salvaged the brand’s retail store count while repairing several damaged relationships. While with qplum ($30M AUM at the time), he led institutional business development for the firm, which to that point, focused a predominant amount of its resources on marketing its A.I. and machine learning-based portfolios to individual investors. In his role as Co-Founder and Managing Partner with Jordan River Associates, Bryan has led a range of financial projects for key clients and personal investment. During his tenure as Investment Banking Analyst and Shipping Market Analyst with RMK Maritime Capital, he structured $20-$500 million credit and equity investments for ship owners and private equity clients.

[Trevor Owens]()

You know Trevor…no intro needed!

Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Press:

Here are a few links to some visuals and examples:

1Huddle Overview 1Huddle Demo 1Huddle Web2 Customer Stories We have a team of 25+ employees across various skill areas and departments. Our current and standard team will oversee this from the Web2 project plan. The funds will also be used to contract 1-2 Web3 engineers for help in connecting to either the Hiro or Xverse Wallet, along with the NFT creation and minting process. We will also want to leverage the Stacks Foundation marketing/PR community in order to add fuel to the fire when launching this campaign.

Risks What dependencies or obstacles do you anticipate? What contingency plans do you have in place?


People like games and trivia People like to get rewarded for taking action / learning about new things People will become competitive tied to our leaderboards and contests People will be excited about earning free crypto (Stacks) in return for playing quick burst trivia games Obstacles

Partnering/contracting with the right people in the Web3/Stacks Ecosystem to facilitate the connection between 1Huddle and a Stacks wallet for distribution of prize. Can be manually done today, and phased into a more automated flow.

Community and Supporting Materials Do you have previous projects, code commits, or experiences that are relevant to this application? What community feedback or input have you received? How do you plan to share your plan with the community over time and as the final deliverable?

We’ve launched similar projects tied to Web2 initiatives across 4 Continents, 50+ countries, and 300k users. Over the past 6 months we’ve been invited into the Stacks, CityCoins, Syvita Mining, Theopetra, and other Discord communities – all tied to the excitement of the 1Huddle vehicle providing new ways for these communities to engage their members. We will have detailed reporting and insight into gameplay, participation, engagement, knowledge and skill gap trends tied to the curriculum, and more.

1Huddle PR:

1Huddle on CNBC's SquawkBox w/ Kevin O'Leary 1Huddle's Newsroom 1Huddle and Audible Digital/Financial Literacy Deal Stacks Ecosystem Social proof:

1Huddle Education Twitter Space CityCoins Builders Call Tweet Patrick Stanley Tweet

stx-grant-bot[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thanks for submitting a grant proposal. Our team will review your submission and get back to you.

owenstrevor commented 2 years ago

Understanding Web3 and how to use it is a key barrier to entry for new users. Through 1huddle's innovative education platform, I'm confident we will be able to onboard a ton of new users not only into Web3 but also into Stacks!

BryanG1 commented 2 years ago

I have known 1Huddle for over 10 years and Roger for much longer than that. My business, It's Skinny, is a 1Huddle client. I firmly believe in their ability to advance the crypto ecosystem through gamified educational solutions. They have the infrastructure and team to execute as do they have the knowledge and experience in gamified education and play to earn/learn to be effective. This is crypto's missing piece. It's the onboarding ramp we all know we need but don't know how to implement. 1Huddle knows how to implement. They've been doing this for years with clients like the city of Newark, NFL and NBA franchises, the US Air Force and recently signed Audible. We NEED to support this project.

egtalbot commented 2 years ago

I have seen a brief proof of concept tied to city coins and that has made me a believer. This team clearly knows their stuff and has a track record of delivering what they say. And the functionality opens all sort of possibilities for expanding the Stacks ecosystem to include more than just crypto enthusiasts. The project is a slam dunk, no brainer for approval.

will-corcoran commented 2 years ago

@rogerb-btc - Thanks very much for this application. Sounds like an amazing project. Now, I know why you wanted to chat the other day ;) We will review this internally and get back to you with any questions and some suggested next steps. With a grant request of this size we will require a community presentation. There is a presentation this Friday at 10am EST if you want to listen in and get a sense of what they are like. The next meeting after that is Friday 4/15 at 9am EST. Let me know if you would like to be added to the agenda for that call.

Talk soon, Will

rogerb-btc commented 2 years ago

@rogerb-btc - Thanks very much for this application. Sounds like an amazing project. Now, I know why you wanted to chat the other day ;) We will review this internally and get back to you with any questions and some suggested next steps. With a grant request of this size we will require a community presentation. There is a presentation this Friday at 10am EST if you want to listen in and get a sense of what they are like. The next meeting after that is Friday 4/15 at 9am EST. Let me know if you would like to be added to the agenda for that call.

Talk soon, Will

Appreciate it Will. Would love to join the call. I'll email you back directly to coordinate. Looking forward to making a huge impact on the Stacks community.

glasscloud commented 2 years ago

TheopetraLabs became a 1Huddle client after seeing their vision for Learn-2-Earn and getting a demo setup with some of our mortgage product information. @roger-btc and his team have put a lot of thought and effort into 1Huddle and we're super excited to see what they have in store for the masses adopting crypto!

andrerserrano commented 2 years ago

There is a huge gap of crypto and financial education needed for Stacks and CityCoins to successfully break into the mainstream. 1Huddle provides a way to do this that is not only fun and engaging, but also rewards people for their productivity. Roger has been an active member of the CityCoins community, participating regularly in community calls to engage the broader ecosystem. I'm very excited about what they will be able to achieve.

StevenLongCFO commented 2 years ago

Will, in my view, this is a run don't walk project.

Roger and his team are creating first-to-market solutions in the crypto education space. His team joined the CityCoins community late last fall and seized on a great idea to educate cities and citizens about crypto. In a short time, the proof of concept was built and ready for the community to review (maybe 15 days).

There are a few projects I would support this strongly (whatever value that may hold); however, Roger and his group have proven they will bring incredible value to Stacks and CityCoins. Other than CityCoins, I cannot think of another project in the Stacks ecosystem that so directly ties a foundational value of Stacks - crypto education, with a project.

Thank you for the consideration, Will (and Team). Roger and his group receive 100% of my support.


will-corcoran commented 2 years ago

@rogerb-btc - Thanks very much for the application and for presenting to the community last Friday. This is a really exciting project. However, we are having a hard time feeling like this is appropriate for grant funding. While we agree the project could certainly have a big impact on the Stacks community, we try to limit grant funding to go to new & novel open-source efforts. The milestones above and your companies work to date indicate that what is being presented is an enterprise effort. Our concern is that funds would be used for licensing pre-existing content not just creating new and open-source content.

Lastly, we have had similar Learn to Earn offers from leading crypto exchanges - and we have shied away from allocating capital to those campaigns because the conversion metrics are low (lots of earn and dump without much learn) - and those platforms are specifically built to engage a captured crypto-first audience...

If you feel like you would like to abstract out the portions of the project that are considered new + open source efforts and resubmit we would be more than happy to take a look at a slimmed down proposal.

Please let us know your thoughts. Best, Will