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Data Structure and Algorithms Campaign #6

Open nitansshujain opened 2 years ago

nitansshujain commented 2 years ago

Name of Proposer

Nitansshu Jain

Campaign Name


Campaign Description

Number of Quests

Number of quests can be huge, like more than 20, but it will be fun to solve the problems, kind of brain-teaser

Quest 1 Summary

*Write a 1-3 sentence description of the first quest. Your description should cover the following:

Quest 1 Learning Objectives - Arrays

Stackies will learn how to solve and code real-life problems, which means turning your thoughts into reality

Quest 1 Deliverables

Screenshot of your running code, with sample test cases running correctly

Quest 2 Learning Objectives - Stacks

Stackies will learn how to solve and code real-life problems, which means turning your thoughts into reality

Quest 2 Deliverables

Screenshot of your running code, with sample test cases running correctly

Quest 3 Learning Objectives - Graphs

Stackies will learn how to solve and code real-life problems, which means turning your thoughts into reality

Quest 3 Deliverables

Screenshot of your running code, with sample test cases running correctly

Other Quests can be on solving trees, and dynamic programming problems. etc...... IMPORTANT: You should have Summary, Learning Objectives and Deliverables sections for each quest you are suggesting. For example, if you have 3 quests, you should fill in this information for Quest 1 in the template above, then copy and paste the headings and fill up the information for Quest 2 and Quest 3 also.

Goyal87094 commented 2 years ago

In this campaign, you have to make quests for at least each important topics.

First thing I suggest you to add Quests on Arrays, Stacks, Queue, Linked List, Heap, Trees and Graphs or what you can do, that make three or four Question which covers most of the topic of DSA.

Secondly, You can have particular quests on important and most used algorithms.

Tanya8699 commented 2 years ago

Name of the proposer



We know that the data structure is quite lengthy. In this campaign, adding to the above suggestions:

  1. I think this campaign might be divided into 3 campaigns: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

-(Advanced)For the 3rd campaign, the topics are: Tree, Graphs, Dynamic programming

  1. For each level campaign, the 1st quest might be the quiz by providing them some documentation links to know about the topics related to the campaign.

Why these would be improvements

By Adding DSA campaigns in this way the new stackies have the time to learn about the Data Structure more and solve some real-life problems. Setting up 1st quest as a quiz is quite good because we shall not get directly into the coding phase but give some clear understanding of DSA and its topics. It will give a boost to the new stackies of DSA and give them some basic knowledge.