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TRW STEAM Update #125

Open HaroldDavis3 opened 3 years ago

HaroldDavis3 commented 3 years ago

Discussion Item


March 18: One of our next meetings will include Jennifer Morone, Rori & Liam from this panel on rapid wicked prototyping via fim & storytelling.

Feb. 4 Update - Meeting with Eglash and Mayan midwife representative from Chiapas WIP for Tuesday or Thursday next week!

HaroldDavis3 commented 3 years ago


Recorded Zoom After intro meeting with Eglash & a very exciting group that joined us, thank you all very much for the support thus far and here is our attempt to highlight potential workstreams & specs of the grant application which will now likely be turned in after the beta :)

(PoA)Proof of Access System Design

HIghlighting Work Streams For those that have shown interest in our STEAM efforts & or the Web3 data model attached to it, feel free to comment here to communicate feedback or identify in which streams you have interest to participate. This will help us to list a team on grant application (now out of beta?!).

STEAM & Indigenous Modes

(PoA)Proof of Access Design

HaroldDavis3 commented 3 years ago

Here is the latest recording of Valentina, Eglash & Longhouse meeting. Very productive call concerning the basic outline of our efforts in indigenous modes, digital fabrication, STEAM education etc. Couldn't ask for a better call :)

HaroldDavis3 commented 2 years ago

Longhouse construction project, BOM and promo base document below:

HaroldDavis3 commented 2 years ago Nice documentation of Longhouse building efforts above.

HaroldDavis3 commented 2 years ago

A beautiful example of the kind of material r+d & archiving we'd love to show is possible in the ecosystem! For those interested in how we are envisioning possible STEAM projects in context of sustainable indigenous modes.