stacksgov / grants-program

Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.
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StxStats #727

Closed pradel closed 1 year ago

pradel commented 1 year ago


Type:                                                                        Direct Application


Discord:                                                    leopradel#0606

Twitter:                                                        leopradel

Stacks Forum:           


Grant Name:                                        StxStats

Total Budget:                              15,000

Total Duration:                 130

Grant Type:                                               Open Source Dev Repeat Grantees

Grant Track:                                          Stacks Education & Community

Grant Goal:                                               Strengthen Community

Grant Audience:             End Users (Institutional)

Specific Audience:         Anyone tracking the Stacks growth / health

Grant Team:                                       pradel,gregogun,quentinsaubadu

Previous Grants:                      Ceramic integration (no github issue)

Ecosystem Programs:      Did the stacks accelerator cohort 1


Grant Mission:         StxStats is a stats dashboard allowing anyone to view various metrics about the Stacks blockchain growth.

Many people in the community asked for the website back including Trevor and Louise. Some data: Website: - around 600-700 unique visitors / month Twitter: - 1581 followers

First step is to get the old version of the website and bot up and running again. Upgrade stacks node version and fix all the SQL breaking changes made in the few last major stacks-blockchain-api releases. Then we want to open the API for any developer to use and allow anyone to download the data as CSV as it was requested multiple times by our users. Finally the last step is to redesign the dashboard and add some metrics regarding smart contracts.

Please check out this gist to have a better breakdown of the budget and milestones (not enough space here):


Grant Impact:               Number of visits / month on the website and number of followers of the twitter bot

Grant Risks:                          No risks, team can achieve it without issues.

Support Link:                                     Twitter account of stxstats bot



Deliverable:                   Old version of up and running


Deliverable:          website and API live. Twitter bot @stxstats daily post

stacks-foundation commented 1 year ago

👋 @pradel
Thanks for your application! We will do a pre-review and let you know if we have any immediate questions. In the mean time please refer to our review schedule here for a detailed timeline and response dates.
Best, Will

will-corcoran commented 1 year ago

Hi @pradel -

Thanks for the application! Applications for this cohort close next Friday 11/4 and then the Grants Review Committee will be doing the full review. Currently, I am in the process of doing some pre-review and one of the things I wanted to ask you about is the overall budget for your grant.

Right now and for the next quarter or so, grants are going to be reserved for critical blockchain related work and addressing priorities outlined from community feedback, which you can find here. While this application covers some really interesting territory, we are trying to be cognizant of only funding the portions that are the most high-impact and aligned with those priorities. Additionally, we have been asking applicants to keep their budget in the $75/hr range and your application appears to pencil out to $115/hr. If you could take a close look and try to keep your overall budget on par with that rate, that would be great.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best, Will

pradel commented 1 year ago

Hi @will-at-stacks,

Regarding the budget, we are actually at 50$/hr. Let me explain how I calculated this. We have 1.5 days per month of maintenance for 12 months for 7200$ so that's 18 days of work. Then we have 14 days of development for 5600$. In total that's 32 days. We take an average of 8hr work per day that's 18 + 14 so 32 days of work in total or 256hrs. The total work budget is 12800$ (7200 + 5600). So if we do 12800 / 256 this gives us an hourly rate of 50$ so we are below the 75$/hr range.

Hope this clarifies it.

Scarlett-Web3 commented 1 year ago

I think you have an interesting project. If you haven't already gone through the Stacks Web3 Startup Lab, I would like to invite you to apply.

Here's a 5-minute read on how we can help you turn your startup idea into an investment-ready startup:

If you are interested, you can apply through the "Apply Now" button.

Feel free to ping me on email:

will-corcoran commented 1 year ago

Hello @pradel

Thank you for the application and for your patience with the grant review process. We did a thorough review of all of the applications (each application received an average of 6 reviews from members of the Grants Review Committee).  However, after much consideration, we decided not to fund any of the Cohort 19 grant applications as we did not feel they aligned with critical priorities core to the development of the Stacks blockchain.  

We invite you to please read this blog post we authored to help elaborate on the reasoning behind this decision and clarify the current mission of the Grants Program.

Thanks in advance, Will Stacks Foundation Grants Program Manager