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Claims - Inconsistency between the claim key in RB and IOBWS-Claims3.0 #175

Closed thebingi closed 1 year ago

thebingi commented 1 year ago

There is an inconsistency between the claim keys in RB and IOBWS-Claims3.0.

The key in RB is composed, for example, like this:

030166547187660612998020230405 Claim number - Kennitala of the claimant - Due date

The key in IOBWS-3 for the same claim is as follows:

660612998003016654718720+230405 Kennitala of the claimant - Claim number - Due date

That is, the Kennitala and claim number are switched.

Additionally, there is a plus sign before the due date in IOBWS-Claims3.0. Using a plus sign (+) in a query string for a REST API is possible, but it is not recommended, as it can lead to confusion or incorrect parsing. In URLs, the plus sign is commonly used to represent a space character. When a query string includes a plus sign, it might be interpreted as a space by some systems or libraries, causing unexpected behavior.

I would like to be able to input the IOBWS-3 key into the IH interface at RB to look up a claim. This could save a lot of manual work in the coming years.

Kristinn-Stefansson commented 1 year ago

Meeting of TN-FMÞ-VH7-15 discussed the question and suggestion. The overriding factor in the decision when it was made was matching this up with the implementation in the Payment schema. Therefore this will remain unchanged currently.