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[iOS] Ability to select location provider and waypoints in demo app #36

Open ianthetechie opened 4 months ago

ianthetechie commented 4 months ago

Context from initial discussion:

Yeah, my thought was use the settings page to easily configure this as well as waypoints. Thinking:

  1. Tap the gear,
  2. Switch for LocationProviding (Simulated, Live)
  3. Any permission requirements.
  4. Editable list of waypoints (we can absolutely also enable the tap map to add them).

This stuff can all easily be done with some SwiftUI and the @AppStorage decorator.

I agree though, that should be its own ticket after this is merged.

_Originally posted by @Archdoog in

ianthetechie commented 4 months ago

Worth noting btw that the first implementation can be (much) simpler than this. Just being able to select a single destination waypoint in live mode + being able to select from a baked in route and simulated path would be perfect for a first pass and I think minimize the effort.