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Repo for all resources related to the Stacks Foundation's Residence Program, including the application and nominations process.
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SIP Residency #34

Open Hero-Gamer opened 2 years ago

Hero-Gamer commented 2 years ago

What's your name/your team's name? Team Name: Rock 'n Roll Discord: @ herogamer0001 Twitter: @herogamer21btc Calendly:

Best email on which to contact you? Email:

Personal Statement As Stacks blockchain grows, more and more stakeholders are involved and impacted. In order for the continuation of growth and making protocol improvements (via SIP = Stacks Improvement Proposal) in a good faith, fair, just and sustainable manner that preserves the ethos of decentralization, inclusive discussion and collective decision-making are critical.

During the residency, I would like to work on facilitating and encouraging more contributions to the core Stacks blockchain from the wider community. By supporting SIP authors, helping them to take their proposals from an idea to a fully-scoped SIP and corresponding implementation.

With my passion for community bottom up voice, decentralization, Stacks and Bitcoin, I believe I will be able to facilitate the scaling of the SIP process with the right ethos and value.

End Product

Roadmap Q3 2022: Major focuses will be accessibility & scaling, which would include projects like

Q4 2022: Major focuses will be continued scaling & formalizing SIP-related decision-making processes, which would include projects like

Q1 Q2 2023 to be updated


Thank you kindly! Feel free to leave any feedback/comments, hope yall support my candidacy!

shannon commented 2 years ago

I'm not familiar with this project but you may want to escape the @ mentions in your post here as I don't think they were necessarily meant for GitHub users (I was pinged due to the inclusion of my GitHub username)

whoabuddy commented 2 years ago

@Hero-Gamer this is great news! Excited to see you getting more involved and enjoyed the presentation today.

To the point of shannon above - the @ mentions on GitHub are not the same as Discord, which makes it fun when trying to find and include everyone.

If you want to put the Discord user names in a GitHub issue, you can escape them with back ticks (top-left of the keyboard usually, to the left of #1: ``

Anything you put between the back ticks is then shown as code, which won't tag people like @whoabuddy unless you meant to. :slightly_smiling_face:

GinaAbrams commented 2 years ago

Awesome to see! Think it would be helpful to add resources to revamping the SIP process. +1 to @Hero-Gamer being a super active Stacks community member and great potential candidate for this. 🚀

unclemantis commented 2 years ago

@unclemantis vouches for @Hero-Gamer.

radicleart commented 2 years ago

Plus One for me too - looking forward to working with @Hero-Gamer !

joberding commented 2 years ago

Plus 100 for me! I have enjoyed working with @Hero-Gamer in the Advocates community. He is a thoughtful, well-spoken, creative, collaborative contributor!

ChienteH commented 2 years ago

@Hero-Gamer is perfect for this role. He can explain technical subjects to the community in a easy-to-understand language, with consistency and passion. Stacks is lucky to have @Hero-Gamer taking on this challenge.

MarvinJanssen commented 2 years ago

+1 😁

HaroldDavis3 commented 2 years ago

This is beautiful to see come together @Hero-Gamer +1 of course :)

hozzjss commented 2 years ago

+1 absolutey vouch for Hero he's been a great help and a value aligned community member

314159265359879 commented 2 years ago

I would love to see Hero in this role I definitely see him delivering on the goals of this residency.

cargocultscience commented 2 years ago

I too can also vouch for Hero Gamer. Over the last 6 months or more I have interacted with him many times while giving support to STX users both generally and on specific projects. Additionally he has proactively raised issues with both Foundation and Hiro to aid in technological progression of the ecosystem. I view this grant as an expansion and continuation of those efforts.

dartman10 commented 2 years ago


sleepiJoe commented 2 years ago

Nothing would change for me, I already see him everywhere anyways 😉 "The hero that we need" +1

GAD2511 commented 2 years ago

SIP Resident:

  1. @Hero-Gamer
  2. @Hero-Gamer
  3. @Hero-Gamer

HeroGamer is a kind of Community base person who knows how to listen, help, organize Community ideas, and is serious and well organized with his thoughts. Very active, he deserves to take the lead for SIP residency

DatGreenSpot commented 2 years ago

Giving support to @Hero-Gamer for this role. He goes out of his way to keep the community safe, educate users, and assist when issues arise. We need someone like him to continue pushing both devs and community members to help Stacks reach its true potential.

nickstxnft commented 2 years ago


aulneau commented 2 years ago

very much in support of this

ceramicwhite commented 1 year ago

+1 for Hero

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

Guys.. you are amazing thanks you for all the comments! Really appreciate. <3

unclemantis commented 1 year ago

Guys.. you are amazing thanks you for all the comments! Really appreciate. <3

  • I've updated/edited the Roadmap to offer more details Q3 Q4 this year. Will offer more insight on Q1 Q2 2023 at later date.
  • Please do review and offer any feedback on any part of this Candidacy submission!

Great job! GO HERO , GO!

sjwhitely commented 1 year ago

+1 @Hero-Gamer is an amazingly active member of the community!

vidiabtc commented 1 year ago

Hero would be a great fit for this residency!

runefar1 commented 1 year ago

The development of communities like this appears to expand upon potentiol needs within the community. While Hero Gamer and many others are building this community in various way, I think there is a benefit to the introduction and potentiol direction of this concept to the community with various potentiol direction and interconnections it could allow within the community itself. I wish Hero_gamer luck on the roadmap for this project

jennymith commented 1 year ago

What's your name/your team's name? Team Name: Rock 'n Roll Discord: @ Hero Gamer ⚡#8072 Twitter: @herogamerbtc21 Calendly:

Best email on which to contact you? Email:

Personal Statement As Stacks blockchain grows, more and more stakeholders are involved and impacted. In order for the continuation of growth and making protocol improvements (via SIP = Stacks Improvement Proposal) in a good faith, fair, just and sustainable manner that preserves the ethos of decentralization, inclusive discussion and collective decision-making are critical.

During the residency, I would like to work on facilitating and encouraging more contributions to the core Stacks blockchain from the wider community. By supporting SIP authors, helping them to take their proposals from an idea to a fully-scoped SIP and corresponding implementation.

With my passion for community bottom up voice, decentralization, Stacks and Bitcoin, I believe I will be able to facilitate the scaling of the SIP process with the right ethos and value.

End Product

* Facilitated a number of fully-scoped and well-formed SIPs

* Community funneling process for proposals that will be formalized as a governance SIP

* Streamline the SIP process

* Building a strong team of contributors such as SIP Editors, CABs, etc

* Metrics/KPIs to track the health of SIP process participation

* Documentation and educational content about SIP

* Adding improvements to SIP activation procedure

Roadmap Q3 2022: Major focuses will be accessibility & scaling, which would include projects like

* Creating SIP-focused threads/spaces on the forum for community members to discuss SIP ideas
  Hosting weekly SIP community calls to facilitate a safe and friendly space for community members to brainstorm, share, and rally support around SIP ideas

* Recruiting 1–2 SIP editors to help with staying up to date on SIP activity and encouraging/identifying new SIP ideas
  Work with the Foundation team to fill out CABs + start developing standardized operating procedures to help CABs review SIPs more easily and consistently

* Start recruiting technical mentors and steering committee members

* Ongoing updating + organizing of SIP documentation; developing punchier/more accessible content that helps explain SIPs and the SIP process

Q4 2022: Major focuses will be continued scaling & formalizing SIP-related decision-making processes, which would include projects like

* Working with the Foundation team and others in the community on tools/solutions for facilitating SIP voting, e.g. Mike & Marvin’s EcosystemDAO

* Community awareness campaigns designed to increase voter turnout

Q1 Q2 2023 to be updated


* Active contributor to Stacks Advocates program’s development (Reference: @HaroldDavis3)

* Active Stacks discord server Community Manager (Reference: @sleepiJoe @ shannon @GinaAbrams @kyranjamie)

* ALEX Defi Community Manager (Reference: @ChienteH)

* Co-founder of Stacks Due Diligence, a community-led non-profit neutral education/discussion hub (Server link:

* Regular Hiro github contributor such as on areas around Nonce ([Fresh wallet (Nonce 0) with nonce gaps, incorrect nonce suggestion hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web#2395](, Wallet ([Remove old NFT counts (which user does not own anymore) off the Balance display + thumbnails? hirosystems/stacks-wallet-web#2369]( and Explorer ([Word wrap for code lines (to increase visibility of hidden codes of any malicious exploit) hirosystems/explorer#699]( (Reference:

* Regular attendance of the Foundation’s Governance Working Group

* Regular attendance of weekly Blockchain Engineering meeting

* Deep in the weeds in the Stacks sub-communities with good relationships already established

Thank you kindly! Feel free to leave any feedback/comments, hope yall support my candidacy!

Quick application update: This residency has been approved and the contract is currently in process.

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

:pencil2: In an effort to provide my own "accountability report" for the whole Stacks community: Here I lay out:

:pushpin: Top level achievement in Q3 made:

:interrobang: Did I meet the Q3 plan set out? plan actual outcome
1. SIP-focused threads/spaces on the forum :heavy_check_mark: Many threads created on Stacks Forum for SIP discussion
2. Hosting weekly SIP community calls :heavy_check_mark: weekly call held non-stop, same time same place Friday 11am ET
3. Recruiting 1–2 SIP editors :heavy_check_mark: currently I've have found 7 people willing to be SIP Editor. in Q4 will give it better structure and integrate into SIP process fuller (active them properly)
4. Fill out CABs & establish procedures :heavy_check_mark: Filled CABs. Activated 3 CABs with 17 members. 2 other CABs on advisory capacity on standby ready to support any other CABs
5. recruiting technical mentors :heavy_check_mark: Found 1 so far, will continue to search for more in Q4 as part of the bigger goals of allowing more contributors join easily into the blockchain development process
6. recruiting steering committee members :heavy_check_mark: Found 1 additional SC member, Gina. Found Marvin who is willing to be part of SC too. Onboarding Marvin soon
7. SIP documentation :heavy_minus_sign: Started writing some blogs e.g. how to become a CAB memeber Many videos available. But I think in this area I can do a lot more improvement in terms of making docs with more easy to see graphics. Can be part of Q4 plan
Result: If I have to be harsh to myself, I think I met 6 out of 7 goals set ou. If I'm kinder to myself I think I achieved 6.5 out of 7.

Kind regards, HeroGamer

obycode commented 1 year ago

This is a great report @Hero-Gamer. Thank you! Your organization, coordination, recruiting, and general helpfulness have been extremely beneficial to the Stacks community!

pstan26 commented 1 year ago

@Hero-Gamer is insanely active and positive within the community. That is a big big deal because more builders can become attracted to and graft onto Stacks as a function of that. So far really like what I've seen at least from whats visible on Twitter.

HaroldDavis3 commented 1 year ago

Amazing update @Hero-Gamer , ty kindly for all the support in the Gov Cab & tirelessly discovering paths to incorporate community in these important SIP processes 🔥 🔥 🔥

GinaAbrams commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Hero-Gamer for adding structure and visibility to the SIP Process. Your work has been highly valuable in reinforcing and recruiting for CABs, SIP Editors, and the SC which all lead to a productive and accessible governance process for Stacks. Keep up the great work!!

AL0YSI0US commented 1 year ago

I read every single word on this page @Hero-Gamer, it is a gift to witness you.

I flutter in and out of the stacks ecosystem. While I have not been attending the re-occurring gatherings I do follow the flows within the server. I am always jazzed to see the threads being captured between text, platform and threads being woven into place and made visible often by the hands of @Hero-Gamer.

I believe that people need support in order to contribute in the ways that would best serve any community. Big fan of the element of 'hand holding' I am seeing placed within the social/technical infrastructure as outlined within the issue. The anonymous feedback form is a lovely touch and a great way to make feedback accessible to more beings.

💜 Thank you for all the thought, care, curiosity and ambition you bring into and share within the stacks ecosystem.

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

📢 In this post I would like to report:

  1. Q4 2022 targets vs outcome (Part 1 & 2)
  2. 6 month Residency Review
  3. Blocksurvey anonymous feedback report
  4. Conclusion

Q4 2022 Residency Roadmap review - Part 1

Major focuses will be continued scaling & formalizing SIP-related decision-making processes, which would include projects like ⭐ Working with the Foundation team and others in the community on tools/solutions for facilitating SIP voting, e.g. Mike & Marvin’s EcosystemDAO

Artefact (for non-Stacking guys) :heavy_check_mark: Worked with @radicleart on creating the voting site (for Stacking guys) :heavy_check_mark: worked with @whoabuddy on creating this other site

⭐ Community awareness campaigns designed to increase voter turnout. Increase community participation in network-wide decision-making. Specifically, get 280 community members (10x of SIP-012 vote) to vote on 2.1 upgrade with at least 80% voting yes

2021 vote Stats 2021 vote Stats
136million STX used :heavy_check_mark: 142million STX used
Last year we had 28 accounts at least one of which was a pool operator representing 100+ accounts. :heavy_check_mark: 481 accounts turnout
Additional efforts:
* Created VOTED BADGE campaign for social engagement
* Held 10 voting walk-through sessions, twice per week throughout the 2 stacking cycles voting period

Q4 2022 Foundation's relevant OKRs to SIP Resident/Governance - Part 2

Improve the end-to-end ecosystem-wide decision-making process by making it more efficient, supportive, and inclusive: ⭐ Recruit and train 15 SIP editors to identify and shepherd high potential ideas through the SIP process ⭐ Recruit and activate 3 technical mentors to support the writing/development of SIPs ⭐ Solicit two high quality draft SIPs by supporting community members (outside of major entities) through the full SIP process (Forum/Twitter post, engagement with SIP editors, attendance of SIP weekly meeting, working with SIP mentor…)

Target Outcome
15 SIP editors :heavy_check_mark: Found 16 potential SIP editors
3 technical mentors :heavy_check_mark: Found 5 potential technical mentors
2 high quality draft SIPs :heavy_check_mark: Solicited SIP-015 & SIP-020

6 months Residency End Product Review

From original proposal

Target Outcome
Facilitated well-formed SIPs :heavy_check_mark: (SIP-013, SIP-016, SIP-015+SIP-020, SIP-019 had more involvement particular SIP-015 (Stacks 2.1 facilitation)
Community funneling process :heavy_minus_sign: We have a process and all SIPs coming through now, but without the "funnel", room for improvement.
Streamline the SIP process :heavy_check_mark: Currently there is a decent way of the SIP process with the additional of regular weekly SIP calls and my personal facilitation. Though we do need more scalable streamline process in 2023
Building SIP Editors, CABs, etc :heavy_check_mark: 15 SIP Editors & 18 CABs of high-caliber experts in their field
Metrics/KPIs of SIP participation :heavy_minus_sign: Had not been a priority in Q3 Q4 2022 after discussion as other more important stuff took place. Move this item to be re-focused in Q1/Q2 2023
Documentation & content :heavy_check_mark: Blogs & Youtube content about SIP. Though I think there is a lot more I think can be done
Improve SIP activation procedure :heavy_check_mark: Worked with Foundation & Governance CAB to improve activation procedure, which is a leap from 2021

Blocksurvey anonymous feedback report

⭐ Summary:


💬 What do you think? Do you think the SIP work has been valuable & impactful to the community? 💬 for Q3 22 review scroll above 💬 all Q4 22 review + total 6 month review see this post 💬 What next? I'm in the process applying & sorting the paperwork for another 6 months contract renewal with the Foundation. I will keep everyone updated on the progress once confirmed.

Feel free to leave any feedback. That way I can get some ideas of what community cares the most, and what the most impactful items could be for the next coming 6 months.

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

& really appreciate all your kind feedback here & on blocksurvey. 🙏❤️

radicleart commented 1 year ago

Amazing report - thanks so much for putting this together @Hero-Gamer.

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

Dear all, a quick update

I'd like to share the targets for EACH QUARTER: Q1 2023Training, activating, and publicly announcing at least 15 SIP Editor Committee members to stay up to date on SIP activity and encourage/identify new SIP ideas. Will include at least 1–2 training sessions as well as the publication of a guidebook outlining standard operating procedures (SOP) for SIP Editors. ⭐ Pilot a SIP prioritization model. Establish a process for reviewing early SIP ideas that aims to improve quality, thoroughness, timeliness of SIP ideas. This will include implementing a rubric for evaluating SIP idea submissions. ⭐ Support the ratification of the sBTC SIP. This will include weekly calls and discussions designed to ensure that the community understands its potential impact. ⭐ Facilitate 2 technical or non-technical SIPs to be drafted or ratified

Q2 2023 ⭐ Facilitate high-impact SIP development on decentralized mining ⭐ Facilitate 2 technical or non-technical SIPs to be drafted or ratified ⭐ Design and produce a Stacks Governance quarterly report ⭐ Improve SIP documentation/education materials ⭐ Pilot SIP Community Appreciation Model & collaborate with at least 5 projects building on Stacks Optional: Look to add 1 new CAB not specified in SIP-000 Optional: Activate & announce Ethics and Diversity CABs with at least 3 members in each CAB

➡️ Summary posted on Twitter for more visibility:

➡️ Each goal will be measured against the result at the end of each quarter in my self-assessment for accountability. If I'm not doing good enough, let me know and I can address it early. Do not be shy.

Thanks for the opportunity Stacks Foundation.

Note: Some objectives may be accomplished earlier or slip into the next quarter, but overall goals over the next 6 months will be more of less the same, subject to any changes should any special/urgent discussion or situations arises. Will keep you all informed.

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

📢 Q1 2023 targets vs outcome


1. Executive summary

It's all about SIP Editors this quarter! Majority targets met very well. Managed to find a core group of SIP Editors who are enthusiastic about helping Stacks to improve & already directly hand-on facilitating. Created tools and discussion space for productive work to get done. Will continue to expand this special core community.

Target Outcome
15 SIP editors :heavy_check_mark: Found 18 willing editors & already active
Prioritization model :heavy_check_mark: RICE model + impact assessment
support ratification of sBTC No longer applicable.
2 high quality draft/ratify SIPs :heavy_check_mark: / :heavy_minus_sign: Facilitated 1 to draft, the other one also did facilitate but Stacks community did not consensusly support therefore SIP author paused advocacy for now

2. Q1 2023 Residency detailed review

Training, activating, and publicly announcing at least 15 SIP Editor Committee members to stay up to date on SIP activity and encourage/identify new SIP ideas. Will include at least 1–2 training sessions as well as the publication of a guidebook outlining standard operating procedures (SOP) for SIP Editors.

⭐ Pilot a SIP prioritization model. Establish a process for reviewing early SIP ideas that aims to improve quality, thoroughness, timeliness of SIP ideas. This will include implementing a rubric for evaluating SIP idea submissions.

Artefact Links
SIP repo PR for 18 SIP Editors
SIP Editor Committee weekly working doc
RICE assessment working doc - subject to ongoing improvement
SIP Editor Workshop
SIP Editors Twitter Spaces # 04 - # 03 - # 02 - # 01

Note: The SIP Editors function has been working really well, really helping hand-on reviewing and facilitating SIPs development & accessment, impartially. Could not be more grateful to this good selection of amazing people in the group. Shout out to all the amazing leaderless leadership from people like @ acrossfire & @ rafael

Support the ratification of the sBTC SIP. This will include weekly calls and discussions designed to ensure that the community understands its potential impact. Note:

⭐ Facilitate 2 technical or non-technical SIPs to be drafted or ratified Artefact Links
SIP-011 The buy-in-ustx - DRAFT
Stacks Code of Conduct (Beta) - Paused

Note: On the last goal, one could argue that the last goal was success, as my role is to act & build & facilitate as a neutral platform &process for anyone to advocate for their SIP ideas, so the goal is not about ratifying every SIP, is about giving community the vehicle & voice for their ideas to be discussed and reviewed moved on with the support system if wider community consent.

Note: Above OKRs does not include things like the Weekly SIP calls been hosted, you can find notes here:

🚨Stay tuned for next Q's OKRs & additional goals. Should be published soon.

joberding commented 1 year ago

Fantastic work, HG!

Hero-Gamer commented 1 year ago

Publishing Q2 2023 - targets for this quarter: ⭐ Ensure that the community is informed and prepared for possible network upgrades related to Bitcoin MEV and orphan block issue: ・ Key data gathered and shared with core devs and community ahead if possible ・ Achieve at least 70% of the vote participation for the Stacks 2.1 upgrade should a SIP move forward ⭐ Enable the SIP Editors committee to publish a full evaluation of at least two draft SIPs (using the new RICE scoring methodology) [Key Projects] ⭐ Establish a process for collecting and sharing relevant feedback from key community stakeholders with core developers ⭐ Start mapping a Stacks Governance website

I'd ike to add a personal goal: ⭐ Map out the exact Github SIP signing-off process - for future uses, anyone can just join and know the clear process of who needs to do what at what point.

At the end of the quarter I will do a self-assessment to see how outcome v.s. the goals stated.It's been a funny quarter so far with lots of Emergency SIPs needed facilitating which aren't captured in the goals above but worth making a note of.

Hero-Gamer commented 11 months ago

📢 Q2 2023 targets vs outcome


  1. Executive summary
  2. Q2 2023 Residency self-assessment
  3. Next step

1. Executive summary

Overall, the second quarter saw significant strides in addressing critical technical issues, enhancing SIP evaluation practices fostering community engagement. These endeavors align with the community's commitment to transparency, collaboration, and the continued evolution of the Stacks ecosystem.

This report outlines the key achievements and ongoing initiatives of the community within the second quarter.

Target Outcome
Bitcoin MEV and orphan block issue :heavy_check_mark:
SIP Editors publish 2 full SIP evaluations using RICE :heavy_check_mark:
Process for collecting & sharing feedback :heavy_check_mark:
Mapping a Stacks Governance website Move to Q3/Q4 to align with SF
Github SIP signing-off process :heavy_check_mark: xxx

2. Q2 Residency self-assessment

Ensure that the community is informed and prepared for possible network upgrades related to Bitcoin MEV and orphan block issue:・ Key data gathered and shared with core devs and community ahead if possible・ Achieve at least 70% of the vote participation for the Stacks 2.1 upgrade should a SIP move forward Artefact Links
SIP call recording
Muneeb's tweet
J2p2's MEV tweet
J2p2's Orphan B. Tweet
SIP Editor educational & discussion Twitter spaces re MEV/Orphan # 07, # 06
Commentary Bitcoin MEV/orphan blocks issue solution took time for the devs to research, gather community feedback, reshape proposals, therefore it was not possible to activate this Q. Solution slowly morphed into part of Nakamoto upgrade. However major contribution from the community members were directly contributed to the final proposed design choices which Muneeb also recognized in his tweet & was on the SIP Call.
Enable the SIP Editors committee to publish a full evaluation of at least two draft SIPs (using the new RICE scoring methodology) Artefact Links
Editor Commentary on SIP-22~04
Editor Commentary on Multisignature tx signing order
J2p2's full evaluation publication on Twitter
RICE score worksheet
Establish a process for collecting and sharing relevant feedback from key community stakeholders with core developers Artefact Link
Gathering all proposers on a SIP call:
SIP Editors calls # 07, # 06, # 05
Stacks Office Hours
Commentary Through leveraging a combination of paths such as SIP Editors twitter space, SIP calls, Stacks Forum & the new initiative Acrossfire is doing "Stacks Office Hours" all centered around leveraging SIP Editors & SIP Residents support system, we can hopefully sufficiently bring all feedback back to the core devs community

Start mapping a Stacks Governance website - Move to Q3/Q4 Governance Residency.

Personal goal: ⭐ Map out the exact Github SIP signing-off process - for future uses, anyone can just join and know the clear process of who needs to do what at what point. Artefact Link
Proposed Github Sign-off process


  1. Please all review all OKRs above and submit any feedback
  2. Working on applying Stacks Residency extension. Look to evolve SIP Residency to Community Governance Residency to cover wider range of Governance effort for the community in addition to support SIP.

Thoroughly loved serving the Stacks/Bitcoin community past year. I hope to continue serving you all towards empowering the community and promoting further decentralization wherever it's required within the ecosystem. LFG.

G1ne commented 11 months ago

Absolute beast! You've been smashing it ser and I have total faith that you will continue to do so.

Don't know how you do it, but you are doing it right.

Thanks for all your hard work and contributions! 💪

talkinandy commented 11 months ago

I see @Hero-Gamer in every stacks related channels answering question and interacting with community members; whether it's telegram, twitter, discord and even in one of zoom call.

I believe he should be a Stacks "permanent" resident :)

radicleart commented 11 months ago

+1 from me 😄 ofc !

runefar1 commented 10 months ago

I support that. Even if I don't get to appear as much recently, Herogamer has been an active participant in the community for a long time and deserve a clearly defined role. Of course, Hero gamer should also themselves consider if that kind of residency disadvantages them in anyway too

On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 4:46 AM talkinandy @.***> wrote:

I see @Hero-Gamer in every stacks related channels answering question and interacting with community members; whether it's telegram, twitter, discord and even in one of zoom call.

I believe he should be a Stacks "permanent" resident :)

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

Hero-Gamer commented 6 months ago

Q3&4 2023 targets vs outcome

Targets OKR 1: Launch a pilot of the Stacks decentralized grants program. ⭐Design an end-to-end decentralized grants process. This should include:

OKR 2: Make all governance documentation, especially those related to SIPs, accessible to the mainstream community. ⭐ Put together a comprehensive SIP FAQ that outlines what the process is, why it’s important, how we use it, and how anyone can get involved in very simple terms. ⭐ Help compile all information needed to publish a governance landing

📌 SIP TEAM OKR 3: Ensure that the community is sufficiently educated about, prepared for, and in support of possible network upgrades related to Nakamoto and sBTC. ⭐ Achieve at least 120% of the vote participation for the Stacks 2.1 upgrade for any network-wide votes related to Nakamoto and sBTC. ⭐ Educate a substantial portion of the community on the key aspects of upcoming SIPs related to Nakamoto and sBTC by ensuring that at least 300 community members (double the participation in the Stacks 2.1 quiz) score at least 80% on a quiz about these proposals.

Outcome OKR1:Run successful DeGrants pilot

OKR2:Make SIP governance documentation accessible


CMPGFB commented 6 months ago

Top tier

angelespinoza commented 6 months ago

Great Work @Hero-Gamer

kurtgrela commented 6 months ago

@Hero-Gamer is on Discord, Twitter, and in the Stacks Forum. I see him on Zoom calls. My goodness, he is everywhere interacting with the Stacks community and sharing all the cool things the Foundation is considering via SIPs and what other projects are doing. He performs his role as Community Governance Resident and duties beyond the highest expectations. He is crushing it and having a great time doing it. He is a trusted member for all things Stacks and keeps us all engaging together online and in SIP meetings. Great to see him switch his McD hat back to a STX logo hat. Great job in 2023! Looking forward to all the successes in 2024!

G1ne commented 6 months ago

Amazing work from the Stacks hero, who is not playing any games!! 🔥