Current StadtNavi offers much to many map display options.
This should be simplified to not confuse and overload the user.
In German these options should be enough: Keep it simple!
Bus &Bahn (or ÖPNV = public transport)
Sharing (Carsharing and Carpooling, Taxi)
Fahrrad (bike)
Infrastructure (Park, Charging station, public toilets, LoRaWAN - if needed at all)
Display certain items only if specific routes are presented already: Eg. display "Baustelle" (construction) only if it has impact on the routes.
Current StadtNavi offers much to many map display options. This should be simplified to not confuse and overload the user. In German these options should be enough: Keep it simple!
Display certain items only if specific routes are presented already: Eg. display "Baustelle" (construction) only if it has impact on the routes.