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no page load time breakdown in ES?? #50

Open gggopi opened 6 years ago

gggopi commented 6 years ago

Hi, I noticed that the page load time breakdown is not going to ES anymore with the new upgrade.
Has it been removed? Why? Will it be back ? When?

trampi commented 6 years ago

Hi, the page load time breakdown is being replaced by a new feature, called EUM (end user monitoring). I am writing the documentation for the new end user monitoring at this moment. It gives you a better insight into the different aspects of the timing of a browser. EUM is more fine grained and allows a better understanding of the different parts of a page load.

The current version of the documentation is in the link below, expect an update regarding the usage of this feature later today:

I am here if you have any further questions.

felixbarny commented 6 years ago

From 0.80.0 on, there is no page load time breakdown in the stagemonitor-metrics* index. Instead, there are pageload spans in the stagemonitor-spans* index. There will be a dashboard to have a more fine grained breakdown based on pageload spans.

gggopi commented 6 years ago

Thanks @trampi @felixbarny

Does this have separate a dashboard? Name?

felixbarny commented 6 years ago

The dashboard is not yet finished but we have prototyped a visualization. You can import it via Kibana > Management > Saved Objects (unzip the json first)

But you will have to enable end user monitoring first:

gggopi commented 6 years ago

The js loaded in the browser is giving a 204 response code. I dont see the pageload metrics in ES. Checked http://es_ip:port/stagemonitor-spans-[YYYY.MM.DD]/pageload/_search

trampi commented 6 years ago

Any log messages in the monitored application? Like limit of total fields [1000] in index?

felixbarny commented 6 years ago

The index type is not pageload. Try /stagemonitor-spans*/_search?q=type:pageload

gggopi commented 6 years ago

Yes. Got it. Metrics are there. Imported viz works fine. Thanks. @felixbarny @trampi