stacksgov / grants-program

Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.
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Memora(ble) W3 Property #749

Closed thelifeofpi closed 1 year ago

thelifeofpi commented 1 year ago


Type:                                                                        Direct Application


Discord:                                                    parth #9999

Twitter:                                                        @ogmemora

Stacks Forum:           


Grant Name:                                        Memora(ble) W3 Property

Total Budget:                              25,000

Total Duration:                 300

Grant Type:                                               Open Source Dev 1st time Grantees

Grant Track:                                          Stacks Protocol

Grant Goal:                                               Create New Technology

Grant Audience:             End Users (Consumer)

Specific Audience:         Participants in the collectibles, media and fine arts industries.

Grant Team:                                       lifeofPI, neuroscr

Previous Grants:                      

Ecosystem Programs:      


Grant Mission:         We are bringing a model which will allow microservice providers to utilize to bring forth a wave of offerings to the Stacks Userbase. As a result, we will empower collectors to take control of their data lakes and in turn connect these tokens into DEFI, Supply Chain, and Legal Oracle systems.

Grant Impact:               The community will be able to obtain bi-weekly updates on development. The community will also be able to sit in on our Youtube Monthly calls which showcases the development, ultimately showcasing a beta version of Light Node and build trust in a trustless environment.

Grant Risks:                          We have a healthy team. Two co-founders, CTO AND CEO who are capable with years of community management, blockchain development, and database computing, therefor we are able. In the event we need assistance, we have access to technical advisors who are ready to help us get through roadblocks.

Support Link:                                     Memora is a concept that was conceived by its founder in 2021. Jah had intention to organize his collection of collectible cards, he went on to realize that private property is not secure for collectors within the swaths of multi-service providers (such as ebay and facebook) and that title services for collectibles and antiques is not present, according to English Law. He imagined a protocol to allow collectors to tokenize and securely claim ownership of collectible property for security and to build a path to offer DEFI services for this recognized asset class.

The Memora Set will be an organized representation of the world of memorable assets deemed worthy of remembering (with respect to an individual or collective), preserving, and intimately showcasing for present and future generations. For individuals collecting time, or businesses providing a service, we will tokenize these transactions enabled across blockchain, thus providing scalable, and secure applications to onboard real world transactions, interactions and movement to distributed ledger technology. Memora Protocol will enable the seamless integration of life to decentralized regenerative economies and enable circular economies for the artists, collectors, and institutions in a regulatory compliant manner.



Deliverable:                   We will create a light node and subsequent ability to mint property rights NFT.


Deliverable:                   Create Education Material for onboarding "traditional" collectors.


Deliverable:                   We will deliver a Light Node Application as a Service

stacks-foundation commented 1 year ago

👋 @thelifeofpi
Thanks for your application! We will do a pre-review and let you know if we have any immediate questions. In the mean time please refer to our review schedule here for a detailed timeline and response dates.
Best, Will

will-corcoran commented 1 year ago

@thelifeofpi -

Thank you for the application. This sounds like a really interesting concept, but one that we are going to pass on. At this time the grants program is laser focused on critical ecosystem priorities (outlined here) and will primarily be deploying funds via critical bounties. I would encourage you to reach out to Albert at the Stacks Web3 Startup Lab (albert @ for more information on that program.

Best, Will