stacksgov / sips

Community-submitted Stacks Improvement Proposals (SIPs)
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SIP - Catastrophic blockchain failures and recovery #10

Open jcnelson opened 3 years ago

jcnelson commented 3 years ago

This SIP attempts to codify a set of procedures for recovering from catastrophic errors in the blockchain that either cause it to crash, or cause severe safety problems for other peoples' digital assets and code. I was inspired to write this in light of the recent network outage on 7 February. The procedures outlined in this SIP are meant to be "game plans" for dealing with future such events, as well as drawing a few lines in the sand as to what's a legitimate reason for following some of the more severe recovery procedures (e.g. forks).

whoabuddy commented 3 years ago

Thank you for this! Without knowing much about soft and hard forks on the technical side, this SIP gave me a great understanding of what capabilities exist to mitigate a catastrophic failure. Each possible action contained a clear description and action plan, with emphasis on using least-disruptive method possible.

jcnelson commented 3 years ago

Would y'all like to talk about this some more at the governance call this week?

jcnelson commented 3 years ago

@kantai I've added a set of case studies to demonstrate how each of these catastrophic error recover procedures can be used.

whoabuddy commented 3 years ago

Note: the first goal for the Governance CAB will be to review and comment on SIP-011 by the next governance meeting on 2021/09/16, after which we can discuss any comments and help move this toward being ratified!

AcrossfireX commented 11 months ago

Further advancement of this particular SIP is pending more real world stress testing of this SIP being used in DR scenarios. As this has been successfully utilized in recent Stacks updates that should be noted and consideration for moving to Accepted should be considered