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[Flutter] Frontend components #106

Open ianthetechie opened 1 month ago

ianthetechie commented 1 month ago

Basically there are two paths toward a Flutter frontend.

  1. "Flutter native" approach
  2. Wrapping the SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose components from iOS and Android

I'll lay out the pros and cons of each approach here.

Flutter native

We can leverage Flutter MapLibre GL to get MapLibre on all platforms with Flutter bindings that are idiomatic and (ostensibly) easy to optimize for efficiency. There would only be one additional layer of binding between the C++ core and Flutter's state management (which determines redraw timing, much like other modern composable reactive frameworks). In fact, it would even let us support flutter web and (once MapLibre adds macOS support back) desktop through a single library. That'd be pretty cool ;)

The only downside here is that we have to maintain another platform and its UI components.

Wrapping SwiftUI and Compose

We already did a lot of the work for iOS and Android; maybe we can reuse it? It seems like Flutter supports SwiftUI views and Compose.

I do not know how much work this is, or how efficient it is. This is a question we'll need to answer before deciding on a path forward. Specifically: