stacksgov / residence-program

Repo for all resources related to the Stacks Foundation's Residence Program, including the application and nominations process.
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Product Designer-in-Residence (building user-centered Web3 products) #29

Closed AJAyanbisi closed 2 years ago

AJAyanbisi commented 2 years ago

Product Designer-in-Residence (building user-centered Web3 products)

What's your name/your team's name?


Best email on which to contact you?

Personal Statement [Explain in 150 words or less the kind of work you'd like to do and why you think it could advance the ecosystem.]

As a creative product designer with an interest in building user-centered products that proffer solutions to real-time problems, I would work as a resident to build/design products that will be of great value to the Stacks ecosystem.

I will channel most of my energy to improving the user experiences of products built on Stacks ecosystem because it is important to help grow and scale products.

Negative impact of bad user experience can diminish the use of the product and, therefore, any desired positive impacts; conversely, designing toward profitability often conflicts with ethical user experience objectives and even causes harm.

So basically my job will be to build, audit, analyze and improve the user interfaces and user experiences of new and existing products built on Stacks ecosystem.

End Product [Describe in 150 words or less the what you plan to contribute to the community by the end of your residency, e.g. a whitepaper or a series of developer tools.]

I will make sure the products (new or existing products) I work on have great user interfaces and amazing user experiences.

As a product designer, I will make sure my impact is noticed which will be reflected in the products I work on as a resident.

And I will also make sure, I build a dedicated product on Stacks ecosystem to help better the ecosystem and solve a potential problem facing users.

My deliverables will be;

Roadmap [Break your project down into a simple list of milestones and include the approximate dates by when you plan to complete them.]

The activities highlighted above will be ongoing throughout the residency. I will list out milestones using an example of me working on a product/project.

Appendix [Attach any supplemental materials such as previous work/accolades, notes, diagrams, preliminary research, or community interactions that could support your application.]

Previous Works/Porfolio:

The Responsive Redesign & Visual Improvements of Polkaswap Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Web App — A UX Case Study -

User-Centered Redesign & Visual Improvements of UBA Mobile Banking App — A UX Case Study -

Accolades and Positive Feedbacks from the Polkaswap Community: (Images)

image image image image

Social Media Links: Twitter: LinkedIn:

will-corcoran commented 2 years ago

@AJAyanbisi thanks very much for submitting this! I am very excited for our call tomorrow with @cuevasm . This type of a residency would fill a very large community need. It would be great if you could consider how you could also use this residency as a means of attracting more UX/UI designers (and designers in general) into the Stacks ecosystem. Talk soon. Best, Will

AJAyanbisi commented 2 years ago

@AJAyanbisi thanks very much for submitting this! I am very excited for our call tomorrow with @cuevasm . This type of a residency would fill a very large community need. It would be great if you could consider how you could also use this residency as a means of attracting more UX/UI designers (and designers in general) into the Stacks ecosystem. Talk soon. Best, Will

Thank you Will. And yes, I will use this opportunity to bring on board and collaborate with good UX/UI designers. Looking forward to our discussion.

will-corcoran commented 2 years ago

Stacks Resident Program Announcement

Hello and thank you for your interest in the Stacks Foundation Resident Program!

Please note we are in the process of making some small adjustments to the Residents program and are not accepting new applications at this time. As part of these adjustments we will be migrating the application pipeline over to our newly launched Grants Dashboard. The GitHub repo of resident applications will remain open, but for reference only.

We anticipate re-opening the application process on the Grants Dashboard sometime in June 2022.

Thank you and we look forward to supporting your efforts to build a user-owned internet, powered by Stacks and secured by Bitcoin!