stacksgov / grants-program

Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.
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Web3 Woman Sprint Onboarding #894

Closed Web3Woman closed 1 year ago

Web3Woman commented 1 year ago


Type:                                                                        Direct Application


Discord:                                                    Lydee#7357

Twitter:                                                        simplyQueenLee

Stacks Forum:           Web3Woman (Lydia Mark)


Grant Name:                                        Web3 Woman Sprint Onboarding

Total Budget:                              10,000

Total Duration:                 300

Grant Type:                                               Stacks Community Builder Grant

Grant Track:                                          Stacks Education & Community

Grant Goal:                                               Strengthen Community

Grant Audience:             End Users (Consumer)

Specific Audience:         Women and girls in different career spheres and phases.

Grant Team:                             ,,,

Previous Grants:                      No, this is my first grant application.

Ecosystem Programs:      No, this is my first application.


Grant Mission:         The Web3 Woman Hub Onboarding Sprint is targeted at stirring a wide-spread Web3 (Stack Protocol) awareness.

The 2month onboarding sprint billed to start in May will effectively integrate a wide range of events, 6weeks education workshop, webinars, cross chain& community collaborations and partnerships throughout the digital campaign to ensure adequate and guided Web3 education, Community building and Women Inclusion.

At the end of the 2month onboarding sprint, we must have: 1) Raised a vibrant community of 3000 Women eager to explore and utilize Stack Protocol's cutting edge technology for their business advancement, as well those that will leverage Stack Protocol to build local solutions for day to day activities —to boost the overall ecosystem experience for the long term.

2) Launch the Web3 Chatbot which will serve as an onboarding assistant, provide detailed Web3 & Stacks education (which will be updated subsequently)

3) Promote Stack Protocol awareness/ participation among diverse Women and Business Communities.

At the end of the digital Campaign, the top 3 performing participants at the end of the Workshop session will be rewarded, incentivize a few participants as well as provide a little funding support to one participant with the best ecosystem product idea.

Further details on the event framework/roadmap, partnership details, and every other supporting documents will be shared upon request.

Grant Impact:               3000 increase in Stack Community Membership and participation.

Increased developer awareness.

More businesses seeking solutions from Stacks Protocol.

Increased Social Media awareness/mentions.

Grant Risks:                          As at the time of writing this, there are no known limitations to the success of this campaign. All necessary partnerships and collaboration has been agreed upon, the community builders ready and are set, awaiting resources to kick-start immediately.

Support Link:                                     This is a linktree that grants access to all relevant links regarding the Web3 Woman Hub.

Upon clicking the link, you'd be led to our various social media channels our podcast page, our Meduim blog, community channel, and even importantly is the About Litedoc where you will find relevant informat



Deliverable:                   3000 Women Onboarding through Digital Campaigns, Clarity Sessions and Communit


Deliverable:                   Onboard 3000 Women & 50 IRL businesses to Stacks Protocol . Launch Web3 Chatbot

stacks-foundation commented 1 year ago

👋 @Web3Woman
Thanks for your application! We will do a pre-review and let you know if we have any immediate questions. In the mean time please refer to our review schedule here for a detailed timeline and response dates.
Best, Will

will-corcoran commented 1 year ago

Hi @Web3Woman -

Thank you for your interest in the grants program. The mission of your organization is so important, unfortunately, we have too many needs that are currently requiring funding in and around the development of the sBTC protocol. If you are interested in competing for funding to help out - I would encourage you to review the open Critical Bounties list.

Additionally, I would encourage you to email adam at stacks dot org - he is the Community Growth Lead and may have some ideas about how to support your efforts.

Best, Will