stakater / IngressMonitorController

A Kubernetes controller to watch ingresses and create liveness alerts for your apps/microservices in UptimeRobot, StatusCake, Pingdom, etc. – [✩Star] if you're using it!
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[ENHANCE] UptimeRobot all monitors features #603

Open didier-segura opened 1 month ago

didier-segura commented 1 month ago

Can it be possible to add all missing features in a monitor creation ?

Best regards !

SheryarButt commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @didier-segura Pull requests are welcomed, feel free to add one

didier-segura commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @SheryarButt ,

I will try to PR something, but I can't check if it will works correctly.

dsegurakaliop commented 2 weeks ago

It seems I can't create a PR.


package uptimerobot

import (
    Http "net/http"

    endpointmonitorv1alpha1 ""

type UpTimeMonitorService struct {
    apiKey            string
    url               string
    alertContacts     string
    statusPageService UpTimeStatusPageService

// Default Interval for status checking
const DefaultInterval = 300

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) Equal(oldMonitor models.Monitor, newMonitor models.Monitor) bool {
    if !(reflect.DeepEqual(monitor.processProviderConfig(oldMonitor, false), monitor.processProviderConfig(newMonitor, false))) {
        log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("There are some new changes in %s monitor", newMonitor.Name))
        return false
    return true

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) Setup(p config.Provider) {
    monitor.apiKey = p.ApiKey
    monitor.url = p.ApiURL
    monitor.alertContacts = p.AlertContacts
    monitor.statusPageService = UpTimeStatusPageService{}

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) GetByName(name string) (*models.Monitor, error) {
    action := "getMonitors"

    client := http.CreateHttpClient(monitor.url + action)

    body := "api_key=" + monitor.apiKey + "&format=json&logs=1&alert_contacts=1&search=" + name

    response := client.PostUrlEncodedFormBody(body)

    if response.StatusCode == Http.StatusOK {
        var f UptimeMonitorGetMonitorsResponse
        err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes, &f)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Unable to unmarshal JSON")

        if f.Monitors != nil {
            for _, monitor := range f.Monitors {
                if monitor.FriendlyName == name {
                    return UptimeMonitorMonitorToBaseMonitorMapper(monitor), nil

        return nil, nil

    errorString := "GetByName Request failed for name: " + name + ". Status Code: " + strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode)

    return nil, errors.New(errorString)

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) GetAllByName(name string) ([]models.Monitor, error) {
    action := "getMonitors"

    client := http.CreateHttpClient(monitor.url + action)

    body := "api_key=" + monitor.apiKey + "&format=json&logs=1" + "&search=" + name

    response := client.PostUrlEncodedFormBody(body)

    if response.StatusCode == 200 {
        var f UptimeMonitorGetMonitorsResponse
        err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes, &f)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Unable to unmarshal JSON")

        if len(f.Monitors) > 0 {
            return UptimeMonitorMonitorsToBaseMonitorsMapper(f.Monitors), nil
        return nil, nil

    errorString := "GetAllByName Request failed for name: " + name + ". Status Code: " + strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode)

    return nil, errors.New(errorString)

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) GetAll() []models.Monitor {

    action := "getMonitors"

    client := http.CreateHttpClient(monitor.url + action)

    body := "api_key=" + monitor.apiKey + "&format=json&logs=1"

    response := client.PostUrlEncodedFormBody(body)

    if response.StatusCode == Http.StatusOK {

        var f UptimeMonitorGetMonitorsResponse
        err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes, &f)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Unable to unmarshal list monitors response")

        return UptimeMonitorMonitorsToBaseMonitorsMapper(f.Monitors)


    log.Info("GetAllMonitors Request for UptimeRobot failed. Status Code: " + strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode))
    return nil


func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) Add(m models.Monitor) {
    action := "newMonitor"

    client := http.CreateHttpClient(monitor.url + action)

    body := monitor.processProviderConfig(m, true)

    response := client.PostUrlEncodedFormBody(body)

    if response.StatusCode == Http.StatusOK {
        var f UptimeMonitorNewMonitorResponse
        err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes, &f)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Monitor couldn't be added: "+m.Name)

        if f.Stat == "ok" {
            log.Info("Monitor Added: " + m.Name)
            monitor.handleStatusPagesConfig(m, strconv.Itoa(f.Monitor.ID))
        } else {
            log.Info("Monitor couldn't be added: " + m.Name + ". Error: " + f.Error.Message)
    } else {
        log.Info("AddMonitor Request failed. Status Code: " + strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode))

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) Update(m models.Monitor) {
    action := "editMonitor"

    client := http.CreateHttpClient(monitor.url + action)

    body := monitor.processProviderConfig(m, false)

    response := client.PostUrlEncodedFormBody(body)

    if response.StatusCode == Http.StatusOK {
        var f UptimeMonitorStatusMonitorResponse
        err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes, &f)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Monitor couldn't be updated: "+m.Name)
        if f.Stat == "ok" {
            log.Info("Monitor Updated: " + m.Name)
            monitor.handleStatusPagesConfig(m, strconv.Itoa(f.Monitor.ID))
        } else {
            log.Info("Monitor couldn't be updated: " + m.Name + ". Error: " + f.Error.Message)
    } else {
        log.Info("UpdateMonitor Request failed. Status Code: " + strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode))

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) processProviderConfig(m models.Monitor, createMonitorRequest bool) string {
    var body string

    // if createFunction is true, generate query for create else for update
    if createMonitorRequest {
        body = "api_key=" + monitor.apiKey + "&format=json&url=" + url.QueryEscape(m.URL) + "&friendly_name=" + url.QueryEscape(m.Name)
    } else {
        body = "api_key=" + monitor.apiKey + "&format=json&id=" + m.ID + "&friendly_name=" + m.Name + "&url=" + m.URL

    // Retrieve provider configuration
    providerConfig, _ := m.Config.(*endpointmonitorv1alpha1.UptimeRobotConfig)

    // Type (Required)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.MonitorType) != 0 {
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(providerConfig.MonitorType), "http") {
            body += "&type=1"
        } else if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(providerConfig.MonitorType), "keyword") {
            body += "&type=2"

            if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.KeywordExists) != 0 {

                if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(providerConfig.KeywordExists), "yes") {
                    body += "&keyword_type=1"
                } else if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(providerConfig.KeywordExists), "no") {
                    body += "&keyword_type=2"

            // Keyword Value (Required for keyword monitoring)
            if len(providerConfig.KeywordValue) != 0 {
                body += "&keyword_value=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.KeywordValue)
            } else {
                body += "&keyword_type=1" // By default 1 (check if keyword exists)

            if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.KeywordValue) != 0 {
                body += "&keyword_value=" + providerConfig.KeywordValue
            } else {
                log.Error(nil, "Monitor is of type Keyword but the `keyword-value` is missing")
    } else {
        body += "&type=1" // By default monitor is of type HTTP

    // SubType (Optional for certain types)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.SubType) != 0 {
        body += "&sub_type=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.SubType)

    // Port (Optional for certain types)
    if providerConfig != nil && providerConfig.Port > 0 {
        body += "&port=" + strconv.Itoa(providerConfig.Port)

    // Interval (Optional, in seconds)
    if providerConfig != nil && providerConfig.Interval > 0 {
        body += "&interval=" + strconv.Itoa(providerConfig.Interval)
    } else {
        body += "&interval=" + strconv.Itoa(DefaultInterval)

    // Timeout (Optional, in seconds)
    if providerConfig != nil && providerConfig.Timeout > 0 {
        body += "&timeout=" + strconv.Itoa(providerConfig.Timeout)

    // HTTP Auth (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.HTTPAuthUsername) != 0 && len(providerConfig.HTTPAuthPassword) != 0 {
        body += "&http_username=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.HTTPAuthUsername)
        body += "&http_password=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.HTTPAuthPassword)
        if providerConfig.HTTPAuthType > 0 {
            body += "&http_auth_type=" + strconv.Itoa(providerConfig.HTTPAuthType)

    // Post Type (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.PostType) != 0 {
        body += "&post_type=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.PostType)

    // Post Value (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.PostValue) != 0 {
        body += "&post_value=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.PostValue)

    // HTTP Method (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.HTTPMethod) != 0 {
        body += "&http_method=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.HTTPMethod)

    // Post Content Type (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.PostContentType) != 0 {
        body += "&post_content_type=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.PostContentType)

    // Alert Contacts (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.AlertContacts) != 0 {
        body += "&alert_contacts=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.AlertContacts)
    } else {
        body += "&alert_contacts=" + url.QueryEscape(monitor.alertContacts)

    // Maintenance Windows (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.MaintenanceWindows) != 0 {
        body += "&mwindows=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.MaintenanceWindows)

    // Custom HTTP Headers (Optional, must be sent as a JSON object)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.CustomHTTPHeaders) != 0 {
        body += "&custom_http_headers=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.CustomHTTPHeaders)

    // Custom HTTP Statuses (Optional, must be sent in specific format)
    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.CustomHTTPStatuses) != 0 {
        body += "&custom_http_statuses=" + url.QueryEscape(providerConfig.CustomHTTPStatuses)

    // Ignore SSL Errors (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && providerConfig.IgnoreSSLErrors > 0 {
        body += "&ignore_ssl_errors=" + strconv.Itoa(providerConfig.IgnoreSSLErrors)

    // Disable Domain Expire Notifications (Optional)
    if providerConfig != nil && providerConfig.DisableDomainExpireNotifications > 0 {
        body += "&disable_domain_expire_notifications=" + strconv.Itoa(providerConfig.DisableDomainExpireNotifications)

    return body

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) Remove(m models.Monitor) {
    action := "deleteMonitor"

    client := http.CreateHttpClient(monitor.url + action)

    body := "api_key=" + monitor.apiKey + "&format=json&id=" + m.ID

    response := client.PostUrlEncodedFormBody(body)

    if response.StatusCode == Http.StatusOK {
        var f UptimeMonitorStatusMonitorResponse
        err := json.Unmarshal(response.Bytes, &f)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error(err, "Monitor couldn't be removed: "+m.Name)
        if f.Stat == "ok" {
            log.Info("Monitor Removed: " + m.Name)
        } else {
            log.Info("Monitor couldn't be removed: " + m.Name + ". Error: " + f.Error.Message)
    } else {
        log.Info("RemoveMonitor Request failed. Status Code: " + strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode))

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) handleStatusPagesConfig(monitorToAdd models.Monitor, monitorId string) {
    // Retrieve provider configuration
    providerConfig, _ := monitorToAdd.Config.(*endpointmonitorv1alpha1.UptimeRobotConfig)

    if providerConfig != nil && len(providerConfig.StatusPages) != 0 {
        IDs := strings.Split(providerConfig.StatusPages, "-")
        for i := range IDs {
            monitor.updateStatusPages(IDs[i], models.Monitor{ID: monitorId})

func (monitor *UpTimeMonitorService) updateStatusPages(statusPages string, monitorToAdd models.Monitor) {
    statusPage := UpTimeStatusPage{ID: statusPages}
    _, err := monitor.statusPageService.AddMonitorToStatusPage(statusPage, monitorToAdd)
    if err != nil {
        log.Info("Monitor couldn't be added to status page: " + err.Error())


package uptimerobot

type UptimeMonitorGetMonitorsResponse struct {
    Stat       string                  `json:"stat"`
    Pagination UptimeMonitorPagination `json:"pagination"`
    Monitors   []UptimeMonitorMonitor  `json:"monitors"`

type UptimeMonitorPagination struct {
    Offset int `json:"offset"`
    Limit  int `json:"limit"`
    Total  int `json:"total"`

type UptimeMonitorMonitor struct {
    ID                int                          `json:"id"`
    FriendlyName      string                       `json:"friendly_name"`
    URL               string                       `json:"url"`
    Type              int                          `json:"type"`
    SubType           string                       `json:"sub_type"`
    KeywordType       int                          `json:"keyword_type"`
    KeywordValue      string                       `json:"keyword_value"`
    HTTPUsername      string                       `json:"http_username"`
    HTTPPassword      string                       `json:"http_password"`
    Port              string                       `json:"port"`
    Interval          int                          `json:"interval"`
    Status            int                          `json:"status"`
    CreateDatetime    int                          `json:"create_datetime"`
    Logs              []UptimeMonitorLogs          `json:"logs"`
    AlertContacts     []UptimeMonitorAlertContacts `json:"alert_contacts"`
    SSL               int                          `json:"ssl"`
    Timeout           int                          `json:"timeout"`
    CustomHTTPStatuses string                      `json:"custom_http_statuses"`
    CustomHeader      string                       `json:"custom_header"`

type UptimeMonitorAlertContacts struct {
    ID         string `json:"id"`
    Threshold  int    `json:"threshold"`
    Recurrence int    `json:"recurrence"`

type UptimeMonitorLogs struct {
    Type     int `json:"type"`
    Datetime int `json:"datetime"`
    Duration int `json:"duration"`

type UptimeMonitorNewMonitorResponse struct {
    Stat    string                     `json:"stat"`
    Monitor UptimeMonitorMonitorStatus `json:"monitor"`
    Error   UptimeMonitorError         `json:"error"`

type UptimeMonitorError struct {
    Type    string `json:"type"`
    Message string `json:"message"`

type UptimeMonitorMonitorStatus struct {
    ID     int `json:"id"`
    Status int `json:"status"`

type UptimeMonitorStatusMonitorResponse struct {
    Stat    string             `json:"stat"`
    Error   UptimeMonitorError `json:"error"`
    Monitor struct {
        ID int `json:"id"`
    } `json:"monitor"`

type UptimePublicStatusPage struct {
    ID           int    `json:"id"`
    FriendlyName string `json:"friendly_name"`
    Monitors     []int  `json:"monitors"`
    CustomDomain string `json:"custom_domain"`
    Password     string `json:"password"`
    Sort         int    `json:"sort"`
    Status       int    `json:"status"`

type UptimeStatusPageResponse struct {
    Stat                   string `json:"stat"`
    UptimePublicStatusPage struct {
        ID int `json:"id"`
    } `json:"psp"`

type UptimeStatusPagesResponse struct {
    Stat       string `json:"stat"`
    Pagination struct {
        Offset int `json:"offset"`
        Limit  int `json:"limit"`
        Total  int `json:"total"`
    } `json:"pagination"`
    StatusPages []UptimePublicStatusPage `json:"psps"`

I can't test this but these are some options needed to be added.

MuneebAijaz commented 1 week ago

@dsegurakaliop have u tried making a fork on your side of this project, and pushing those changes to a branch, then opening a PR to upstream master branch? You should be able to do that.