stakwork / sphinx-key

Lightning hardware signer on ESP32
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Reduce client list growth #102

Closed irriden closed 12 months ago

irriden commented 12 months ago

With this PR, the client list grows with the number of unique devices that a user connects to broker.

The client id now has two parts, a random, but fixed "device id", an a random "session id" generated fresh for each connection.

The two parts are separated by a _. I tried /, but the rumqttd plumbing complains.

EDIT: closes #100 depends on

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

Remove any expects ... for example now cid.split_once("_").expect would cause the connection handler thread to crash... so someone could bring down the broker just by connecting with a client id with no _

or the String::from_utf8(existing.to_vec()).expect Err could be handled as well

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

Also... why the double pub_timeout here

Can you just set current to the next client? Then the loop will go around again and try the next one

irriden commented 12 months ago

The idea is "try the current connection," then try all other devices by iterating through the full map.

If I just set current to the next client, I have to keep the iterator over the entire map across separate iterations no ?

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

Ok.. thinking about this more... we shouldn't just loop through all clients, since some (mobile signers) will usually not be online so there is no point in trying them.

Should we prefix the client IDs with esp or something to let the broker know they are "always-on" signers?

Then u cant just look in client_list to find the next one that starts with esp right? and set_current to that... then on the next time around the loop it will try the next one right?

irriden commented 12 months ago

client-list could be made solely of always on signers, so no need to "look for" esp, just try them all?

irriden commented 12 months ago

Ephemeral signers like the phone go straight to setting the current value, but don't get added to the client_list.

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

How would the phone get sent VLS requests if its not in the client list?

Eventually we can filter by "send" and "receive" VLS calls (like all keysend signatures will go to the phone, since we can assume its on since they just sent a keysend), but all "receive" and other random things like AnnounceChannel etc can go to the hardware

irriden commented 12 months ago

The phone ID will be stored in the current member of conns.

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

Hmmm ya i guess that works. But what if there are multiple ephemeral signers (phone and laptop for example)...

Maybe we should assume mobile signers will always need an LSS sync and actually shouldn't store their ID to re-use?

irriden commented 12 months ago

Ok.. thinking about this more... we shouldn't just loop through all clients, since some (mobile signers) will usually not be online so there is no point in trying them.

How about we keep all clients in the client list? It seems to me each attempt at making a connection is cheap no?

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

Ya lets keep the all in the list. We can fiddle with choosing mobile signer vs ESP in the next PR

irriden commented 12 months ago

Seems to me a single persistent ID will work. Do we want to revert back to a vector ?

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

HashMap + current is fine i think. We may want to add more things to the value of the hashmap later... like timestamp, signer type, etc. Also HashMap is more efficient

irriden commented 12 months ago

So for now key is client ID, and value is empty ?

Evanfeenstra commented 12 months ago

Just do a <string, bool> for now and set true for any signer... next PR we can use that bool to store if its an always-on signer or not

irriden commented 12 months ago

@Evanfeenstra this is what it looks like now let me know what you think. Single reconnects looking good gonna test multi signer mode next.

irriden commented 12 months ago

Multi signer tested - working all good.