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Advocates Pivot? #178

Open hozzjss opened 2 years ago

hozzjss commented 2 years ago

Advocates Gate

Advocates program has become something different and I think it's becoming the first entry point for all community members, We've had two scaling issues that we've resolved, governance and reward distribution, I think we're ready to invite more people to the program as the first entry point for all community members, I think there might be some system design there to be done

whoabuddy commented 2 years ago

This is great news! I've been watching the advocates program evolve and think this would be a great way to really start testing out the design. :clap:

Hero-Gamer commented 2 years ago

Hz amazing. I feel like I'm also watching it grow in front of my eyes, since Jan I guess I got involved more or less.

May I just ask for a clarification? When you say "all community members", do you literally mean anybody who is in Stacks? Anybody with a Stacks wallet etc.

I guess if we aim to scale it to that degree, we should come up with some Steps to get there, just as in more planned out how those Steps would look like, or goals. Say for example: Step 1/Goal 1: Open invite for all people in Stacks discord. Or can based on number of members such as 500 Step 2: 1000 members

Idk, I'm just throwing some points out there to kick off this discussion that's all :)

We're killing it!

HaroldDavis3 commented 1 year ago