stacksgov / grants-program

Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.
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Zero Authority Cerulean Marketplace #800

Closed xyzerobtc closed 1 year ago

xyzerobtc commented 1 year ago


Type:                                                                        Direct Application


Discord:                                                    Zero (xyzero.btc)#2752

Twitter:                                                        0ZeroAuthority

Stacks Forum:           zeroauthority


Grant Name:                                        Zero Authority Cerulean Marketplace

Total Budget:                              30,000

Total Duration:                 1,200

Grant Type:                                               Open Source Dev Repeat Grantees

Grant Track:                                          Stacks dApps & Clarity

Grant Goal:                                               Create New Technology

Grant Audience:             End Users (Consumer)

Specific Audience:         Creators & builders who want a trustless solution for work & reputation

Grant Team:                                       kenrogers, xyzerobtc, proiacm, HodlSTX, BowTiedDeployer

Previous Grants:            

Ecosystem Programs:


Grant Mission:         The funding will help build version 1.0, and people will be able to find creators and make an offer to work with that person. The clarity contracts will custody the funds in a trustless manner to provide an organized way to work in Web3 & STX ecosystem. People have confirmed this is something they will use to get work done and earn reputation.

Back in 2019, at Blockstack Summit, Balaji spark my imagination for the Pseudonymous Economy. What if you could earn under one name, speak under another, and use your real name only on official forms… this led us to build the Cerulean Marketplace.

We plan to build a formal DAO governance via StackerDAO Labs, integrate secure communications via Pravica, and leverage Gamma’s API for NFTs on Stacks for profile PFP (provide web3 profile open API down the road). 

This will set the foundation for building front-ends where people can integrate a Cerulean marketplace into their website and token gate with NFT or SIP-10 tokens. There is an opportunity to extract open data from our contracts to build web3 models for what kind of gigs companies & individuals are paying for.

There is an opportunity for individuals to build specific skills that the market needs today. With our popular services we will build templates for structured data and create extractable information through our analytics. E.g. service for smart contract audit can use our template where specific risks, controls, threats are documented, and our dashboard can filter on that service to show people specific information to take further action.  

Community members can build new services or d-apps with data from the Cerulean Marketplace open-source clarity contracts. Members can query services where there is a need to provide to the marketplace or can find the high priority work where they can earn the most value in the peer-to-peer marketplace.

Grant Impact:               Monthly Active Users (MAU) — to track user activity.

Time spent on site — Long times might be an indicator that users cannot find what they are looking for.

Total Value Locked (USD) — TVL measures the total value of all assets locked into the protocol. TVL includes all the coins deposited in all the functions that the protocols offer, including staking.

Liquidity — provider liquidity and customer liquidity. Measured as a percentage. Provider liquidity as the percentage of listings that lead to transactions within a certain time period. Customer liquidity means the probability of a visit leading to a transaction.

Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) -  total sales value of the services sold through the marketplace during a specific time period

Net Promoter Score (NPS) - measure user satisfaction 1 to 10

Grant Risks:                          Health & Wellness Adverse macroeconomic conditions, including COVID-19 and its effects on the global economy, have impacted the lives of many across the world and within the stacks community. If someone falls ill, it could delay expected delivery by days.

Strategic Risk
Strategic risks can occur at any time and we will need to remain steadfast about our mission at Zero Authority: build the Cerulean Marketplace and promoting a user owned internet. We will continue to obtain feedback from our socials and online channels so we know what value we need to deliver to our community and continuously improve over time.

Financial Risk
We do not have any person who receives a salary or wages. Since we all have day jobs and family responsibilities, it would be a great incentive to be able to reward contributions for these projects.

Natural Disaster Risk
If the internet connection or living conditions are negatively impacted from a natural disaster, it will adversely impact each person’s ability to have a stable environment in which to work and provide value to the group. Project deliverables regarding weekly updates and builder series would still be on track for expected dates.

Support Link:                                     See our grant request comments from community members for testimonials

From @jackbinswitch This interview remains one of my favorites, as a bonus it led to some great friendships

Twitter Space Reputation on-chain with @ragnarlif

In the wake of uncovering SBF’s massive fraud scandal, an On-Chain Reputation system is more important than ever. Remember to tune in tomorrow at 8pm EST!\

We are so incredibly fortunate that people are coming into the Cerulean Marketplace v0.1 and signaling to the community they are here to help and provide a hand

Live with Alex Chizhik from Okcoin

Stacks is a leading Layer 2 for Bitcoin with @BrainHarrington



Deliverable:                   Cerulean Marketplace Hiro login 


Deliverable:                   Cerulean Marketplace clarity contracts


Deliverable:                   Cerulean Marketplace Hiro login 

stacks-foundation commented 1 year ago

👋 @xyzerobtc
Thanks for your application! We will do a pre-review and let you know if we have any immediate questions. In the mean time please refer to our review schedule here for a detailed timeline and response dates.
Best, Will

will-corcoran commented 1 year ago


Thank you for the proposal. This is a really interesting project - presented by a highly esteemed group of builders - but (unfortunately) we have decided to deny your application. For the next several quarters we are laser focused on conserving funding for efforts that have clear alignment with the current priorities of the grants program noted here - specifically sBTC. I know this was a second attempt at moving this project forward - and I wish I had better news for you. Perhaps once sBTC is live we will be able to provide more funding for projects of this nature.

Best, Will

xyzerobtc commented 1 year ago

@will-at-stacks Thank you for looking into our application. We understand the priority. Would you please keep us in the know when the foundation will open funding to teams again?