stadust / pointercrate

Rewrite of the backend in Rust
MIT License
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with Google #127

Open stadust opened 2 months ago

stadust commented 2 months ago

Add the ability to sign in with Google. The end goal is that the current registration and username/password system will be completely replaced (with the option to use the current username/password login only for accounts created before the new system was put in place).

We won't support changing the google account associated with a pointercrate account (at least for now, although I guess a lot of the code from Phase 1 could be reused to implement this should it ever be needed).

stadust commented 2 months ago

Oh, and there's also some code scattered around the repository about "email verification". That was an old attempt to instead associated email addresses to pointercrate accounts for password reset reasons. It failed because I couldn't be bothered to set up an email server. So that code should probably just be deleted as part of this.

stadust commented 2 months ago

In the beginning, the interesting code for this project lives almost completely in the pointercrate-user packages.

For the last phase, some work with the demonlist packages will be needed, but we can get to that later