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Regression on datastore promises #235

Closed monkbroc closed 8 years ago

monkbroc commented 8 years ago

This code no longer works because hook.datastore.get() doesn't return a Promise anymore.

module['exports'] = function (hook) {
  .then(function (value) {
    hook.res.end("Value " + value);
Marak commented 8 years ago

Try again?

monkbroc commented 8 years ago

hook.datastore.get(), set(), del(), exists(), recent() used to return a Promise

It appears that it no longer does, breaking code that relied on the Promise API of hook.datastore

Marak commented 8 years ago

Can you try again?

monkbroc commented 8 years ago

It's a different error now. No longer a function call error on then() but this.

 {"error":true,"message":"\"anonymous\" does not have the role \"datastore::get\" which is required to access \"/datastore/get\"\n\nIf you are the owner of this resource try logging in at\n\nIf any access keys have been created you can also provide a `hook_private_key` parameter to access the service.","user":"anonymous","role":"datastore::get","type":"unauthorized-role-access"}
Marak commented 8 years ago

Try one more time. We had some issues migrating legacy users.

monkbroc commented 8 years ago

Thanks. It is working again now. That's an strange manifestation of a migration issue, but thanks for resolving it quickly!

Marak commented 8 years ago

Is quite simple.

First, was not set in chroot jail. So that is one line change.

Second, your user document was cached and missing new internal API access key. I cleared cache and your new internal api access key is now bound to your user scope.

Sorry for the issues!