" error("Warning: Received `%s` for a non-boolean attribute `%s`.\n\nIf you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: %s=\"%s\" or %s={value.toString()}.\n\nIf you used to conditionally omit it with %s={condition && value}, pass %s={condition ? value : undefined} instead.%s", "false", "loading", "loading", "false", "loading", "loading", "loading", "\n in button (created by Context.Consumer)\n in StyledButton (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridable(StyledButton) (at Button.tsx:108)\n in Button (created by Context.Consumer)\n in StyledButton (at Button.tsx:51)\n in ButtonWithArrow (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridden(Button) (created by Context.Consumer)\n in ButtonPrimary (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridden(Styled(Overridable(Button))) (at Submit.tsx:7)\n in Submit (at AddToCartForm.tsx:98)\n in form (created by Form)\n in FormProvider (created by Form)\n in Form (at AddToCartForm.tsx:97)\n in AddToCartForm (at ProductAddToCartForm.tsx:68)\n in ProductAddToCartForm (at ProductPageInfoSide.tsx:244)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Card (at ProductPageInfoSide.tsx:153)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in ProductInfo (at ProductPageInfoSide.tsx:152)\n in ProductPageInfoSide (at ProductPage.tsx:194)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in ProductTop (at ProductPage.tsx:173)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Wrapper (at Container.tsx:114)\n in ForwardRef(_c) (at ProductPage.tsx:166)\n in article (at ProductPage.tsx:165)\n in main (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Content (at PageWrapper.tsx:74)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Page (at PageWrapper.tsx:65)\n in PortalTarget (at PageWrapper.tsx:64)\n in PageWrapper (at ProductPage.tsx:156)\n in ProductPage (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridable(ProductPage) (at DynamicRouteResolver.tsx:54)\n in DynamicRouteResolver (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Route (at AppRouter.tsx:25)\n in Switch (at AppRouter.tsx:14)\n in AppRouter (at App.tsx:32)\n in BreakpointsProvider (at AppProviders.tsx:38)\n in ApolloProvider (at ApolloConnector.tsx:68)\n in ApolloConnector (at AppProviders.tsx:30)\n in Router (at RouterProvider.tsx:18)\n in RouterProvider (at AppProviders.tsx:29)\n in StoreViewProvider (at AppProviders.tsx:25)\n in ErrorBoundary (at RootErrorBoundary.tsx:105)\n in RootErrorBoundary (at AppProviders.tsx:24)\n in I18nProvider (at I18nLoader.tsx:19)\n in I18nLoader (at AppProviders.tsx:23)\n in AppProviders (at App.tsx:28)\n in App (at src/index.tsx:30)") at console.error (http://localhost:3340/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:140661:26)"
Expected Behavior
It should not freeze the browser.
Current Behavior
The regex takes a very long time to parse the string
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Paste in the browser console:
" error("Warning: Received `%s` for a non-boolean attribute `%s`.\n\nIf you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: %s=\"%s\" or %s={value.toString()}.\n\nIf you used to conditionally omit it with %s={condition && value}, pass %s={condition ? value : undefined} instead.%s", "false", "loading", "loading", "false", "loading", "loading", "loading", "\n in button (created by Context.Consumer)\n in StyledButton (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridable(StyledButton) (at Button.tsx:108)\n in Button (created by Context.Consumer)\n in StyledButton (at Button.tsx:51)\n in ButtonWithArrow (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridden(Button) (created by Context.Consumer)\n in ButtonPrimary (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridden(Styled(Overridable(Button))) (at Submit.tsx:7)\n in Submit (at AddToCartForm.tsx:98)\n in form (created by Form)\n in FormProvider (created by Form)\n in Form (at AddToCartForm.tsx:97)\n in AddToCartForm (at ProductAddToCartForm.tsx:68)\n in ProductAddToCartForm (at ProductPageInfoSide.tsx:244)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Card (at ProductPageInfoSide.tsx:153)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in ProductInfo (at ProductPageInfoSide.tsx:152)\n in ProductPageInfoSide (at ProductPage.tsx:194)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in ProductTop (at ProductPage.tsx:173)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Wrapper (at Container.tsx:114)\n in ForwardRef(_c) (at ProductPage.tsx:166)\n in article (at ProductPage.tsx:165)\n in main (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Content (at PageWrapper.tsx:74)\n in div (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Page (at PageWrapper.tsx:65)\n in PortalTarget (at PageWrapper.tsx:64)\n in PageWrapper (at ProductPage.tsx:156)\n in ProductPage (at overrideOptional.tsx:16)\n in Overridable(ProductPage) (at DynamicRouteResolver.tsx:54)\n in DynamicRouteResolver (created by Context.Consumer)\n in Route (at AppRouter.tsx:25)\n in Switch (at AppRouter.tsx:14)\n in AppRouter (at App.tsx:32)\n in BreakpointsProvider (at AppProviders.tsx:38)\n in ApolloProvider (at ApolloConnector.tsx:68)\n in ApolloConnector (at AppProviders.tsx:30)\n in Router (at RouterProvider.tsx:18)\n in RouterProvider (at AppProviders.tsx:29)\n in StoreViewProvider (at AppProviders.tsx:25)\n in ErrorBoundary (at RootErrorBoundary.tsx:105)\n in RootErrorBoundary (at AppProviders.tsx:24)\n in I18nProvider (at I18nLoader.tsx:19)\n in I18nLoader (at AppProviders.tsx:23)\n in AppProviders (at App.tsx:28)\n in App (at src/index.tsx:30)") at console.error (http://localhost:3340/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:140661:26)".match(/((.*".+"[^@]*)?[^@]*)(?:@)/)
I am running Cypress tests against a React app. React dumps the component stack in the stack trace when it throws an error or warning for a component.
Your Environment
stacktrace.js version: error-stack-parser@2.0.6
Browser Name and version: Chrome 87, probably reproducible in all browsers.
Operating System and version (desktop or mobile): MacOS
This line: https://github.com/stacktracejs/error-stack-parser/blob/a3bf972e399fd39222d97f4dc241a74cc483b4db/error-stack-parser.js#L103 freezes given the following input:
Expected Behavior
It should not freeze the browser.
Current Behavior
The regex takes a very long time to parse the string
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Paste in the browser console:
I am running Cypress tests against a React app. React dumps the component stack in the stack trace when it throws an error or warning for a component.
Your Environment
Possible Solution
A different RegEx, or no RegEx at all.