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[Blueprint] Instance Pool - Launch Configuration with EBS attached option #187

Open hazim1093 opened 7 years ago

hazim1093 commented 7 years ago

Currently, we can create a launch configuration with 2 EBS attached (ebs for data and logs) or without EBS using blueprint-instance pool.

The option currently is based only on "data_ebs_device_name" variable, i.e. if data ebs device name is specified, then the launch configuration will be created with data ebs and logs ebs.

The issue is that option creates launch configuration with 2 EBS attached, based on information of 1 EBS also.

There should be a separate option for attaching the number of EBS you want? or the option with 2 EBS attached should be based on "data_ebs_device_name" as well as "data_logs_device_name" variable

hazim1093 commented 7 years ago

Making the resource dependent on variables i.e. "data_ebs_device_name" and "data_logs_device_name" seems to be possible and a lot easier by the addition of conditional values in terraform 0.8