Create a service designed to monitor and act upon changes within the database. This service will detect updates and trigger predefined actions in response to significant events such as creating or exiting a validator, setting graffiti, and entering or leaving the smoothing pool.
Implement a reliable monitoring system for detecting specific changes in the database.
Automate responses to key database events to ensure timely and appropriate actions.
Change Detection Mechanism: Develop a mechanism to efficiently detect specific changes in the database, focusing on:
Creating a validator
Exiting a validator
Setting graffiti
Entering or leaving the smoothing pool
Action Triggers: Define and implement triggers that activate specific actions or workflows in response to detected changes, ensuring that each event type has a corresponding, predefined action.
Configurable Actions: Allow for the configuration of actions that the service will execute upon detecting changes. These actions could include notifications, broadcasting transactions, updates to other systems, or internal processing tasks.
Logging and Monitoring: Implement logging to track database changes and actions taken, facilitating auditing and troubleshooting.
Design Considerations
The service should be scalable, capable of handling a high frequency of database events and subsequent actions without performance degradation.
Optimize the change detection mechanism to minimize latency between a database event occurring and the corresponding action being executed.
Technical Considerations
Consider the use of database triggers, event listeners, or a polling mechanism to efficiently detect changes.
Ensure that the system securely handles data and operations, especially when actions involve sensitive information or operations like private keys.
Evaluate best way to ensure changes match the desired state.
Create a service designed to monitor and act upon changes within the database. This service will detect updates and trigger predefined actions in response to significant events such as creating or exiting a validator, setting graffiti, and entering or leaving the smoothing pool.
Design Considerations
Technical Considerations