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Getting Started with ReactJs campaign #15

Open SiddhantKaura opened 1 year ago

SiddhantKaura commented 1 year ago

Name of Proposer


Campaign Name

Getting Started with ReactJS

Campaign Description

Campaign should aim to provide the basic overview of ReactJS framework as it is very trending these days. Developers will get to know the advantages of ReactJS and how its component-based architecture helps to create single page web applications. Campaign is intended for beginners to give them the basic idea of this framework. ReactJS is the most demanding frameworks that is being used by tech giants. Its component based architecture makes it easier to break complex websites into smaller parts.

Number of Quests

Proposed campaign should have 2 quests.

Quest 1 Summary

It should focus to provide the theoretical information about the framework to give stackies some idea of it. We can refer reactjs docs for same. It will help stackies to taste reactjs framework and they will develop some interest to know more about it.

Quest 1 Learning Objectives

Basic Introduction to react. Companies using react. Its pros and cons over vanilla javascript.

Quest 1 Deliverables

Quiz submission that tests the basic knowledge delivered in this quest.

Quest 2 Summary

It should focus to provide the basic information about the terminologies associated with reactjs. Talking about components, props, rendering, JSX, etc. should suffice. We can refer reactjs docs for same. It is essential to know about these terminologies before getting started with react.

Quest 2 Learning Objectives

Components and Props JSX Lifecycle methods State

Quest 2 Deliverables

Quiz submission that tests the basic knowledge delivered in this quest.

pikki77 commented 1 year ago

Suggesting some improvements/add ons to this campaign:

Name of Proposer


Improvement/Add On

In this campaign, addition to the above suggestions, we can add one more quest in which we can give stackies to make a basic application like, ToDo List, Blog page, online grocery application using react. Either we can add one more quest in this campaign or later we can make other campaign something like "Moving Forward with React" and add this stuff in that. It will help stackies to use the above concepts and see the working of react practically. It will also help them to see the difference between Vanilla Javascript and React and how easy it becomes to build an application using React.

ptrisha commented 1 year ago

I'm excited about this campaign request and would like to suggest an add-on to Quest 1.

Name of Proposer



I would like to suggest the following add-on to Quest 1 Learning Objectives: React's pros and cons vs other popular frameworks such as Angular, Vue, Ember


The new objective will round out information provided by the objectives proposed earlier: companies using React pros and cons over vanilla Javascript

We can now learn which companies do not use React but some other framework, and the reasons for their choice. We will learn more about other frameworks' pros and cons vs vanilla Javascript. This objective would help Stackies in choosing the framework best suited for their project. The knowledge will better equip Stackies to explain the motivation for their choice to management and users.

ulysses-ck commented 1 year ago

Name of Proposer



This campaign can be improved by adding a one more quest

Quest 3 Summary