stacksgov / grants-program

Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.
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1st Class Stacks Education. #812

Closed 1stclasslabs closed 1 year ago

1stclasslabs commented 1 year ago


Type:                                                                        Direct Application


Discord:                                                    jboogie.btc#3083

Twitter:                                                        jbrescacin11

Stacks Forum:           


Grant Name:                                        1st Class Stacks Education.

Total Budget:                              50,000

Total Duration:                 405

Grant Type:                                               Stacks Education Grant

Grant Track:                                          Stacks Education & Community

Grant Goal:                                               Strengthen Community

Grant Audience:             End Users (Consumer)

Specific Audience:         We would like to target anyone interested in learning more about Stacks.

Grant Team:                                       TheCStephen

Previous Grants:                      We received a Grant in the past from Stacks to implement the Hiro and Xverse wallet function into our social education platform.

Ecosystem Programs:      


Grant Mission:         In order for Stacks to grow we believe that there needs to be better educational content supporting it. We will be able to help bring this content to the masses because 1st Class is a hub for education, specifically in-depth crypto education.

When our team discusses what Stacks is with people that are familiar with other blockchains they tell us they've never heard of it. Our goal is to put Stacks educational content right next to the most popular content from other ecosystems so that it is easier to discover and learn about on our platform. Creating an engaging environment for people to learn about scaling Bitcoin, Bitcoin DeFi, and Bitcoin NFTs will organically bring their eyes to everything that Stacks is building behind the scenes.

When people go to YouTube, they have to sort through a lot of noise just to find the most basic information on what Stacks is. This may be a hurdle for introducing users and builders to the Stacks ecosystem. We can create a space to host engaging experiences which will make it easier for those who are curious to learn more about Stacks to meet other users and share what they’ve learned with their friends from other blockchains as well.

Grant Impact:               The key metrics that the community will be able to review are number of Stacks related educational content published on the platform and number of unique views that content received. As we onboard creators, their communities will be introduced to Stacks as well.

Grant Risks:                          The risks that we see possible are not acquiring content creators as fast as we think we will, although we have creators waiting to publish content on the platform. We also can't dictate the number of views the content will get, but it will be emphasized on the platform.

Support Link:                                     Here is the landing page for 1st Class, Beta will be available soon. If you have any questions please feel free to email us or message us on Twitter. We hope that we can bring value to the Stacks community and highlight what makes it great.



Deliverable:                   We will hire creators and editors to shoot and publish videos 1-3.


Deliverable:                   We will shoot and edit videos 4-15.


Deliverable:                   Launch NFT ticketing and live streaming functions.

stacks-foundation commented 1 year ago

👋 @1stclasslabs
Thanks for your application! We will do a pre-review and let you know if we have any immediate questions. In the mean time please refer to our review schedule here for a detailed timeline and response dates.
Best, Will

will-corcoran commented 1 year ago


Thank you for the proposal, however we we have decided to deny your application. For the next several quarters we are laser focused on conserving funding for efforts that have clear alignment with the current priorities of the grants program noted here - specifically sBTC. Additionally, with the addition of the Web3 Startup Lab to our ecosystem - we are leaning on them to support the kickstart of startup ideas like this and reserving grant funding for the development of protocol-wide public goods.

Best, Will