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Fabo-Hax-in-Residence exploring Stacks-based Peer-to-Peer Exchange Models #44

Closed fabohax closed 5 months ago

fabohax commented 6 months ago

What's your name/your team's name? Fabo

Best email on which to contact you?

Personal Statement My research journey in blockchain has been constantly evolving in Perú since December 2018, with a specific emphasis on Stacks beginning this year. Currently, my focus lies in exploring Stacks-based Crypto-Fiat Peer-to-Peer Exchange Models while also delving into researching Clarity capabilities for the implementation of tokenized rewards triggered by transactional events and signatures. My work aims to contribute to the Stacks blockchain ecosystem by developing trustless exchanges that enhance privacy, reduce reliance on intermediaries, and promote financial inclusivity. This holistic approach aims to address DeFi's challenges while advancing both exchange models and the broader functionality provided by Clarity on the Stacks blockchain.

End Product By the culmination of my residency, I intend to deliver a comprehensive whitepaper elucidating a Stacks-based Crypto-Fiat Peer-to-Peer Exchange Model, offering innovative insights into decentralized and trustless exchanges. Concurrently, I plan to introduce a series of developer tools, streamlining the implementation process and fostering a collaborative environment within the Stacks community. To enhance practical application, I aspire to deploy the first prototype of an Android application based on Kotlin and Clarity. This prototype will serve as a tangible demonstration of the conceptualized exchange model, providing users with a hands-on experience. Through this combined effort of a whitepaper, developer tools, and a prototype Android application, my objective is to contribute both conceptually and practically, catalyzing advancements and encouraging broader community engagement with the Stacks blockchain ecosystem.


  1. Research and Conceptualization (Jan 15 - Feb 14):

    • In-depth exploration of Stacks-based peer-to-peer exchange models.
    • Initial whitepaper draft outlining innovative concepts and challenges.
  2. Clarity Capabilities Investigation (Feb 15 - Feb 28):

    • Focused research on Clarity capabilities within the Stacks ecosystem.
    • Identify synergies and possibilities for enhancing smart contract functionality.
  3. Developer Tools Design and Prototyping (Mar 1 - Mar 7):

    • Begin designing a series of developer tools to facilitate the implementation of exchange models.
    • Initial prototypes to validate feasibility and usability.
  4. Android Application Planning (Mar 8 - Mar 15):

    • Define the scope and features of the Android application based on Kotlin.
    • Identify key functionalities for the prototype.
  5. Whitepaper Refinement (Mar 16 - Mar 29):

    • Refine the initial whitepaper draft based on community feedback and emerging insights.
    • Ensure clarity, completeness, and relevance to current developments.
  6. Developer Tools Implementation (Mar 30 - Apr 15):

    • Begin developing the series of developer tools, starting with essential components.
    • Frequent updates and feedback loops with the community.
  7. Android Application Prototyping (Apr 16 - Apr 30):

    • Develop a prototype of the Android application showcasing core functionalities.
    • Collect user feedback to inform refinements.
  8. Full Android Application Development (May 1 - May 31):

    • Extend the Android application to a fully functional prototype.
    • Integrate user-friendly features and ensure compatibility with Stacks blockchain.
  9. Testing and Community Engagement (Jun 1 - Jun 15):

    • Conduct rigorous testing of developed tools and applications.
    • Engage with the Stacks community for feedback and improvement suggestions.
  10. Final Documentation and Release (Jun 16 - Jun 30):

    • Produce comprehensive documentation for all deliverables.
    • Official release of the whitepaper, developer tools, and Android application prototype.

Appendix REX - Competitive analysis of existing p2p trading wallets.pdf REX_ A Crypto-Fiat Peer-to-Peer Reputational Exchange (1).pdf rex_mockup_121223.pdf

r00th0r1ty commented 6 months ago

Wow! I never doubt your ability as you've always being proving your expertise in almost all the technical groups and forums we share... Good luck to you and always keep on the good work and research as usual. I hope the foundation accept you as well:

You deserve it bro :)

aquaimperium commented 6 months ago

Consiente de tu dedicación y esfuerzo en la investigación en estas nuevas tecnologías como la es blockchain, tanto en la UNI como fuera de este, espero que consigas tus metas y objetivos.

jennybriones commented 6 months ago

Sigue así amigo, siempre serás una adición valiosa para cualquier equipo. No tengo dudas de que seguirás teniendo un éxito notable. No hay duda, se puede contar contigo para cualquier desafío! 💪🏻

Luiss0606 commented 6 months ago

Heyy bro congrats, just wanted to give a big shoutout for your awesome work in the blockchain world. I'm happy to see your ideas come to life. Keep it up mate😎

rougelly commented 6 months ago

Fabo impresiona con su profundo conocimiento en blockchain y su proyecto en Stacks. Su enfoque innovador promete grandes avances . ¡Éxito, Fabo!

jonatsantos010 commented 6 months ago

I support Fabo, he is a great developer we worked together in Peru and was a smooth experience, wishe him to get that Stacks residence. Go man!

Sirohxi commented 6 months ago

Una persona de referencia que sabe mucho los temas que allí menciona. Buena calidad de persona y con aspiraciones interesantes.

MunirGRANDE commented 6 months ago

Fabo has a good insight on the blockchain development technologies. I admire him since we met a year ago. And he is so enthusiastic on making research about the NFTs, his own On-chain development including NFT development. I have witnessed his works when he showed me his projects on the NFT. 👍

nilev3 commented 6 months ago

the research about crypto-fiat is a good idea and if you do it with effort and consistency it will do a great contribution.

will-corcoran commented 5 months ago

Dear @fabohax ,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out regarding your application for the Stacks Residence Program, specifically your proposal for exploring Stacks-based Peer-to-Peer Exchange Models.

Firstly, I want to express our sincere appreciation for the time and effort you have put into your application. Your research journey and the insights you've shared are indeed impressive and demonstrate a deep understanding of blockchain technology.

However, after careful consideration and review of our current priorities and resources, we regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with your application at this time. This decision was not easy and involved a thorough evaluation of our program's focus areas for the upcoming quarters, as outlined on our Grants page.

We recognize the potential in your proposal, but given the major upcoming upgrades and the focus on Nakamoto and sBTC, we must align our resources and efforts accordingly. We believe it's essential to concentrate on projects that directly support these immediate priorities.

That said, we genuinely value your interest in the Stacks ecosystem and encourage you to keep an eye on our future calls for applications. Your ideas and enthusiasm for blockchain technology are the kind of driving forces we look for in our community.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification. We wish you the best in your ongoing research and hope there will be an opportunity for collaboration in the future.

Thank you once again for considering the Stacks Residence Program.

Warm regards,

Will Ecosystem PM