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Full-time Clarity Educator #14

Closed cuevasm closed 2 years ago

cuevasm commented 2 years ago

In the past few months, demand for Clarity developer talent has spiked across the ecosystem. There are open positions and most companies/projects in the ecosystem find themselves in a constant state of seeking out those with Clarity skills for feedback and support. Efforts like Clarity Universe have started to help alleviate this talent shortage, but between supporting accelerator teams, working on key blockchain improvements, the grants program, and running Clarity Universe itself, we've hit the bandwidth limit.

Chatting with some other projects in the space, there's a willingness and desire to hold more Clarity Universe (or similar flavored versions) much more often and to support specific efforts. With that, I'm proposing a full-time Clarity Educator role. Please use this issue to signal your support for this position and provide feedback on the exact mix of duties.

TL;DR: We need more people that know Clarity. A full-time Clarity educator, leveraging the content we've already created, can rapidly infuse the ecosystem with talent as well as push broader education around smart contracts for Bitcoin forward.

Proposed Title of Position Clarity Education Lead

Focus Areas/Scope of Work You will be the go-to starting point for all things related to learning the Clarity smart contract language and play a critical role in growing the use of the language globally.


Requirements (or similar):

Timeline I see this position as being needed immediately. There are numerous opportunities to take Clarity into some pretty exciting channels including household name universities and well-known online learning platforms. This is a high-leverage position I'd love to start as soon as possible!

Interested? Apply here:

pstan26 commented 2 years ago

The City of Miami has signaled an intent to expand critical educational functions run by the city (think Stacks and MIA crypto school/university) and that this role would greatly help them accelerate that by supporting them upfront. Can't plus one this role enough. Would go an incredibly long way for Stacks, MiamiCoin, and Miami.

JakeBlockchain commented 2 years ago

100 percent agree with this.

As a new dev myself, the amount of super beginner tutorials and ways to learn solidity compared to Clarity is huge.

This will help a lot.

pstan26 commented 2 years ago

Any dissenters? This sounds like a positive move

jennymith commented 2 years ago

Hi all, if you're interested in this role, please apply here: I've also updated the role description with the link.

cuevasm commented 2 years ago

Moving forward with applications. 2500 STX referral bonus to the person that refers the candidate chosen. 🚀

migustamim commented 2 years ago

I recommend @empeje for this position.

JakeBlockchain commented 2 years ago

Any update on finding someone for this? Asking devs around the ecosystem, I'm also seeing a need for someone who understands the nuances of building on Clarity, vs Rust on Solana vs Solidity on Ethereum. Would be a good way to combine what other devs are familiar with on other systems to the comparable on Stacks.

It's something I'd be interested in deep diving into. For example, The coding basics of launching a 100 piece NFT project on Stacks, Solana, and Ethereum and making a series of videos and write-ups about the differences/similarities of each.

I'm a new dev though, so i'd only gain the knowledge to be something like a Clarity educator overtime as I use the different tools and languages.

cargocultscience commented 2 years ago

I'm a fairly long time coder coming from c/c++/python, currently learning Clarity. One thought I've had is to create material to show clarity vs more well known languages (eg python and typescript) as a means to bridge over coders that want to pick up Clarity. As a Clarity newbie myself I may be in a good position to create this. If this is interesting to anyone please reach out.

cuevasm commented 2 years ago

Hey all, quick update here that we received a number of private applications through the secondary application option linked above and have screened/interviewed all of them. A top candidate has emerged and in the next few days they'll submit their information as a new issue and proceed through the committee and community presentation steps. So excited about this one, absolute top notch team with great reccs and track record for Web 3 developer education.

In addition, we're also in talks with a few other teams and individuals to play further supporting roles around Clarity education/content to complement the work of the Clarity Eductator. Within a month, I expect to have a robust group focused around various aspects of Clarity Universe, standby for details on when these residents will be presenting to community, should be in the next couple of weeks! 🚀