stakater / Reloader

A Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and DeploymentConfig – [✩Star] if you're using it!
Apache License 2.0
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[Question] What are the rights that are necessary and how does it work behind the scenes? #394

Open paillave opened 1 year ago

paillave commented 1 year ago

I am wondering what is takes to use the reloader. The client we are serving wants to know in details how it works to ensure their k8s infrastructure is not at risk in any case. Can you tell what is technically speaking the principle of the reloader installed the following way?

 kubectl apply -k

and used the following way:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  annotations: "true"
faizanahmad055 commented 1 year ago

In simple terms, Reloader needs:

looks for change events in:

So, it just looks for change events and if a resource has a reloader annotation and corresponds to the change, it will create/update an environment variable in that resource (i.e. deployment) to trigger a rolling update.

Ghilteras commented 1 year ago

@faizanahmad055 how do we exclude ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding from the templates? If I just link the repo as a dependency on my chart it will try to deploy these cluster wide role/bindings for which I have no permissions. How do I override this in the values file so that it deploys Role and RoleBinding instead of ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding ?

faizanahmad055 commented 1 year ago

You need to set the watchGlobally flag to false. Please check the readme.

helm install stakater/reloader --set reloader.watchGlobally=false --namespace test # For helm3 add --generate-name flag or set the release name