stacksgov / sips

Community-submitted Stacks Improvement Proposals (SIPs)
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Use more GitHub labels #80

Open whoabuddy opened 1 year ago

whoabuddy commented 1 year ago

As part of a recent Stacks grant the Ecosystem DAO will be displaying more information about SIPs through an external website.

An example can be seen here, although the link may change as a large part of this is still under development :slightly_smiling_face:

Since the website data is served via what's available in the GitHub API, there were some open questions around what tags should be represented and used to help make the information easier to go through.

In the current interface GitHub issues = SIP Suggestions and GitHub pull requests (PRs) = SIP Proposals.

Issues don't contain any labels right now save some old Stacks 2.1 stuff, what would be the best way we could break them up and make them easier to digest? Do they fall into natural categories?

Pull requests are labeled based on SIP status, which is helpful, but should we also add labels for considerations and other SIP-related definitions?

Open Q: should we define this structure in the README or similar?

Tagging @Hero-Gamer and issue #79 to get the discussion started :tada: