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Community survey #1

Closed lrettig closed 4 years ago

lrettig commented 4 years ago

This is a work in progress. See First draft of the survey is ready. DM me if you'd like to see it and contribute!

lrettig commented 4 years ago

Got some great feedback from other community members, including some additional proposed questions. I just finished merging these in, editing the survey, and adding some more questions. If you haven't yet, please get your comments/feedback in ASAP. Next, I'm going to figure out which platform we should use to host the survey, e.g., Google Forms or Typeform.

lrettig commented 4 years ago

I began to set this up on Typeform today. You can see a preview here:

lrettig commented 4 years ago

Over the past few days, I fleshed out the typeform survey (see link above) to include most of the questions from the draft survey that I previously shared for feedback, divided into sections such as Demographics, Governance, PBC, Foundation, etc. I shared this across several channels (here, Discord, Discourse, and with some folks directly) for feedback. Today, in response to some excellent questions, I spent a lot of time thinking strategically about the survey: what is its aim, what are we hoping to learn from it, and what action do we plan to take based on the results? I'm waiting for feedback on this, and still planning/hoping to launch the survey this week!

lrettig commented 4 years ago

I spent some time the past couple of days pondering questions such as "What’s the purpose of the survey? / What do we hope to learn from the survey? / What sort of things will we do in response to the survey?" Shared my thoughts in the forum today, and I'm keen to hear what others think:

lrettig commented 4 years ago

Finished a comprehensive first draft of the survey. Waiting for a little more feedback before sharing it more broadly. Next step will be to ask members of the governance working group to take the survey.

lrettig commented 4 years ago

It's done! Sharing it with the working group now.

lrettig commented 4 years ago

We have 45 responses total right now, or +37 since we released it. As discussed on the past couple of calls:

joberding commented 4 years ago

Where are we now on the total number of responses? Have we decided on the minimum number of responses or next steps to achieve goals?

lrettig commented 4 years ago

As of now, 57, or +49. It's going up very slowly, we're getting less than one response per day at this point. On the last call we talked about beginning the process of analyzing the results. We didn't pick a minimum number of responses.

whoabuddy commented 4 years ago

Mentioning #34 so these two are linked.

Also, we talked about this subject in general on call 13 (#41), and any feedback on processing the results is welcome here.

lrettig commented 4 years ago

Per, I propose the following next steps for analyzing the survey results.

First, read over the results report (as provided by Typeform) and share some "first order" insights such as basic demographics: geography, language, token holdings, etc. of respondents, how long it took them to respond, completion rate, drop-off rate for each individual question, etc.

Next, review the initial goals for the survey and spend some more time thinking about how these results map to the questions asked there.

This will all go into a report. Please let me know if you're interested in helping!

lrettig commented 4 years ago

Another important question: most of the survey respondents provided an email address. Many are folks who have not been active in governance to do (other than filling out this survey). What should we do with this contact information? Should we send them a brief thank you note? Should we invite them to join the working group chat, or a call? Should we share the results of the survey with them? What other ideas do folks have?

joberding commented 4 years ago

Send them a brief note inviting them to join the working group with a Discord link and link to the repo. Let them know that the results of the survey will be posted soon on the repo. Invite them to review the resources on the repo.

paradigma-cl commented 4 years ago

It will be nice to provide some feedback to the respondents of the Survey. One is thanking them, then informing them about the Launch of the Foundation and its details, what is going to develop the foundation and how they still can participate, additionally to the Governance Working Group invite them to join also other working groups, or other activities.

lrettig commented 4 years ago

The survey was closed to new responses a few days ago (#49). My report on its results is here. I'll open a separate issue to follow up on how to reach out to respondents (#60). Thanks for sharing your ideas!