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Community-submitted Stacks Improvement Proposals (SIPs)
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SIP-012: Burn height selection for network-upgrade to introduce new cost-limits #41

Closed diwakergupta closed 2 years ago

diwakergupta commented 2 years ago

The current Clarity cost limits were set very conservatively in Stacks 2.0: transactions with contract-calls frequently exceed these limits, which negatively affects transaction throughput. This SIP proposes an update to these cost-limits via a network upgrade and further, that the network upgrade be executed at a block height chosen by an off-chain process described in this SIP.

kantai commented 2 years ago

Interesting. Do we have the distribution of contract-call / stx-transfer, on this last 3500 blocks? Would a pre-dominant number of stx-transfer (non impacted by the new costs) be dilluting the estimated gains?

We can obtain that distribution, but it wouldn't impact the results above. Native stx-transfer operations don't count towards the execution limit of the block: they only count towards the block's size limit.

One thing that makes me suspect the above is an under estimate is that the large reduction in runtime usage will make it much easier for miners to "pack" blocks. The current packing is very inefficient -- the roughly 1500 blocks worth of execution was packed into 3500 blocks. The read count of transactions is much more normal of a distribution than the current runtime cost, so miners would be able to pack better, meaning that in practice, miners are likely to get closer to full blocks.

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

this is really interesting, @kantai

in the future, would we possibly look into expanding the read/write count limits? how does it affect performance/hardware requirements compared to something like the runtime costs?

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

EDIT: the original text has been updated to reflect a bug in my script -- I hadn't been counting votes from smart contracts. I see that SP2C2YFP12AJZB4MABJBAJ55XECVS7E4PMMZ89YZR.arkadiko-stacker-v1-1 Stacked 12622260119595 uSTX. The number is still off; I've updated my tally below.

@aulneau I'm getting a significantly different tally from -- I'm seeing ~55,106,338.740645~ 67,728,598.860240 votes for "yes".

Here are my methods.

First, I'm seeing 23 "yes" votes for SIP 012, just as reports. Because SIP 012 permits Stackers to vote with either their PoX address or their STX address keys, we'll compute both addresses from the first scriptSig of each vote transaction:

btc stx
31zf6GfD3KhYXFazCyxk8HR5UcwbvQgL4Q SM1NC67EJ6B2DGER409TFBQSZ340Q2J7Y7V4XY1J
3D5YpoZbJJyz3mD3WyUYD89g5PkwcsCEg6 SM1YERN34T7K145PDC8JM5XATC6H9SW45JXXZ645C
1KFgZrozEzEchyzMfRZ5hi2XeweBD42HRM SP343J7DNE122AVCSC4HEK4MF871PW470ZSXJ5K66
38qw6mfpw7cRgL9nWakha9ZzTNZRADQXTL SM177H67RTHC5JAPYC2CYWMM92BE60CWS194214CH

However, only ~12~ 13 of these addresses seem to have voted. I'm hoping you can help me discover where the discrepancy is.

Per SIP 019, your vote counts if you Stacked in either of the two preceding full reward cycles. These are reward cycles 19 and 20 (for the record, 20 is the current reward cycle, and will be the last full reward cycle before the vote tally block height). If you Stacked in both, then the later one is the one that counts. So for tabulation purposes, we'd only count your STX in reward cycle 20 even if you Stacked in both 19 and 20.

Looking at my node's log file, I've counted ~4,118~ 4,119 STX addresses Stacking in reward cycle 20, and 4,479 STX addresses Stacking in reward cycle 19. There are only 361 STX addresses Stacking in reward cycle 19 but not in 20.

What I did next was for each STX address, I looked up both its PoX address and the number of uSTX it locked (via get-stacker-info in .pox). I then checked the PoX address and then the STX address against the btc and stx representations of each vote transaction's scriptSig, and if the address was present, I recorded the uSTX for that Stacker as having voted (if both addresses were present, then no vote was calculated). I counted votes from PoX addresses first in order to mark all associated STX addresses as having voted; I then considered votes from STX addresses that had not been marked as voted. I finally summed up the number of uSTX that each PoX address represents.

In reward cycle 20, the votes come from ~8~ 9 distinct PoX addresses that represent the following uSTX:

PoX address uSTX
3MuLXCkM3CfU8hNjsAXLvdMjH3L5UtDW8g 9940000000000
3HASeAxLLZQJTbGDTSyfxbJXLtnUF8K1Dw 1166632000000
3MgMp97aWxDsFBsEyZEdYmGGd2ba7rcQWk 9940000000000
1MrkzVfowEatLhz5tDwh9ttZzZ5f1v6iL9 941004000000
3CwCtYJEBTZU3qhL1HJytRSYEhTyds6KXm 9940000000000
3KitFxbHAp9CQQsxjPB3YyVwGvRXwi13WS 1600000000000
3A8n8rwMnHnt2BqnjW4R73eZCMcUDTpYvv 144777132418
3H4YX3yfH645keL1KFxa3sEh6ynEEpWmL6 11240000000000
1EsgJoqwcfbWsSyz6VHCYBvnh1iGrWB7dY 12622260119595

For STX addresses exclusively Stacking in reward cycle 19, there are 4 distinct PoX addresses which represent the following uSTX:

PoX address uSTX
32f2jrLCkngfqaLjg2xXJ6uWQH9YV2ULZB 110697000000
19q3GXTW1d7NjopMGEdsNHmWwHbkJod6ur 110330000000
3A8XC3tLLWi2rNF47zDsJ9gR7iRTjnZh1s 9940000000000
3A8n8rwMnHnt2BqnjW4R73eZCMcUDTpYvv 32898608227

This totals to 67728598860240 uSTX, or 67,728,598.860240 STX.

What am I missing?

hstove commented 2 years ago

@jcnelson I haven't dug into the discrepancies yet, but here's the raw data that the app is showing:

The JS code to fetch this data is in hstove/sip-12-js. The logic is roughly:

  1. Get all BTC vote txs
  2. Get the (stx, btc) address for each vote (c32 and b58)
  3. For each vote: a. do get-stacker-info with the stx address b. fetch the cumulative stacked amount from${btcAddress}____20
  4. The "STX amount" for each vote is the get-stacker-info amount, otherwise it's the Stacking Club amount

Again, I haven't really dubugged this yet, but that's the logic if others want to look into it.

Also, I just fixed an error that was thrown by the recent Segwit vote, because it wasn't converted to c32. That vote is now skipped. @aulneau @0xAsteria this was just published in v0.2.3. Also, I'm realizing that the BTC transactions fetcher doesn't have auto-pagination, and now we need that.

aulneau commented 2 years ago

@jcnelson thank you for your detailed analysis. I have a couple ideas of what could cause the differences in results.

Currently, the code that @hstove linked to above is only querying the stacking amount for a given pox address for cycle 20. It's not including values for cycle 19.

I've done a bit of work querying the database that powers and I found that there is a slight difference in results for the total STX stacked this cycle when comparing against the v2/pox endpoint.'s tally is missing 773292170056 uSTX, or 773,292.170056 STX. This is still not nearly enough to account for a ~5 million STX difference. I wonder if it's possible that your code is counting some STX more than once?

There is one set of STX that I know is currently missing from, and that is anything to do with boomboxes. There is a manual step for ingesting data where if contracts are doing the stacking, or there is a new contract that implements stacking, I need to pay attention to those transactions. It's possible that there are other contracts I might be missing, too. I will work to add that set of data tomorrow, with the hopes of getting the total sum that displays to mirror the v2/pox endpoint. Additionally I will work to cross check each address with what I have and compare it to your values.

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

hey @hstove, the worker on Halo's API was having errors because of the segwit address. i upgraded to 0.2.3 and it's still having the same error.

aulneau commented 2 years ago

Okay, an update here. I've made a new API endpoint on's api that gets the aggregate value for a given btc/stx address combination, for both cycles that are valid. See this PR in the sip-12-js repo.

I've deployed a new instance of the sip12 site with an output of data for cross-checking. You can see the associated PR here and the updated deployment here

The new total seems to be around 86 million STX, with at least 1 new vote that came in today for around 14 million STX.

I've cross checked your table above @jcnelson:

PoX address uSTX
3MuLXCkM3CfU8hNjsAXLvdMjH3L5UtDW8g 9940000000000 ✅
3HASeAxLLZQJTbGDTSyfxbJXLtnUF8K1Dw 1166632000000 ✅
3MgMp97aWxDsFBsEyZEdYmGGd2ba7rcQWk 9940000000000 ✅
1MrkzVfowEatLhz5tDwh9ttZzZ5f1v6iL9 941004000000 ✅
3CwCtYJEBTZU3qhL1HJytRSYEhTyds6KXm 9940000000000 ✅
3KitFxbHAp9CQQsxjPB3YyVwGvRXwi13WS 1600000000000 ❌
3A8n8rwMnHnt2BqnjW4R73eZCMcUDTpYvv 144777132418 🤔
3H4YX3yfH645keL1KFxa3sEh6ynEEpWmL6 11240000000000 ✅
1EsgJoqwcfbWsSyz6VHCYBvnh1iGrWB7dY 12622260119595 ✅

✅: same results ❌: not returned from sip-12-js at all 🤔: different results: 4947709034005 is what I get

PoX address uSTX
32f2jrLCkngfqaLjg2xXJ6uWQH9YV2ULZB 110697000000 ✅
19q3GXTW1d7NjopMGEdsNHmWwHbkJod6ur 110330000000 🤔
3A8XC3tLLWi2rNF47zDsJ9gR7iRTjnZh1s 9940000000000 ✅
3A8n8rwMnHnt2BqnjW4R73eZCMcUDTpYvv* 32898608227*

🤔: different results: 110425000000 is what I get *: counted above

@hstove can you look into why 3KitFxbHAp9CQQsxjPB3YyVwGvRXwi13WS is not being returned with the sip-12-js lib? I see that it is currently being returned at

hstove commented 2 years ago

I just pushed 0.3.1 of sip-12-js with support for pagination of BTC transactions when fetching all data.

I think the discrepancy with 3KitFxbHAp9CQQsxjPB3YyVwGvRXwi13WS comes from the fact that two different STX addresses stacked to this address. See:

whoabuddy commented 2 years ago

Hey @whoabuddy @joberding, and @HaroldDavis3, this is a governance-track SIP. We're gonna need the governance CAB's sign-off (or rejection) on this at your earliest convenience. It's sufficient to just reply here with a comment (or even an emoji vote); I can add the sign-off text to the SIP. Thanks!

@whoabuddy You'll want to record that the decision happened. It could be as simple as adding a markdown file to the governance CAB folder in this repo with the date, signatories, and SIP number.

The governance CAB met today and we approve / sign-off on the changes for SIP-012!

The meeting minutes can be found in this PR and will merge into the considerations/minutes directory of the sips repo.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

@aulneau I worked through this a bit more on my end and found that my scripts weren't handling delegation correctly. I'm now seeing a total of 4947709034005 uSTX for 3A8n8rwMnHnt2BqnjW4R73eZCMcUDTpYvv (4914810425778 in cycle 20, 32898608227 exclusively in cycle 19). I'm also seeing 110425000000 for 19q3GXTW1d7NjopMGEdsNHmWwHbkJod6ur in cycle 19. That resolves the discrepancies you pointed out.

But, I'm only seeing 87,258,727.153600 total for "yes", whereas shows 87,764,177.000000.

Specifically, I'm not seeing the following amounts counted in my total:

btc stx amount
1KFgZrozEzEchyzMfRZ5hi2XeweBD42HRM SP343J7DNE122AVCSC4HEK4MF871PW470ZSXJ5K66 450.000000 *
1PSnCwZ7hhmEin5dHHjjz4JPGEXGsLkaqW SP3V35SQSTADZP1XWH54CMVGDT29NHW03NJH9M5E0 220,000.000000 **

* These addresses delegated their STX, so they do not have the right to cast a vote on their own.

** The SIP 012 data you linked shows that this address represents 220,000.000000 STX, but this address's STX balance is 0 on the explorer.

These inconsistencies account for the differences between our two tallies. When I add these missing totals to my total, I arrive at's total of 87,764,177.153600.

314159265359879 commented 2 years ago

On the community telegram users are asking when 2.05 will go live. What is the (expected) 'activation block height' for sip012?

I think this text will be updated with the 'activation block height' once it is settled, right? image

Zk2u commented 2 years ago

@314159265359879 I suggested #711975, but have had no answer (

314159265359879 commented 2 years ago

2.05 not yet and I should see the "tabulation date": image

ctrl+f (searching for) "tabulation date": 0 mentions. Maybe someone else knows where to find it.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Was referring to this: The text calls it the "vote deadline block."

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Okay folks, I spoke again with the authors, and now that the implementation of this SIP is nearly finished, they've proposed activating this officially at Bitcoin block 713,000. The rationale is as follows:

In a similar vein, the vote deadline block will be the height of the first Bitcoin block mined after 12:00pm EST on November 23. The SIP text will be updated to reflect this block height once it is known.

Sounds good? The final decision will be made at the public blockchain meeting this coming Monday (November 15) at 11am EST. If you'd like to debate this further, please come to this meeting or leave feedback here over the weekend (so we can discuss it at the meeting if you're unable to attend).

jasonklau commented 2 years ago

Sounds good!

On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 6:39 PM Jude Nelson @.***> wrote:

Okay folks, I spoke again with the authors, and now that the implementation of this SIP is nearly finished, they've proposed activating this officially at Bitcoin block 713,000. The rationale is as follows:

  • It's in the middle of a reward cycle (so the upgrade won't mess with PoX if it breaks).
  • It's early in the work week -- likely Tuesday, December 7 (so the folks who need to be on-call to fix it if it breaks will be available).
  • It gives ample time to verify that the testnet can undergo this hard fork without breaking the network or any downstream services.
  • It's the earliest such block height with these properties that is later than November 29, which was the targeted deadline. November 29 is approximately when cycle 22's prepare phase begins; December 7 is in the middle of cycle 22.

In a similar vein, the vote deadline block will be the height of the first Bitcoin block mined after 12:00pm EST on November 23. The SIP text will be updated to reflect this block height once it is known.

Sounds good? The final decision will be made at the public blockchain meeting this coming Monday (November 15) at 11am EST.

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laelymenyon commented 2 years ago


jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Just had the public blockchain engineering meeting, and there were no objections. 713,000 it is.

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

All right, folks -- it's vote ratification day! Bitcoin block 710,001 was the first block mined after 12pm EST, so we're gonna go with the votes that got in before it was mined.

My totals from the scripts in this PR are as follows:

I realize that these do not match, and I'm happy to discuss it more, but that doesn't matter too much because the activation threshold has been cleared. SIP 012 will officially transition to activation-in-progress.

In the mean time, a release candidate of the Stacks 2.05 node can be found here: It is backwards-compatible with Stacks 2.0 chainstate, so if you want to download and run it to try it out, please feel free to do so.

See you all on the other side of Bitcoin block 713,000!

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

Alright folks, release is out!

Release: Foundation announcement:

jcnelson commented 2 years ago

SIP 012 has officially activated! Congratulations everyone! Merging this in.