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Project management related to stacks governance
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Grant project management #119

Closed jennymith closed 3 years ago

jennymith commented 3 years ago

cc: @joberding @HaroldDavis3

HaroldDavis3 commented 3 years ago

@jennymith Thanks for organizing this. Seems both Discord & Forum would be best. All for keeping up Gh project board updates too.

Update as of Feb 4

Here is the latest code that shows our ability to combine Loomio, SourceCred & Policykit for our decision making testing needs.

Latest thinking on (ranked choice) testing: After following some testing, discussion & experiments in other communities using SC (like the SC community themselves) I have been thinking of the distinctions in protecting against gaming the mechanisms —and protecting against silos of top down power.

These seem to be fundamentally distinct approaches. When designing for protections against gaming, things seem to get choppy when sussing out which contributions are deemed valuable in broader gov’t models. This has interesting impact on strategies implemented for SC. Gov’t models seemed to get infinitely more complex. This is concerning as it seems to broaden surface area for both top down & bottom up attacks in long term.

When designing for protections for top down power silos, the same means of protection from top down structures are also useful for protecting us from gaming from the bottom.

Example: I’ve confirmed it is possible for us to track cred flow via Policykit-- of selected posts in a given SC plugin.

Cred flow checking w/PK can give us bottom up quorums of what is most relevant for review before decision making actions.

Kinda like what this can do for human to human trust in context of a trust-less technical space in long run—but would stress the importance of bottom up mechanisms to establish protections —not engineering against gaming per se —but for broader gov’t models that can hold individuals & groups accountable to voices of whole collective. This designs beyond gaming protections and goes into bottom up systems design.

It also allows us to keep gov’t models in decision making fairly simple at the core with complexity in community interactions growing infinitely at the edges.

Bottom Up Role Selection via heavily weighted reaction model:

First glance, this looks like a unique chance to track value flows, this can help ensure flows stay unalienated long term. Standards of checking that gaming has not occurred should be fairly straightforward to create as we go, which adds complexity to overall gov’t model, but with important constraints for bottom up voices.

This model dovetails nicely with our Two Row Wampum Working Group efforts, as it is largely inspired by indigenous bottom up consensus protocols. This is also exciting path toward protected spaces for decision making by women in web3, as this model should do well in any desired R+D in this area 🙂 Demo on Feb 11! 🤞.

Current Update of Jan 21

(First Week of Dec)

(Second Week of Dec)

Was able to speak with both Friedger & Amy! Friedger is unfamiliar with ins & outs of the Matrix client bridging but sees the possibility of combining his OI chat with Policykit for the benefits of Stacks Auth & Gaia storage for our voting mechanism efforts. Amy Xzhang of Policykit has been kind enough to offer help on any possible blockers & this should be huge help to figuring realistic deadline if it works outs.

Tinkering with OI chat & discord bridge showed a straightforward path to how Policykit should be able to work for our community voting needs. Tinkering with Policykit showed its ready to test it usage with OI chat; as I was able to get through their README tutorial. Will report more here if we have any good news!

(Third Week of Dec)

(Fourth Week)

(First Week of January)

joberding commented 3 years ago

Here is my current (in-process) COC project overview. Updates will be ongoing. Comments are welcome. Action list will be updated each Monday and will include a short report on the COC project status.

Current resources as of March 18, 2021

Please use Stacks Code of Conduct Beta for references going forward

Current resources as of Feb 10, 2021

Stacks Code of Conduct Beta and RFC can be found at

Current resources as of Feb 1, 2021

Take a look at the current status of the project

Trello Board

Project Overview


Action List

Week of 7 December 2020

Update 14 December 2020

Currently reviewing the Contributor Covenant and existing relevant COC.

Update 21 December 2020

Development of RFC in process. Continued research and review of relevant COC. Google Doc to be updated.

Status Update January 19, 2021

Over the last month, I have been researching, not only representative code of conduct applicable to a community like ours, but also understanding what a code of conduct is and how it can impact a community and why it is important to create one that is relevant to and useful for our Stacks community.

Each community is unique. A code of conduct should be representative of the community’s values and beliefs. While we are a worldwide community, we share some key beliefs about a user owned internet, privacy and a “can’t be evil” approach to development.

From here on out, I’ll be sharing my work on the code of conduct and working in the open. I’m providing some code of conduct resources that I have gathered on the Project Overview document and a link to the draft [RFC](Status Update January 19, 2021 Over the last month, I have been researching, not only representative code of conduct applicable to a community like ours, but also understanding what a code of conduct is and how it can impact a community and why it is important to create one that is relevant to and useful for our Stacks community.

Each community is unique. A code of conduct should be representative of the community’s values and beliefs. While we are a worldwide community, we share some key beliefs about a user owned internet, privacy and a “can’t be evil” approach to development.

From here on out, I’ll be sharing my work on the code of conduct and working in the open. I’m providing some code of conduct resources that I have gathered on the Project Overview document and a link to the draft RFC. More resources will be added as we continue forward. Please add any resources not on the list that you feel are important to consider in the development of our code of conduct.

Take a look at the draft RFC and add any comments that will provide more clarity to the community about the COC as well as the RFC process.

Working Documents

Project Overview


joberding commented 3 years ago

Overall Management of Project

Completed Tasks

  1. Email sent to the Stacks Foundation requesting contract documents (3 December 2020).
  2. Contract received, reviewed and executed (8 December 2020)

Action List

whoabuddy commented 3 years ago

Closing because tracked in other related issues.