stacksgov / residence-program

Repo for all resources related to the Stacks Foundation's Residence Program, including the application and nominations process.
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Content Creator & Megaphone for the Stacks ecosystem. #1

Closed JakeBlockchain closed 2 years ago

JakeBlockchain commented 2 years ago

What's your name/your team's name? Jacob Brown aka JakeBlockchain

Best email on which to contact you?

Personal Statement The plan is to have interesting discussions, with interesting people creating dope stuff in the Stacks community., Through the myriad of social platforms, I want to expand the total number of people who follow Stacks by interviewing interesting people in the community, and shine a spotlight on them with longer form deep dives (Podcast form and YouTube) and quick, concise, cut-down clips that engage and bring in new (ETH) users to the light side. The hard and fun part for me is taking a complex topic and making it easy to understand for the people that haven't gone down the crypto rabbit hole yet. That's where I come in.

End Product The end result will be an array of content on all the social platforms (YouTube, All major podcast platforms, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, & Instagram for sure.) I will have weekly podcasts and clips go live. Ranging from an hour in length to less then a minute. Each type of content will serve a slightly different person in their journey learning and understanding Stacks. In 6 months, I'd expect around 125+ pieces of content to go up.


Appendix [Attach any supplemental materials such as previous work/accolades, notes, diagrams, preliminary research, or community interactions that could support your application.] Patrick Stanley YouTube Interview:** Built on Bitcoin Podcast page: CEO of Layer interview: Different styles of content:

jennymith commented 2 years ago

Hey Jake, thanks for submitting an application (one of the very first!) to become a Stacks Resident. The Foundation team is reviewing your application in more depth and will be getting back to you about next steps soon.

JakeBlockchain commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update!

jennymith commented 2 years ago

Hi @JakeBlockchain, just emailed you to schedule an intro call for this week. Looking forward to learning more about your proposal!