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Add Cybersecurity Campaign #26

Open anon-marvin opened 1 year ago

anon-marvin commented 1 year ago

Name of Proposer


Campaign Name

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Campaign Description

*Write a 3-5 sentence description of the campaign you are proposing. Your description should cover the following:

Number of Quests

The Campaign will have 2 quests

Quest 1 Summary

Quest 1 Learning Objectives

Quest 1 Deliverables

Quest 2 Summary

Quest 2 Learning Objectives

Quest 2 Deliverables

dr490n1s3d-3d8 commented 1 year ago

I would like to recommend instead of because of the learning capabilities . I think there should be "networking and basic cipher concepts " to get an overall perspective of what cybersecurity comprises. The cybersecurity field is like a mixture of all concepts from software to hardware, it doesn't have a path but still, to have a career we have to constantly learn and have curiosity, this is what this field is for

anon-marvin commented 1 year ago

I would like to recommend instead of because of the learning capabilities . I think there should be "networking and basic cipher concepts " to get an overall perspective of what cybersecurity comprises. The cybersecurity field is like a mixture of all concepts from software to hardware, it doesn't have a path but still, to have a career we have to constantly learn and have curiosity, this is what this field is for

Learning links have updated , definitely is a great website to learn linux

sanm98 commented 1 year ago

welp Stackup better add cybersecurity campaign i will be waiting for this also it should be from scratch like "how to install linux on windows".

om123rock commented 1 year ago

Quest 1 focuses on linux introduction required for cyber-security is great website to learn about linux Focuses on basics of linux , which is helpful in every I.T field

Learning links have updated , definitely is a great website to learn linub

Kerogamer commented 1 year ago

I think add quests in the campaign about networking , network_layers(osi_layers), dns and guide for burpsuite for sure that will explain most concepts like ports , dns , firewall , etc..... . also, adding a step at the end of the quest about how to avoid most common attacks that will be good for know how to secure yourself on the internet and make your browsing more secure . and at the end they should add warnings about the dangerous of the cybersecuirty and use experience to protect from attacks not to attacking

Thank you anon-marvin for submitting about cybersecurity and i think the quests are perfect to start i hope see cybersecurity campaign at the future

anon-marvin commented 1 year ago

Will update the quests again with your suggestions

Swastik-ui commented 1 year ago

I think Cybesecurity will be great course to work upon. I love the fact that how functions are being performed here and how we can get knowledge of hacking skills and also here on Stackup we will implement some of the basic functionalities and make our skills at a next level. Would be very happy if this course is introduced in the future.