stadlar / IST-FUT-FMTH

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Claims - GetClaims - LastChanged field in dateSpanReferenceDate filter unavailable #190

Open thebingi opened 1 year ago

thebingi commented 1 year ago

In the current API standard, a dateSpanReferenceDate filter is used in the GetClaims request. One of the fields specified for filtering is LastChanged. However, this field is currently not available in RB's data when fetching claim information.

To maintain consistency:

Temporarily remove LastChanged as a field in dateSpanReferenceDate until it can be properly supported. This would remove any current confusion caused by the field's inclusion.

Alternatively, make necessary changes to RB's data handling to support the LastChanged field, ensuring that the standard is fully realized in the API.

asgeirhall commented 1 year ago

The banks aggreed that this would be very helpful addition to the service. Today I have to make very big queries to get basic information back for example about what claims have been cancelled/changed yesterday.

Kristinn-Stefansson commented 1 year ago

Meeting TN-FMÞ-VH7-16 tasked the deligates with getting this on the discussion agenda in the upcoming product management meetings for the backend system.