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Call for Board Nominations #65

Open whoabuddy opened 4 years ago

whoabuddy commented 4 years ago

Following up on items discussed in call 17 #61 and call 16 #58, this issue a placeholder for actions related to the Call for Board Nominations on the forum.

hozzjss commented 2 years ago

I propose for a bottom up representation to fill this role

joberding commented 2 years ago

I second this proposal and add the idea presented by @herogamer relevant to the creation of a community CAB.

Hero-Gamer commented 2 years ago

Subject: Brainstorm solutions

Greetings all,

Below is a bit of context to the call held yesterday (apology for the long-winded text):

kick-start & revive the conversation regarding Community Representation & Community Board Seat Nomination

My 2 Sats: shoot for Toyota first before shooting for Ferrari

Suggestions to kick things off Extract from SIP-000 "To the greatest extent practical, the SC shall create and foster the development of Consideration Advisory Boards in order make informed decisions on subjects that in which they may not be experts. Any group of users can form an unofficial working group to help provide feedback to SIPs, but the SC shall have the power to recognize such groups formally as a Consideration Advisory Board via at least a two-thirds majority vote." *Consideration Advisory Board = CAB

Some ideas in the order of level of influence: Route 1: Community Advocates/Squad/Committee via Stacks Advocates

Route 2: Unofficial Community CAB

Route 3: Official Community CAB

Who might make up the people in such group?

The purpose of this post:

Next step:

What do people think? Please share your ideas the more ideas the better! Let's get the community heard asap in whatever capacity?

Thanks for listening/reading. :)

Hero-Gamer commented 2 years ago

I'd just like to add a bit more to this topic.

The mental model we could have about this:

Next step:


Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

Hi all, a bit of update:

Re Ecosystem Community Leaders/Community Representatives, there isn't been much movement mainly due to:

  1. Unable to structure a time effectively method that doesn't duplicate efforts -
  2. I've been busy doing working on other things like SIP Resident

What now?

  1. I recommend if someone who is interested picks this up and lead it. So we can continue finding ways to integrate community's voice officially
  2. There has been some effort in Stacks Advocate & Chapters Program re a Ecosystem Welcome Team, which I think can be leveraged with our thought here.

Re: Community Board Seat

  1. There has been some movement by @RagnarLifthrasir proposing to do a Community Board Observer I essentially think this is a positive baby step way forward. As I described above messages, I don't think we must shoot for the moon, as history tells me that approach hasn't gotten us anywhere. I'd rather take a practical approach forwards the eventual goal.

To conclude, thinking about it just now.. I think these two topics are two different plug-ins into the Stacks ecosystem, however they compliment each other. If we have both set-up, we can really get the pulse of Stacks community at large.

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago


I think the next step would be to figure out exactly the structure of all teams and the connections. Needs to be super clear and efficient and effective taking into account all ecosystem initiatives going on right now so we don't duplicate work.

Hero-Gamer commented 10 months ago

Update: Looks like we've found a home for community representatives (or if we call it Community Stewards) under the Community Grants Pilot Program (Decentralized Community Grants Program). Will continue to hash out exactly the selection process and draft Stewards committee.