stadiamaps / ferrostar

A FOSS navigation SDK built from the ground up for the future
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React Native core wrapper #116

Open ianthetechie opened 2 weeks ago

ianthetechie commented 2 weeks ago

Wrapping the FerrostarCore classes in an Expo library will get us halfway to full RN support. MapLibre React Native already provides an acceptable solution for a fully custom UI.

There is an ongoing slack thread discussing the process, and it appears that RN doesn't support SPM:

It appears that a workaround that enables integrating (at least some types of) SPM packages via CocoaPods: The PR is pretty fresh and the last comment was only a few days ago, so I'm somewhat hopeful this can land (not sure how long it takes to get to a release though).

ianthetechie commented 2 weeks ago

Dropping this link as well in case it becomes relevant: This shouldn't be an issue for the core, but it might be depending on how the pod works.