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Decide on web frontend strategy / frameworks #109

Open ianthetechie opened 1 month ago

ianthetechie commented 1 month ago

I mentioned / we discussed React in the initial conversations and project description, but I want to see if there are any easier paths.

Here are some more options.

Leptos might actually very cleanly solve everything from wasm interop with Rust to reactivity. It would be very easy to use with a client side rendering approach but I'm not sure how well it lends itself to packaging the result as a library.

Seed - recommended by several at the Seoul Rust meetup. Also unsure how easily one could package libraries with this.

ianthetechie commented 1 month ago

Probably also worth noting that we absolutely should have a fairly Vanilla JS core and then build on top of it for React (or Vue or Leptos or anything else we target). Frontend frameworks come and go all the time and we should probably look at a few to understand best how to support them all at a foundational level first and then build out for popular ones (like react) over time / in separate repos.

CatMe0w commented 1 month ago

Seed is not maintained and that is a big no to me. I also find it has a relatively steep learning curve and for me I would not pick it in the first place. Leptos looks more intuitive and more promising, but I would rather stick with some mature techonologies that are already widely accepted by the industries, such as React and Vue.